英语人>词典>汉英 : 多明我会的 的英文翻译,例句
多明我会的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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My mother once said, Poor dear, if only you had a good Dominican confessor, you wouldn't be in such a fix!


Parra fashionable of the new plans, and punished by the Huoxing Dominicans that the Shisa V Lola to his life the most important influence.


If time could be regorged, I wanna have a another life with you,we do not need much money, just to haggle at the local market, perhaps,it is the real happy life, but I did not realize it before.


He was followed by numerous Christian missionnaries to the East, such as William of Rubruck, Giovanni da Pian del Carpini, Andrew of Longjumeau, Odoric of Pordenone, Giovanni de Marignolli, Giovanni di Monte Corvino, and other travellers such as Ibn Battuta or Niccolo Da Conti.

他跟随众多的基督教传教士来到东方,威廉·鲁不鲁乞、 Giovanni da Pian del Carpini 、多明我会教士安德鲁、真福和德理、马黎诺里、孟德高维诺,还有其他旅行家,例如白图泰和尼科洛·达·康提。

更多网络解释与多明我会的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大教区的司铎由其他教士(priest)、助祭(deacon)辅助履行职责. 著名的天主教修会包括耶稣会(Jesuits)、方济各会(Franciscans)和多明我会(Dominicans). 妇女修会有仁爱姊妹会、乌尔苏拉会和本笃会.

Dominick will go with you:多明会跟着你

then I will finance setting you up myself... ...on my own, anywhere you want.|我会资助你找地方住,哪... | Dominick will go with you.|多明会跟着你 | And my word counts. But right now...|我言出必行的,但现在...