英语人>词典>汉英 : 多雌蕊的 的英文翻译,例句
多雌蕊的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
polygynoecial  ·  polygynous

更多网络例句与多雌蕊的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xinjiang Daye'is higher than male sterile lines. 2、The pistil characters of the male sterile plants BC1-2、BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23 are improved. Hairy cells of stigma of the male sterile plants enwrap loose mastoid cells. The area of mastoid cells exterior is larger. Hairy cells of stigma of the male sterile plants are longer and abduction.Their Style is larger and wide. The cubage of the epidermal cell is larger and the arrangement of passage cells is tight.


About 2/3 of adaxial angle of nutlets affixed to gynobase; gynobase longer than nutlets

附着到雌蕊基的大约小坚果的正面的有棱的2/3;雌蕊基长于小坚果 25 Lappula ramulosa 多枝鹤虱

An integument or outer layer of various invertebrates.Having fruit or pistils with two or more carpels.


A pistil composed of two or more united carpels .Having fruit or pistils with two or more carpels .


The term pistil or compound pistil is also used to mean one or many carpels respectively.


Pistillate flower: tepals 2-5(-10); pistil composed of 2-5(-7) carpels; ovary inferior, 1-3(-7)-loculed; placentae axile or parietal; styles 2 or 3, free or fused at base, forked once or more; stigma turgid, spirally twisted-tortuous or U-shaped, capitate or reniform, setose-papillose.

雌花 花被片2-5(-10);由2-5(-7)心皮组成的雌蕊;子房下位,1-3室(-7);中轴胎座或周壁;花柱2或3,离生或者在基部合生,分叉一次或更多次;柱头膨大,螺旋缠绕扭曲或U形,头状或肾形,具刚毛小乳突。

Any of numerous herbs of the genus Ranunculus, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having acrid juice, often toothed or lobed leaves, and usually yellow or white flowers with numerous pistils.


Flowers bisexual or bisexual and male; stamens more than 2 × as many as petals; gynoecium 2- to many loculed; ovules 2 to many per locule; fruit with stalked or rarely sessile pulp vesicles; leaves odd-pinnately 3(or 5)-foliolate, digitately 3-foliolate

花两性或两性和男性;雄蕊超过2 *同数花瓣;第2-到多室雌蕊群;胚珠2到多数每室;果具柄或很少无梗果肉囊;具小叶叶奇数羽状复叶的3(或5),掌状具3小叶, 15

Stamens 5 to very numerous, in 1-3 series, fused with the rudimentary pistil into a gynostemium or in bisexual flowers connate into a cylinder; free filaments absent; anthers 2-loculed, dehiscent longitudinally or by apical pores.

雄蕊5 到多,1-3 列,退化雌蕊愈合成合蕊柱或两性花合生成圆柱体无离生的花丝;花药2室,纵裂或者凭借顶孔开裂。

Used of a single flower with two or more separate pistils, as in roses.


更多网络解释与多雌蕊的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


构成雌蕊的单位称为心皮(carpel),是具生殖作用的变态叶. 有些植物,一朵花中的雌蕊只是由一个心皮所构成,称为单雌蕊(simple pistil),如蚕豆、大豆. 更多种类植物的雌蕊是由几个心皮构成的,其中有的各心皮各自分离. 因而各雌蕊也彼此分离,



simple pistil:单雌蕊

有些植物,一朵花中的雌蕊只是由一个心皮所构成,称为单雌蕊(simple pistil),如蚕豆、大豆. 更多种类植物的雌蕊是由几个心皮构成的,其中有的各心皮各自分离. 因而各雌蕊也彼此分离,形成一朵花内多数雌蕊,称为离生雌蕊(apocarpous(2)花柱花柱是柱头和子房间的连接部分,

bulk vegetables:堆藏蔬菜, 粗菜, 普通蔬菜

petroleum institute 石油学院 | bulk vegetables 堆藏蔬菜, 粗菜, 普通蔬菜 | polygynous 一夫多妻的, 多雌蕊的

anemophilous flower:风媒花

风媒花 风媒花(anemophilous flower)的花粉散放后随风飘散, 随机地落到雌蕊的柱头上. 风媒花在长期的适应风媒传粉中形成了适应风媒传粉的特征, 其花多密集成穗状花序、柔夷花序等, 可产生大量的花粉, 花粉粒体积小, 质轻, 较干燥, 表面多较光滑,

campanulate:鐘形 似鐘的

bundle sheath extension 束鞘延伸細胞 連接葉脈與表皮的一群細胞 | campanulate 鐘形 似鐘的 | capsule 蒴果 源自多心皮雌蕊具多數種子成熟時各種開裂方式


多传感头multihead | 多磁头multihead | 多雌蕊的polygynous

polygynous:一夫多妻的, 多雌蕊的

bulk vegetables 堆藏蔬菜, 粗菜, 普通蔬菜 | polygynous 一夫多妻的, 多雌蕊的 | SCALO Scanning Local Oscillator扫描本机振荡器


polygraph 多产作家 | polygynous 多雌蕊的 | polyhaline 多盐水


复果;多花果;合生果 syncarpium;syncarp;multiple fruit;polyanthocarpium | 心皮合生的 syncarpous | 合生雌蕊果 syncarpous fruit