英语人>词典>汉英 : 外科手术的 的英文翻译,例句
外科手术的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In the 19th century one great discovery came to the aid of the surgeon when James Young Simpson experimented with anaesthetics and so gave him time to perform his delicate work on patients unconscious of pain.

19世纪的重要医学进步就是外科护理防护措施的发现,其中James Young Simpson对麻醉剂的成功实验给了他操作精细外科手术的时间,而不用担心病患的疼痛。

The development of modern skin flap chirurgery needs badly the three- dimension picture system to display the blood supply and other profound structures and functions. This kind of system can also support the clinical training, designing of operative route, suppositional operation procedure and fidelity navigation during the operation. 3D imaging studies such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance provide the primary source of patient-specific data for such medical applications. The two-dimensional (2D) images produced by CT and MR imaging techniques represent a series of cross-sectional image slices through ones anatomy.


The operative surgical quality but that he was reluctant to shed human blood even when the end justified the means, preferring, in their natural order, heliotherapy, psychophysicotherapeutics, osteopathic surgery.


Objective This study sought to compare the safety and efficacy of transcatheter closure of secundum atrial septal defect with surgical closure in patients over 40 years of age.


Part one: Comparison of efficacy and cost between transcatheter and surgical closure of secundum atrial septal defect Objective: To compare the efficacy, safety and cost between Amplatzer occluder and surgical closure of secundum atrial septal defect.


Part one: Comparison of efficacy and cost between transcatheterand surgical closure of secundum atrial septal defectObjective: To compare the efficacy, safety and cost between Amplatzer occluder and surgical closure of secundum atrial septal defect.


The Magnetic Stereotaxis System is a unique medical device designed to deliver drugs and other therapies directly into the bodies to perform complicated surgical operations.


Bacterial sedimentation was evaluated during 76 clean urological laparotomies; in 34 of these, a mobile LAF unit was added.


A surgeon is a doctor whose job is to practive surgery.


Dr Yeo is editor-in-chief of the sixth edition of Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, considered to be an essential reference for general surgeons, surgical residents and gastroenterologists, with a special focus on alimentary tract diseases.


更多网络解释与外科手术的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Da Vinci:达.芬奇

他在2005年3月领导实施了美国首次远程外科手术,当时他在俄亥俄州而病人在加州,所使用的外科手术机器人名为"达.芬奇"(da Vinci). 在他的领导下,研究小组正在对名为"用于移动式机器人远程外科手术的高海拔平台"(HAPsMRT)的原型通信平台进行试验.

Laser surgery:激光外科手术

紫外光( UV - Ultra-violet Light )可以治疗皮肤病,还具有杀死空气中病菌的作用;红外光( Infrared Light )常用来治疗软组织损伤;激光针灸( Laser Acupuncture )、超声波针灸( Ultrasonic Acupuncture )、激光外科手术( Laser Surgery )等光线疗法在医疗临床上的应用,


l 外科手术(Surgery) 有些人认为以手术抽去多余脂肪,又无须做运动,无须节食,又一了百了,何乐而不为呢? 其实以外科手术来减肥,只用物严重超肥(超重%26gt;100磅),而且多方尝试,都别无他法才使用的.


surgical 外科的 | surgically 外科手术 | surgy 动摇


sugar charcoal [化]糖炭 | tenaculum [医](外科手术用的)挟钩 | clockwise sense 顺时针方向, 右转方向

vanity surgery:注重美容而进行的外科手术

a hitchhiking trip 一路搭顺风车的旅行 | vanity surgery 注重美容而进行的外科手术 | fault-finding 吹毛求疵的做法

Giora Landesberg Morris Mosser:支持:高危患者在血管外科手术前应行冠状动脉重建术

支持:高危患者在血管外科手术前应行冠状动脉重建术Giora Landesberg Morris Mosser | 反对:高危患者在血管外科手术前应行冠状动脉重建术Santiago Garcia... | 转化型研究:着重解决麻醉医生面临的问题Robert D. Sander...


preoperation 试运行 | preoperative 外科手术前的 | preoperculum 前盖

preoperative:外科手术前的 (形)

preoccupy 先占领, 迷住, 先取 (动) | preoperative 外科手术前的 (形) | preordain 预定, 预先注定命运 (动)

Surgical gowns:外科手术穿长袍

2432001 Clothing, hospital 医院用服装 | 2432002 Surgical gowns 外科手术穿长袍 | 2432003 Hospital clothing for patients 医院用服装,病人穿的