英语人>词典>汉英 : 多打听 的英文翻译,例句
多打听 的英文翻译、例句


poke and pry
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My suggestion is that we should check more about the price before we make a choice.


Is that we should check more about the price before we make a choice.


He went back to the town, and made inquiries at the station about the trains for Dorsetshire.


Recently, a group using the heterodoxy of the mountebank frantically committed crimes in the city, and often succeeded, specific circumstances which, in places where many people choose a destination, getting your shoulder, to ask for directions, inquire about the way things struck up a conversation with you, their hands are Ecstasy powder by making your shoulders let you breathe into the nose, so that you will lose, and then let you in accordance with his orders to go home, or even go to the bank withdrawals to him, demanded money to gold cargo.

1楼 近日,一群使用旁门左道的江湖骗子在我市疯狂作案,且屡屡得手,具体情形是,在人多的地方选择目标,拍你的肩膀,以问路,打听事的方式与你搭讪,他们手中有粉末状的迷魂药通过拍你的肩膀让你呼吸到鼻子里,使你意志丧失,然后让你按照他的吩咐回家,甚至去银行提款给他,要钱要金货。

There seemed little more to be got out of Leopold.


Prudence Duvernoy ?such was the apt name of the milliner ?was one of those ample women of forty with whom no great diplomatic subtleties are required to get them to say what you wish to know, especially when what you wish to know is as simple as what I had to ask.


Prudence Duvernoy — such was the apt name of the milliner — was one of those ample women of forty with whom no great diplomatic subtleties are required to get them to say what you wish to know, especially when what you wish to know is as simple as what I had to ask.


Never did she seek for any information be- yond what he was willing to give.


During Harry's suspension, he and Tonks had met weekly, ostensibly for drinks, though mostly so Harry could pry for information about Malfoy, and Tonks could pry for information about Ginny—not that Harry knows any more about Ginny's self-imposed exile than Tonks does, in spite of Harry and Ginny's cautious reconciliation.


Other than that they have more money, of course, as the critic Mary Colum retorted.


更多网络解释与多打听相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


后经阿根廷媒体多方打听获悉,这名神秘的女人现年43岁,现为一家名叫"邦基"(Bunge)的农产品公司工作. 据悉,这是一家历史悠久的跨国公司,目前在全球30多个国家拥有2.5万名雇员,仅在阿根廷就有1000人. 据了解,玛丽亚受过良好教育,

Fatal Love:杀之恋

内容限定:电影>(Fatal Love)截图、海报、花絮、剧照等. 美术总监戚志广(Leslie)夜深行车,途中险撞一女子(Cherie). 自此之后,张念念不忘,四处打听其下落. 女子的出现与消逝神秘莫测,好友皆指戚遇上女鬼,劝他忘记,戚因多次寻找未果,

host family:住宿家庭

主要任务为促...朋友在网上问我,要来英国了,应该带些什么. 来英国小岛之前,到处打听应该带些什么. 朋友的弟弟那时已经在英国呆了两年多,在西部一个很冷的地方. 估计他遇到的住宿家庭(host family)属于不是很"慷慨"的那种,冬天也很...


innovation 创新,革新,改革;新方法,新事物 | innumerable 多得数不清 | inquire 询问,打听;调查,查问


首先、往左走来马厩之前,与沃夫(Wilf)交谈并向其打听梅林的所在,不过、他似乎不愿多说什麽,所以只好拿了马厩内的水桶(bucket)和勺子(scoop) ;之後便走进隔壁的铁匠铺和铁匠聊聊游戏攻略 而制作这项物品必须搜集三样材料,

where are you going:你上哪儿去

如果你问候一个西方人说"你上哪儿去 "(Where are you going )或说"你去哪儿啦?"(Where have you been )他会想你在打听他的私事,实在是太失礼了. "谢谢你"(Thank you)这名话在西方比在中国用得要更加频繁得多. 任何人替你做了一些事,不管事情多小,

keel boat:龙骨船

J-24是龙骨船(Keel Boat), 吃水1.2米, 宽2.7米, 可用拖车拖 , 但无法从坡道下水, 要用吊车(crane or travel lift)吊. 我六月中要去上课, 就是以J24为教学船, 到时我再向教练打听多一点详情. 不知体委会是否考虑进口中古船,