英语人>词典>汉英 : 外表型 的英文翻译,例句
外表型 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与外表型相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chanterelle's elegant appearance makes them a natural for … Contestants are asked to bring a 5-quart slow cooker full of chili — no restrictions on the type — and recipes to share.


Cylindrical Grinder: ordinary type-based series, mainly used for grinding cylindrical and conical outer surface of the grinder.


Have most go qualitative mountain fastness star: Include, cannot go up spring late the arena of one class, but latent capacity becomes network person to enrage God model male, beautiful female; does not know hype, but be full of recreational temperament however curtilage male, curtilage female; does not have distinctive appearance, but those who have bellyful a load on one's mind is crazy male, complain female


Structured along a cross-shaped volume, the building's envelope is a solar protection based on a square plan of 25×25m.

沿跨结构型卷,该建筑的外表是一个太阳能保护的25 × 25米正方形计划为基础。

They sought for distinction and praise by outward observance of external rites and by outward forms of piety, and such as ceremonial washings, fastings, prayers, and alms giving; and, comparatively negligent of genuine piety, they prided themselves on their fancied good works.


The styling, with its unique Z-shaped character line and drop-beltline rear window, is standout. [27] And Genesis Coupe listed as 'Worth Waiting For' by Motor Trend.

外表, 特别是侧面Z字型的线条和后窗下拉式的造型非常的棒。

Be able to explain Mendel's Law and the concept of gene, the complicate relationship between genotype and phenotype.

J-3 9 说明孟德尔定律及基因观念,解释基因型与外表型间的复杂关系,分辨常见的人类遗传疾病。

更多网络解释与外表型相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


人类外表年龄:16 血型:O型 身高:152cm 种族:纯血种 Level A 武器:狩猎女神(Artemis) 在校成绩:差 擅长科目:体育 喜欢的人:玖兰枢 在乎的人:玖兰枢,锥生零,若叶沙赖(也是室友兼同桌) 喜欢的食物:咸拉面,甜食 既是纯血种又能使用猎人武器的女主角,

histrionic personality disorder:表演型人格障碍

表演型人格障碍(Histrionic Personality Disorder)又称癔症型或寻求注意型人格障碍,是一种以过分感情用事或夸张言行以吸引他人注意为主要特点的人格障碍.具有表演型人格障碍的人在行为举止上常带有挑逗性并且他们十分关注自己的外表.这类人情绪外露,

Shipping agent:船代

如所装的箱外表或拼箱货包装外表有异状时,应加批注. 站场收据的作用,相当于传统运输中的大副收据,它是发货人向船公司换取提单的凭证. 2.F向船公司(Shipper)或者船代(Shipping Agent)订舱(需提供所需柜型、所需柜的数量、装船日期、抵达日期等)


甚至有传闻,"铁达尼号"(Titanic)沉没海底数年后,一件从海底打捞上岸的路易威登硬型皮箱,竟然没有渗进半滴海水;还有传言,某人家中失火,衣物大多付之一炬,唯独一只Monogram Glace包包,外表被烟火熏黑变形了,内里物品却完整无缺.

Sammi Cheng:秀文

郑秀文 (Sammi Cheng) 拥有可塑性极高的外表,优秀的演艺才华,在过往推出的每一张唱片中,她均以崭新鲜明的的型像出现,赢得了唱片业内人士与大众的注意与赞赏.


常见的红藻包括掌状红皮藻、紫菜、石花菜属(Gelidium)、角叉菜属(Chondrus). 北大西洋的掌状红皮藻(Rhodymenia palmata)淡紫红色,由扁平的单生或丛生的叶状体所构成,外表扇状,分成多数二叉型裂片. 低潮时,大西洋岩石海岸潮间带的下半部,


脉翅目(Neuroptera)螳蛉科(Mantispidae)昆虫. 分布热带和亚热带区. 成虫外表像螳螂(蠊螂目(Dictyoptera)). 欧洲螳蛉(Mantispa styriaca)长1220公釐. 翅展约25公釐. 螳蛉的卵玫瑰色,产於细柄上. 幼虫有两型︰一型足发达,行动活泼,头方形;

phenotypes:表現型 /外表型

phenoloxidases 酚氧化酶 | phenotypes 表現型 /外表型 | pheromone 費洛蒙/外激素

Golden chain:金链花

4月30日 金链花(Golden Chain) 花语:孤独之美 花占卜:你外表聪明伶俐、沉着冷静,属于进取的知性型的人. 你不爱哗众取宠,有自己的处事原则. 你不能容忍不忠的爱情,对爱情比较挑剔,所以你的恋爱史不多,但你乐于享受单身的生活.