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多表现 的英文翻译、例句


err on the side of
更多网络例句与多表现相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Due to the repetition and contradictoriness of destruction, mastering ultimate destruction as a tool in technical detail is hardly achievable so far. Therefore, the huge blank behind the ultimate destruction leads to various possibilities in artistic creation.


In 19 hemangiomas, 9 focal hyperplastic nodules, and 9 other benign tumors, the typical enhancement patterns were slow enhancement and expurgation, swift enhancement and slow expurgation, and slow expurgation, respectively.


Tear off fault section close erect, much on seismic section plane performance is wave series fault to break, inphase axis is disorder wait for diagnostic; to be on horizontal time section, expression is inphase axis twist, size and the diagnostic; such as change yield record to basically be behaved in logging curve appear often to lie between interlining and toothed the buildup that changes rate.


It can be show different characteristics in the MRI of the orbital diseases, the sheath of the orbital tumor contain certain characteristics, can express soft muscle locate the orbital compartment or outside. and the tumor showed hypointensity or hypo-or isointense mass on T1-weighted images, and iso-or hyperintense or hyperintense mass on T2-weiglited images, inflammation expresses for the orbital inside limit the soft muscle or widespreads excrescent signal, and showed hypo-or isointense mass on Ti-weighted images, and iso-or hyperintense mass on T2-weighted images, the companion contain fatty the eye muscle big or the eye wreath increase thick, the lachrymal gland is swollen.

其在MRI表现各具有影像学特征,眼眶肿瘤多表现为位于眼眶内、外的局限性软组织肿块,MR T1WI呈等或稍低信号,T2WI呈高或等信号多见;炎性假瘤则表现为眶内局限性软组织肿块或弥漫性异常信号,MR T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,常伴有眼肌肥大或眼环增厚,泪腺肿大等。

CT images of SMA5 frequently show lobulate lesions with strongly enhanced solid and cystic components. UA occurs mostly in young patients, and typically appears as cystic lesion with mild to moderate enhancement of the wall on CT images. MA often appears in old patients, and shows extensive bone destruction, soft tissue mass, ill-defined margin, and strong enhancement on CT images.


The petroleum systems in nonmarine multi-cycle composite basins in China shows much complexity with multiple sources,multiple kitchens,multistage hydrocarbon generation and pooling.


The results indicated that the typical apoptosis was induced by PRRSV in lungs and uteri. The ultrastructural changes showed different characterizations at different stages of the infection. During the early stage from 8th h to day 3 postinfection,the apoptosis cells shrank,the cytoplasm concentrated,the chromatin condensed,the kernel disaggregated and the endoplasmic reticulum dilated. During the middle stage from day 5 to day 9 postinfection,the apoptosis cells evidently shrank,the cell membranes protu berated,the plastosome manifolded,and apoptosis bodies were found. During the last stage from day 10 upwards postinfection,the apoptosis bodies degenerated and disappeared,and no inflammation occurred. Few apoptosis cells were necrotic.

结果表明,PRRSV可诱导宿主肺和子宫发生典型的细胞凋亡,表现为细胞的超微形态结构随着病毒感染进程出现不同的特征性变化,早期(感染后第8 h至第3 d)凋亡细胞多表现为细胞体积缩小,细胞质密度增强,染色质浓缩,核仁解体,内质网扩张;中期(感染后第5 d至第9 d)凋亡细胞体积显著缩小,细胞膜突起,线粒体增多,有凋亡小体形成;晚期(感染后第10 d以后)凋亡细胞形态多表现为凋亡小体降解和消失,少数凋亡细胞在凋亡晚期表现为坏死细胞。

Results In 11 cases,5 cases were intracranial,and 6 cases intravertebral canal.MRI could effectively show similarly shuttle or long-round shape's abnormal signal imaging.The T1W imaging showed uniformity or asymmetric and low or equal signal.The borders were slighty low or equal signal intensity,some had spetum.The T2W imaging showed obviously high signal,and a few cases showed slightly high or equal signal,while the borders showed slightly low or equal signal imaging.The thin peripheral could be obviously enhanced,but without inner enhancement.

