英语人>词典>汉英 : 多米尼加人 的英文翻译,例句
多米尼加人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The Order of Preachers, or Dominicans, was founded (1215) by Saint Dominic during his preaching tours against the Albigenses in southern France.

该命令的布道者的,或者多米尼加人,成立( 1215年)由圣多明在他的说教考察团对比根斯派在法国南部。

Peter of Alcantara, and afterwards to a number of Dominicans (particularly Pedro Ibaez and Domingo Baez), Jesuits, and other religious and secular priests, to discern the work of God and to guide her on a safe road.

这是保留给圣方济各博尔吉亚和圣彼得的阿尔坎塔拉,然后向一些多米尼加人(尤其是佩德罗ibaez和多明戈baez ),耶稣会士,以及其他宗教与世俗之间的神父,去发现天主的工程,并指导她对一个安全的道路。

The English Dominicans of Oxford, apparently under the direction of John of Darlington, made more simplified concordances in the third quarter of the thirteenth century.


Of or relating to or characteristic of the Dominican Republic or its people.


A comprehensive account of the architectural work of the Dominicans in France may be found in the magnificent publication of Rohault de Fleury,"Gallia Dominicana, Les couvents de Saint-Dominique en France au moyen-ge" Paris, 1903, 2 vols.

报告全面介绍了建筑工作的多米尼加人,在法国可能会发现,在波澜壮阔的出版罗奥德后继", gallia Dominicana小,就业辅导组couvents德圣-多米尼克恩法国欧中沙-年纪"(巴黎, 1903年,第2卷。

In England the Dominicans acquired the name of Black Friars from the habit they wore outside the friary when preaching and hearing confessions, a black coat and hood over a white woolen tunic.


Thomas was to the Dominicans, Duns Scotus became to the Franciscans, and Scotism debated with Thomism on such issues as freedom of the will and the analogy of being.


The exaggerations of a few Probabilists who went too far in their laxity, gave an opportunity to the Jansenists to attack the system, and soon a number of scholars, notably among the Dominicans abandoned Probabilism, which they had defended till then, attacked it and stood up for Probabiliorism; some Jesuits also opposed Probabilism.

这个夸张了数probabilists人走得太远,在他们的懈怠,提供了一次机会,向詹森教徒攻击系统,并尽快多位学者,尤其是其中多米尼加人遗弃probabilism ,他们辩解到,然后,攻击它,并经历为probabiliorism ;一些耶稣会士也反对

Seeing the good done by the Friars Minor and the Dominicans, they wished to share in the harvest, undertaking to preach and instruct the people.


A passenger list has not been released, but Dominican officials believe at least 175 Dominicans were on board the plane.


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Costa Rican:哥斯达黎加人

Dominican多米尼加人 | Costa Rican 哥斯达黎加人 | American美国人

Dominican Republic:多米尼加

其中大约一半的拉美裔美国人来自于墨西哥,另外一半来自波多黎各、萨尔瓦多(El Salvador)、多米尼加(Dominican Republic)和哥伦比亚(Colombia)等国. 36%的拉美裔美国人居住在加利福尼亚州. 其他拉美裔人口比较多的还有得克萨斯州、纽约州、伊利诺伊州和佛罗里达州.




Anglican 英国国教徒 | gallican 教宗权制限主义者 | Dominican多米尼加人