英语人>词典>汉英 : 多刚毛的 的英文翻译,例句
多刚毛的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hispid  ·  plurisetose  ·  setose

更多网络例句与多刚毛的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta,including mostly marine worms such as the lugworm,and characterized by fleshy paired appendage s tipped with bristles on each body segment.


Any of various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta,including mostly marine worms such as the lugworm,and characterized by fleshy paired appendages tipped with bristle s on each body segment.


Last year, he won more shows than any other boxer, and also more than any other dog in the purebred category known as Working Dogs, which also includes Akitas, Alaskan malamutes, Bernese mountain dogs, bull-mastiffs, Doberman pinschers, giant schnauzers, Great Danes, Great Pyrenees, komondors, kuvaszok, mastiffs, Newfoundlands, Portuguese water dogs, Rottweilers, St. Bernards, Samoyeds, Siberian huskies, and standard schnauzers.

去年, 他比其他任何拳师狗赢得了更多比赛,以及比其他任何纯血统范畴中的职业狗都要多,包括美国秋田犬,阿拉斯加爱斯基摩狗,伯恩山犬,斗牛獒犬,德国短毛猎犬,德国刚毛猎犬,大丹狗,大比利牛斯犬,凯里奥犬,匈牙利白狗,大型驯犬;,纽芬兰犬,葡萄牙水狗,罗特威尔犬,圣伯那犬,萨摩犬,西伯利亚哈士奇犬以及标准雪纳瑞。

Culm sheath auricles with 2 or more rows of oral setae; ligule 0.5–1 mm.

有2或更多排口头的刚毛的竿箨耳廓;叶舌0.5-1毫米 8 I。

Pistillate flower: tepals 2-5(-10); pistil composed of 2-5(-7) carpels; ovary inferior, 1-3(-7)-loculed; placentae axile or parietal; styles 2 or 3, free or fused at base, forked once or more; stigma turgid, spirally twisted-tortuous or U-shaped, capitate or reniform, setose-papillose.

雌花 花被片2-5(-10);由2-5(-7)心皮组成的雌蕊;子房下位,1-3室(-7);中轴胎座或周壁;花柱2或3,离生或者在基部合生,分叉一次或更多次;柱头膨大,螺旋缠绕扭曲或U形,头状或肾形,具刚毛小乳突。

Leaves 3-5-lobed or parted, with loose and softly lanate pubescence on both surfaces, drying of 1 color; plants overall with rust-colored, short- or long-stalked, bristly-hispid stellate hairs

叶3-5浅裂或深裂,松散和软具绵状毛的具短柔毛在两面,干燥颜色;锈色的植株总具,短或更长柄,具糙硬毛具刚毛的星状毛 20 Solanum chrysotrichum 多裂水茄

Inflorescence spikelike, cylindrical, composed of spiny or bristly deciduous burrs arranged along an angular, often sinuous rachis; burrs sessile or with an obconical basal stipe, each composed of 1 or more sessile spikelets surrounded by an involucre of spines and bristles; bristles flexuous or more often spinous,± flattened, grooved on the outer face, united below, the degree of union varying from a small basal disk to a deep cupule, inner spines or bristles often ciliate around spikelets. Spikelets lanceolate, acute; glumes unequal, shorter than spikelet, lower sometimes suppressed; lower floret membranous, staminate or neuter; upper floret firmer, protogynous.


Umbels 3–15(–20) cm across; bracts 1–3, 1–3 cm, white-setose abaxially, apex acute or pinnate; rays 6–17, 8–10 cm; bracteoles 8–10, broadly cuneate-obovate, 6–15 mm, mottled purple-green, pubescent along nerves, abruptly acuminate to a short point; umbellules many-flowered.


Culm sheaths purple-brown or green-brown, usually alternating with pale and darker stripes, with sparse small brown spots or cloudy brown blotches, margins usually dark brown; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule dark purple brown, truncate, 2–3 mm, margin ciliolate; blade spreading to reflexed, purple-green with yellow margins, linear-lanceolate to linear, flat or sometimes weakly crinkled.


更多网络解释与多刚毛的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


托叶具齿缘.开花枝只有皮刺(prickle),少数种类具硬刚毛(bristle)43 开花枝密布刚毛及皮刺(bristly and prickly), 不具刚毛(bristles)的少见,多少有刚毛.

Wire Fox Terrier:刚毛猎狐梗

不知是不是受到近几年来哈韩、哈日风的影响,小眼睛、细长脸的狗狗,已经开始受到许\多爱犬人士的注意,所以,集结这两大优点於一身的刚毛猎狐(梗)(Wire Fox Terrier)於是成为许\多小姐太太的新宠儿,因此说它是新崛起的师奶杀手,可是一点儿也不为过.


setoff 竞争 | seton 串线 | setose 多刚毛的


setoff /衬托物/竞争/媲美/ | seton /泄液线/ | setose /多刚毛的/


setose 多刚毛的 | setout 开始 | setover 超过位置

bristled:有刚毛的, 多刺毛的

bristle | 刚毛, 猪鬃 (毛发等)竖起, 发怒 | bristled | 有刚毛的, 多刺毛的 | Bristlegrass | 狗尾草属


毛足纲(Chaetopoda)体呈圆筒状,或背腹稍扁平. 体表环节显明,有几丁质变成的刚毛. 可分多毛目和寡毛目,前者如沙蚕、沙蝎,海生;后者如蚯蚓、仙女虫,陆生或淡水生. 多毛类(Polychaeta)毛足纲的一目. 体长,由多数环节组成,每一环节上有疣足一对,


hislosine /马来酸氯苯吡醇胺/ | hispid /有硬毛的/多刚毛的/ | hissing /嘶嘶声/发出嘶嘶声/


环节动物门(Annelida)多毛纲(Polychaeta)海生蠕虫的统称. 约5,400种,包括沙蚕、沙蠋、吻沙蚕、鳞沙蚕等. 体分节明显. 体长从数公厘到约3公尺(10呎). 可分两目︰自由生活的游走目和管栖的隐居目. 大部分体节有一对疣足,呈扁叶状,上有刚毛.


seton 串线 | setose 多刚毛的 | setout 开始