英语人>词典>汉英 : 外面覆盖 的英文翻译,例句
外面覆盖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
coat  ·  coats

更多网络例句与外面覆盖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The core was the size of a ten-story building, pulsing like a huge heart, fed by glowing conduits and steaming coolant pipes, and encrusted with crystalline electronics.


Soft choux pastries filled with a superb chantilly cream , all covered with chocolate cream.


"You," she said to the clotted dust that crept down the electric cord and coated the top of her glitter ball, and got to work.


Seat and back cushion is made of high density and high elasticity PU foam,covered with fire retardant cloth exteriorly.


Covered with sgraffito drawings, handwritten and stencilled texts, photographic transfers and rich glazes, Perry's detailed pots are deeply alluring.


The exterior of root system of Melilotodes in adult period mostly covers a flat thick"velamen"in the course of growth and development. The polysaccharide in the interior of root system lies in secondary phloem and secondary xylem and xylem ray ,which distributes uniformity.


Decked out in her traditional garb — a long-sleeved and long-skirted dress that could have been a costume for a Victorian period drama if not for the hat, an oversized, cloth-covered pan with what appeared to bea baguette sitting on top - she culled disapprovingly through a bin of potatoes and harrumphed before she hiked up her prodigious skirts and walked out.


The image was then frozen on the monitor, and beyond the sight of Key's struggle over Kelley's firm clamp on his neck was a black-coated man outside of the glass.


According to Nathan, when you get in the car, what you see is the steel frame of the car along with sheetmetal covering some of the surfaces, as in a NASCAR car.

据 Nathan 所说,当你进入到蝙蝠车里,你看到的是一辆只有钢结构车架、外面覆盖着碳纤维的汽车,就和 NASCAR 的赛车一样。

At the point of shoulder the shoulder blade forms an approximate right angle with the upper arm.


更多网络解释与外面覆盖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brain coral:脑珊瑚

淡绿色的角珊瑚(HORN CORAL)伸出鹿角般的枝丫如森林覆盖整片海床,雪白的脑珊瑚(BRAIN CORAL)躲藏在礁石的阴影下. 珊瑚丛中遍布粉红淡青的海葵(ANEMONE),橙黄色带白围脖的小丑鱼(CLOWN FISH)是海葵的免费房客,时不常探头探脑看看外面的动静.

palpebral conjunctiva:睑结膜

1.睑结膜(palpebral conjunctiva)紧密附著於眼睑后面,连接眼睑内面到眼睑缘,与睑板紧密连接,不能移动. 2.穹窿结膜(fornical conjunctiva)是睑结膜和球结膜的移行部,爲结膜最松弛的部分. 3.球结膜(bulbar conjunctiva)覆盖在眼球前部,巩膜外面.


很薄的一层铝(有些限量版上甚至使用金子)覆盖在上面,使其能够进行反射,最后还在外面加上一个漆(lacquer)层. 这个漆层通常直接的印到盘片上,常见的方式是丝网印刷或者平版印刷. CD上的数据通常是由一系列微小的凹槽(pit)组成,

facial muscles:面肌

◆面肌(facial muscles)又称表情肌颅顶肌(epicranius)由枕额肌(occipitofrontalis)组成,覆盖于颅盖外面. 阔而薄,由成对的枕腹和额腹以及中间的帽状腱膜组成. 枕腹(枕肌)起自枕骨,止于帽状腱膜,可向下牵拉腱膜;额腹(额肌)起自帽状腱膜,


◆面肌(facial muscles)又称表情肌颅顶肌(epicranius)由枕额肌(occipitofrontalis)组成,覆盖于颅盖外面. 阔而薄,由成对的枕腹和额腹以及中间的帽状腱膜组成. 枕腹(枕肌)起自枕骨,止于帽状腱膜,可向下牵拉腱膜;额腹(额肌)起自帽状腱膜,

Fornical conjunctiva:穹窿结膜

2.穹窿结膜(fornical conjunctiva)是睑结膜和球结膜的移行部,爲结膜最松弛的部分. 3.球结膜(bulbar conjunctiva)覆盖在眼球前部,巩膜外面. 3.结膜腺体(1)杯状细胞(goblet cells) 位於结膜上皮细胞层,多见於球结膜区域,在角巩缘和睑缘部附近缺如.


◆面肌(facial muscles)又称表情肌颅顶肌(epicranius)由枕额肌(occipitofrontalis)组成,覆盖于颅盖外面. 阔而薄,由成对的枕腹和额腹以及中间的帽状腱膜组成. 枕腹(枕肌)起自枕骨,止于帽状腱膜,可向下牵拉腱膜;额腹(额肌)起自帽状腱膜,