英语人>词典>汉英 : 多扁石的 的英文翻译,例句
多扁石的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flaggy  ·  flaggier  ·  flaggiest

更多网络例句与多扁石的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Minle County covers an area of 180,000 mu, including many cultural relic as ancient Yonggu City , ancient Bagua City , ancient tumulus group, Tongzisi Grotto, natural formed stone Buddha, Heifeng Cave , the Tomb of Goddess, etc, is located in the northern foot of the Qilian Mountain . Biandukou , the jaws of ancient Silk Road, and ancient Yonggu City with history more than thousands years are 10 km to south part of Minle County .

建设条件:民乐县地处祁连山北麓,古"丝绸之路"南路咽喉要地扁都口和具有数千年悠久历史的永固古城遗址位于民乐县城南 10公里处,包括永固古城、八卦古城、八卦汉墓群、童子寺石窟、自然生成石佛、黑风洞、娘娘坟等众多人文景观和扁都口独特的自然景观,总占地面积18万多亩。

Minle County covers an area of 180,000 mu, including many cultural relic as ancient Yonggu City , ancient Bagua City , ancient tumulus group, Tongzisi Grotto, natural formed stone Buddha, Heifeng Cave , the Tomb of Goddess, etc, is located in the northern foot of the Qilian Mountain . Biandukou , the jaws of ancient Silk Road, and ancient Yonggu City with history more than thousands years are 10 km to south part of Minle County .

建设条件:民乐县地处祁连山北麓,古&丝绸之路&南路咽喉要地扁都口和具有数千年悠久历史的永固古城遗址位于民乐县城南 10公里处,包括永固古城、八卦古城、八卦汉墓群、童子寺石窟、自然生成石佛、黑风洞、娘娘坟等众多人文景观和扁都口独特的自然景观,总占地面积18万多亩。

更多网络解释与多扁石的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


flagger 野生鸢尾花 | flagging 石板 | flaggy 多扁石的


flaggy 多菖蒲的 | flaggy 多扁石的 | flagman 平交道看守


flaggingnutantpendentpendulousreclinatesaggedsaggy 下垂的 | flaggy 多菖蒲的 | flaggy 多扁石的


flaggy /多扁石的/多菖蒲的/ | flagitious /极恶的/残忍的/凶恶的/ | flagman /旗手/信号旗手/平交道看守/


flaggy 多扁石的 | flagitate 苦苦哀求 | flagitious 极恶的


石鳖(chiton)软体动物门(Mollusca)多板纲(Polyplacophora)的海产动物,近600种. 世界性分布,但多见於温暖地区. 通常呈卵圆形,扁平,两侧对称. 贝壳由8块壳板覆瓦状排列而组成. 贝壳周围有一圈外套膜,又称环带. 足扁而宽,几占整个身体腹面,