英语人>词典>汉英 : 大人 的英文翻译,例句
大人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
milord  ·  Monsignor  ·  panjandrum  ·  sahib  ·  lordships  ·  monsignor  ·  sahibs  ·  Huzoor

更多网络例句与大人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I considered and adults with sleep, but because more adults quilts to baby always covered with 4 ventilate, no one slept her small bed warmer.


Research with infants and toddlers has led to a description of normal egocentrism; children are likely to view any event as the result of something they did or a volitional act on the part of an adult—because adults are seen as "allpowerful" and can do anything they want.7 It is, therefore, important to reassure the child in the case above that Mommy did not want to leave her and that Mommy's death was not related to anything the child did or said.


When if there is a few to probe activity in the child,Youring Excellency, the safe and intended gally for him he, the child won't think adult says incorrectly, and can consider as oneself incorrect, as time passes, the child can become dare to explore the world outside no longer, become overcautious and dissocial.


The difference between the high-up and other ordinary animals is that the high-up is the result of reflection of human beings.


On the other hand, comparing with scarce data in the corpus study, the great difference between the high accuracy of the single SFPs and the low accuracy of ill-formed sequences in the experiment argued that children do not purely repeat back and adult input frequency is irrelevant to the emergence order of SFPs.


One lacquey carried the chocolate-pot into the sacred presence; a second, milled and frothed the chocolate with the little instrument he bore for that function; a third, presented the favoured napkin; a fourth he of the two old watches


Every year, she solemnly renewed her vows, and at the moment of taking the oath, she said to the priest,"Monseigneur Saint-Francois gave it to Monseigneur Saint-Julien, Monseigneur Saint-Julien gave it to Monseigneur Saint-Eusebius, Monseigneur Saint-Eusebius gave it to Monseigneur Saint-Procopius, etc., etc.; and thus I give it to you, father."


Monseigneur gone, and the three strong men absolving themselves from the sin of having drawn his high wages, by being more than ready and willing to cut his throat on the altar of the dawning Republic one and indivisible of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death, Monseigneurs house had been first sequestrated, and then confiscated.


"His excellency the Count of Monte Cristo had," he said,"given positive orders that the carriage was to remain at their lordships' orders all day, and they could therefore dispose of it without fear of indiscretion ."


Every year, she solemnly renewed her vows, and at the moment of taking the oath, she said to the priest,"Monseigneur Saint-Francois gave it to Monseigneur Saint-Julien, Monseigneur Saint-Julien gave it to Monseigneur Saint-Eusebius, Monseigneur Saint-Eusebius gave it to Monseigneur Saint-Procopius, etc., etc.; and thus I give it to you, father."


更多网络解释与大人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My lord Reynald prays you bring your force into Kerak:雷纳尔德大人要你领兵进入城堡

My lord Balian! My lord Balian!|巴里安大人... | My lord Reynald prays you bring your force into Kerak.|雷纳尔德大人要你领兵进入城堡 | Thank you, but no. If we do, these people will die.|谢谢,但是不行 我...

n neonate:婴孩 好大人出生就十分厉害,操纵火灵灭了要杀死他的式神

n neonate 婴孩 好大人出生就十分厉害,操纵火灵灭了要杀死他的式神. | o oxygen 氧气 好大人的持有灵火灵的媒介是空气中的氧气,这大家都知道... | p paltry 渺小 这是好大人经常说的一句话,在这之后发生的惨事就不用说...

p paltry:渺小 这是好大人经常说的一句话,在这之后发生的惨事就不用说了

o oxygen 氧气 好大人的持有灵火灵的媒介是空气中的氧气,这大家都知道的吧... | p paltry 渺小 这是好大人经常说的一句话,在这之后发生的惨事就不用说了... | q quality 特质 好大人拥有能看清别人在想什么的特殊能力...

r reborn:复活 好大人每一次复活为的都是为成为通灵王,为得到精灵王

q quality 特质 好大人拥有能看清别人在想什么的特殊能力... | r reborn 复活 好大人每一次复活为的都是为成为通灵王,为得到精灵王. | s stars 星星 看到好大人身上穿戴着的以及他以前身为阴阳师,精通五行等就不难想到...

Lord Rowan:羅宛大人

Maester Frenken法仁肯學士 | Lord Rowan羅宛大人 | Lord Redwyne雷德溫大人

v vacuous:空虚 其实好大人是十分空虚的,正因如此他才不断追求更强大的力量

u undying 不朽永恒 好大人有不朽永恒的生命,就算死了也可以在度转世... | v vacuous 空虚 其实好大人是十分空虚的,正因如此他才不断追求更强大的力量. | w wishing 愿望 好大人的愿望是什么呢?建造一个只有通灵人的世...

x xenophobe:憎恨外国人的人 可以说好大人十分憎恨人类,所以才要建造一个只有通灵人的世界

w wishing 愿望 好大人的愿望是什么呢?建造一个只有通灵人的... | x xenophobe 憎恨外国人的人 可以说好大人十分憎恨人类,所以才要建造一个只有通灵人的世界. | y yummy 美味的 美味的灵魂是好大人火灵的食物(一定是要...

Y Yummy:美味的 美味的灵魂是好大人火灵的食物(一定是要美味的)

x xenophobe 憎恨外国人的人 可以说好大人十分憎恨人类,所以才要建造一个只有通灵人的世界. | y yummy 美味的 美味的灵魂是好大人火灵的食物(一定是要美味的) | z zap 杀掉 把身躯灵魂都烧掉就是杀掉对方吧!



My lord Tiberias:泰比利亚斯大人

Mmm. Of course.|当然 | My lord Tiberias.|泰比利亚斯大人 | My lord.|大人