英语人>词典>汉英 : 多育的 的英文翻译,例句
多育的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
proligerous  ·  uberous

更多网络例句与多育的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dardanus had a son, king Erichthonius, who was wealthiest of all men living; he had three thousand mares that fed by the water-meadows, they and their foals with them.


The 10 a plot had the highest community average height, abundance, and above ground biomass, but the community average increased with enclosure time and the 25 a plot had the highest community average coverage. Enclosure for 10 a gave the highest species diversity index in the third plots, while 15 a had the highest' richness index and lowest evenness index. The highest evenness index was in the non-enclosure plot. Exclosure appears to maintain or conserve, rather than increase plant diversity in contrast to non-enclosure.


In order to the use of the male-sterility quickly, enriching the basic theories of male-sterility,we used the eggplant male sterile lines and their maintainers as materials, to analyze the physilolgical and biochemical characteristics and parthenocarpy by investigation of energy, substance and polyamine metabolism.

为了加快茄子雄性不育的利用进程,丰富茄子雄性不育的基础理论,本试验以雄性不育系及其保持系为试验材料,从能量代谢、物质含量、多胺代谢着手,对与茄子雄性不育性及单性结实有关的生理生化特性进行了分析,试验结果如下: 1 苗期不育系叶片中IAA和GA_3含量的不足,ZR的盈积以及ABA/(IAA+ZR+GA_3)比值的失衡导致了茄子雄性不育系苗期生长缓慢。

His abundance and ability to proliferate and survive have set man forth in the environment by the billions.


If such gametophytes produce fertile gametes, the resulting sporophyte is then tetraploid, and large polyploid series may subsequently be developed.


Paraphyses A sterile unbranched multicelluer hair found in large numbers between the reproductive organs of certain algae and bryophytes.


Relationship between longans embryo development and changes of polyaminesThe thesis also studied the relationship between longan embryo development and contents of polyamines . Experiments showed that the contents of polyamines in normal ovules were higher than those in abortive ones during the whole embryogenetic process.


Stamens numerous, rarely few, free; filaments linear or filiform; anthers latrorse, introrse, or extrorse; sometimes some sterile stamens becoming staminodes.


Drupes with watery, sticky, or corky mesocarp, endocarp divided at maturity into 2 2-seeded or 4 1-seeded mericarps, sometimes 1 seed sterile.

多水的核果具,发粘,或木栓质,裂成熟时进4 1种子2 2种子或,有时不育的1种子。

Brain developmentcenter provides a series of productsfrom Beijing research institute ofChinese brain medication for preventing Alzeheimer's, children over activation, autism, bloodvessel and nerve soreness and loweringcholesterol level, such as brain development and conformer capsule as well as stress release capsule. Also, we produce themedicines forreducing ache from period, brainfiredness, vibriosis and andro-function strengthening.


更多网络解释与多育的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

facultative heterochromatin:兼性异染色质

这种滞育类型的昆虫为多化性昆虫,滞育的虫态固定,兼性异染色质 兼性异染色质(facultative heterochromatin) 是指在一定的细胞类型或一定的发育阶段呈现凝集状态的异染色质.

Incubation Period:潜育期

3.潜育期(incubation period) 指病原物与寄主建立了寄生关系到出现明显症状的阶段. 在潜育期内,病原真菌和线虫要从寄主获得更多的营养物质供其生长发育,病原细菌和病毒则必须繁殖或复制更多的群体,病原物在寄生繁殖的同时也逐渐发挥其致病作用,


Prolific 多育的,多产的 | Ineffable 不可言喻的;应该避讳的 | Mundane 世俗的,庸俗的

developmental polymorphism:发育的多型现象

發育單位 developmental unit | 發育的多型現象 developmental polymorphism | 發育過程 developmental process


Facile 容易的,机敏的,亲和的 | Prolific 多育的,多产的 | Ineffable 不可言喻的;应该避讳的


同时,秋水仙素亦可透过诱发多倍性,令不育的[[杂种 (生物学)|杂种]](Hybrids)获得繁殖能力. 例如[[小麦]](四倍体)和[[裸麦]](双倍体)杂交而成的[[黑小麦]](Triticale)是不育的三倍体,以秋水仙素处理则可以生产出能育的六倍体黑小麦.


06.2290 群育变化 astogenetic change | 06.2291 单列的 uniserial | 06.2292 多列的 multiserial


部分不育男性的精子不但不是不够强,而是拥有惊人的速度和威力,特别容易冲破女性体内的防线,穿透卵子. 讽刺的是,正因为这种经进化而成的超级精子的破坏力太强,它们经常造成"多精入卵"(polyspermy)的现象,反而使卵子难以受精.

proliferous:增殖的 多育的

proliferativezoneofcartilagecell 软骨细胞繁殖区 | proliferous 增殖的 多育的 | proliferouspolymer 增生性聚合物


其滞育问题一直是人们关注的焦点[1,2]. 家蚕滞育发生于胚胎发育早期,为卵滞育型,由遗传性和环境条件支配. 不同化性的家蚕发生滞育的状况不一样:一化性(univoltine)为每代都发生滞育;多化性(polyvolt-ine)为每代均不发生滞育;二化性(b