英语人>词典>汉英 : 大举 的英文翻译,例句
大举 的英文翻译、例句


in great force
更多网络例句与大举相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We expect the quick anabasis of International banks、Insurances、Funds in 2005 to 2006 will operate quite great in Chinese market.


So, alibaba hits out in a large-scale 2009, won't produce miserable in that way like associate with intense possibly, often reduce treat customers at one's leisure talks endowment mad saliva battle.


Investors are already balking at the heavy use of printing presses.


In Taiwan, many candidates ballyhoo their campaigning in the street.


Politicians such as Barnaby Joyce, alarmed by Chinese moves to snap up Australian mining assets, have been quick to make a connection.


This is the next Hong Kong Hutchison Whampoa headed off to Beijing real estate market beachhead.


Most of all, a lending binge in Africa and Latin America is an old film with an unhappy ending.


Perhaps everybody may asked, How does the Japanese imperialism dare the Chinese on a large scale butcher knife?


Output barely rose from 2004 to 2007—a period when the rulers of the Kremlin, a cold-eyed and control-oriented crew, seized choice fields once held by private oil barons.


Not that contortionist, simultaneously going gung-ho and heading for the exit.


更多网络解释与大举相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




出動懸掛吊桶的直昇機向鼠島空投毒鼠藥,如今溝鼠(norway rat)不見蹤影,且有些鳥類重現小島. ...一艘日本船只在阿留申群岛(Aleutian)发生海难之后,船上充斥的沟鼠(norway rat)便大举迁移到这处偏僻的小岛,由於缺乏天敌,...

Alicia Keys:艾丽西娅.凯斯

此外,艾丽西娅-凯斯(Alicia Keys)和Hoobastank等代表美国参加演出,还有日本的安室奈美惠、泰国的Tata Young、加拿大的Simple Plan、印度的Asha Bhosle等各国代表歌手大举参加.


过去4年外国企业大举进军英国,前后以2920亿英 镑并购英国企业,包括电信公司O2、零售银行Abbey 、 英国机场管理公司(BAA)、高级汽车捷豹(Jaguar Land Rover)等相继被卖出.

Cisco Systems:思科

在这股高科技业整并风潮中,IBM已买下统计软件公司SPSS、全球第二大软件制造商甲骨文并购了升阳(Sun Microsystems)公司、全球网络设备龙头"思科"(Cisco Systems)今年更大举吞并三家公司,形成"大者恒大,强者更强"的局面.

Massive Attack:大举进攻

提到Trip-Hop,国内的读者对这种音乐的最初印象应该还是来自与"玻蒂斯海德"(Portishead)、"大举进攻"(Massive Attack)、特里奇(Tricky)这三个名字相关的文章片段..1、钢琴(Piano) 钢琴不但在古典音乐中处于"王者"的地位,在爵士乐中也不例外.

Massive Attack:大举进崔家沟监狱吧攻

Metallica 金属乐队 | Massive Attack 大举进崔家沟监狱吧攻 | Mr.Big 大先生/大人物

make a push for sth:(对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);[军]猛烈攻击, 大举进攻

make a push at sth. (对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事)... | make a push for sth. (对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);[军]猛烈攻击, 大举进攻 | make a push on sth. (对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事)...

make a push at sth:(对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);[军]猛烈攻击, 大举进攻

make a push (对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);[军]猛... | make a push at sth. (对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);[军]猛烈攻击, 大举进攻 | make a push for sth. (对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);[...

Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market:外国制造的汽车和纺织品正在大举进入国内市场

Flea market 跳蚤市场 | Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market. 外国制造的汽车和纺织品正在大举进入国内市场. | forward market 期货市场