结果 11例中发生于颅内5例,椎管内6例,其 MRI 表现:断面上显示为在颅板下或椎管内的梭形或长圆形异常信号影, T1WI 上表现为均匀或不均匀的低、略低或等信号影,周边为略低或等信号的较厚边缘,少部分(2例)有分隔; T2WI 上多表现为较明显的高信号,少数呈等、略高信号,并可见略低或等信号的边缘;增强扫描病灶边缘明显强化,其内无明显强化或不强化,1例病灶呈较均匀的强化,1例病灶部分呈片状强化。

I believed that according to student's age characteristic, carries on the zetetic study, must let the student be many "moves" many,"said that", many "thought", many "performance", enables each student various aspects ability to obtain the different development, thus improves student's mathematics quality.


Imaging appearances of AIDS complicated with pulmoanry tuberculosis coexisted with multiple foci of infection and polymorphism that distributed in multiple lobus. Most of AIDS patients were without typical tuberculous proliferative foci and lyphadenectasis, possibly to be associated with decreasing extent of immune function and the progress of disease at various stages in the young patients observed.


更多网络解释与多表现相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chronic cervicitis:慢性子宫颈炎

慢性子宫颈炎(chronic cervicitis)是妇科疾病中最为常见的一种经产妇女较为多见. 临床主要表现为白带增多呈乳白色或微黄色或为粘稠状脓性,有时为血性或夹杂血丝. 一般通过妇科检查不难诊断宫颈局部多表现为糜烂、子宫颈肥大、子宫颈管炎子宫颈腺体囊肿及子宫颈鳞状上皮化生等.

spurious pleiotropism:假多效性;(外表上的)多面表现

假坚果 spurious nut | 假多效性;(外表上的)多面表现 spurious pleiotropism | 有距花冠 spurred corolla

genetic polymorphism:多态性

二、补体的遗传学特征 补体的遗传学特征学特征表现为多种补体分子具有遗传的多态性在染色体上密切连锁的,形成不同的基因家族. (一)补体的遗传多态性 补体的遗传多态性(genetic polymorphism)是指在同一集团中,两个或两个以上非连续性突变体或基因型(...


而其二重性的特征主要表现在语言中普遍存在的"一符多音"(polyphony)和"一形多义"(polysemy)现象. 不同语言有不同的一符多音词和一形多义词. 辨别这些"同音异义"词或"同形异义"词的能力则几乎完全取决于使用者对某种语言的语言结构和文化结构的熟悉程度.


1.数目性染色体畸变 染色体的数目异常可表现为非整倍体(aneuploid),即其数目并非单倍体(haploid)的整倍数,在数目上出现多或少于整倍体,如45或47条染色体. 还可表现为多倍体(polyploid),即染色体数目整倍多于单倍体,如三......

Hyperkinetic disorders:多动障碍

根据儿童多动症的表现特点及对其认识的不断深入,又有儿童多动综合征(Hyperactivity in Children)、注意力缺陷障碍(ADD)、注意力不足多动障碍(ADHD)、轻微脑功能失调(MBD)、注意力缺陷---多动障碍综合征(AD-HDS)、多动障碍(Hyperkinetic Disorders)等名称

polygenic disease:多基因病

(二)多基因病 多基因病(polygenic disease),也称多因素病(multifactorialdisease)或复杂性状病(complexdis?ease),即由一个或多个基因与一种或数种环境因素共同作用产生的疾病,没有严格的孟德尔传递规律,表现为由遗传因素决定的个体对环境因素作用的易感性,

Be more cheerful than you feel:表现多一点你自己的愉快心情

12. Keep your promises. 履行自己的... | 13. Be more cheerful than you feel. 表现多一点你自己的愉快心情 | 14. Remember that overnight success could take 15 years to come true. 切记一夜成名很可能需要付出...

that what the world really needs to see is more Latinos on ice:让他们相信观众喜欢在冰场上 观赏到更多拉美裔球员的表现

I just convinced a couple of bigwig dono... | ...that what the world really needs to see is more Latinos on ice.|让他们相信观众喜欢在冰场上 观赏到更多拉美裔球员的表现 | You know, Ben, I keep asking you...

phenetic taxonomy:表现分类学

表现分类 phenetic classification | 表现分类学 phenetic taxonomy | 多硅白云母 phengite