英语人>词典>汉英 : 外卖的 的英文翻译,例句
外卖的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与外卖的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When I was 15, I was delivering chickens for a butcher...

当我 15岁时,我帮一家肉店送外卖的鸡。。。

He ordered a lamb madras to take away.


Spare change to tip your local pizza delivery person is also a good idea if you want to ensure that your pepperoni delight arrives while the cheese is still melted.


We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the pol ice.


That is the generally understood meaning of take-away.


In fact, these belong to the takeout.


Beth:Yes, and things like cakes, candy and most kinds of takeout food.


The latest additions include SpongeBob SquarePants journals, dog treats and disposable chopsticks, giving pause for thought to parents, pet-lovers and take-away gourmands – in short, pretty much le tout US population.


Now a wider range of take-aways is available—from American-style hamburgers to Turkish kebabs.


I made a chicken with ginger and shallotand it's a bit overcooked.


更多网络解释与外卖的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Daily specials:每日特色菜的

Restaurant and Pub 餐馆酒吧www.51test.net | Daily specials 每日特色菜的 | Drinks purchased are for taken away only 饮料仅供外卖的


peace-loving热爱和平的 | heart-broken伤心的 | takeaway外卖的

take away:外卖

阿里像所有的阿曼人一样热情友善,为了他的一句话"你一定要去马斯喀特看看,去尝尝"外卖"(Take Away)的烧烤,店面虽然简陋,但是你却能吃到全阿曼最美味的烤鱼",我们不顾起了个大早,继续驱车,前往阿曼的首都马斯喀特.

take-away food:外卖食品

one's favourite food 某人最喜爱的食品 | take-away food 外卖食品 | home-cooking food 家常食品

take-away food:外卖店送的外卖食品 (送餐)

take-away food: 外卖店送的外卖食品 (送餐) | takeout: 在普通饭店买了之后拿走 (不送餐) | sunny-side up: 单面煎黄的荷包蛋

take-home sale:酒类外卖

酒后之勇,虚勇/Dutch courage,pot valour | 酒类外卖/take-home sale | 酒量大的人/three-bottle man

takeaway food shop:外卖食品店

1. 饮食指南 eating guide | 2. 外卖食品店 takeaway food shop | 3. 不同种类的香肠different kinds of sausages

Chinese takeout:中餐外卖

chess rook (象棋)车 | Chinese takeout 中餐外卖 | chopsticks (中国的)筷子

to go:外卖

媒体也利用阿德巴约的国籍(Togo)和快餐厅术语"外卖(To Go)"的相似,形容此球走运到了"带有圣诞剩饭痕迹"的地步. 这也是阿森纳自节礼日以来第一个客场进球.

She giggled at me. The take-out lady:她咯咯地笑,一个外卖小姐

Never say Cathy Comic to me again.|永远别再跟我... | She giggled at me. The take-out lady.|她咯咯地笑,一个外卖小姐 | Order from someplace else. There's 600 Chinese places on your block.|跟别家订,你住的...