英语人>词典>汉英 : 复杂的事 的英文翻译,例句
复杂的事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intrigue  ·  intrigued  ·  intrigues

更多网络例句与复杂的事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

SIR ROBERT CHILTERN: Gertrude, truth is a very complex thing, and politics is a very complex business. There are wheels within wheels.


However, I think these things are true is very complex.


Because of the high complexity of modular exponentiation, it is very difficult to factor it and obtain the private-key from the public-key.


Henry Glassie's study of Southern mountain cabin types shows how complicated the analysis of only one kind of dwelling in one region may be.

亨利 -格拉斯对南部山区木屋类型的研究显示,仅对一个地区的一种民居进行分析也是件十分复杂的事

The netiquette is of great complexity.


There's a million ways of not saying anything," says Nihal."


The latter action is complicated by the issue of whether one's current car is still useable.


I've been lucky to have been there before people made these kind of things, and so I made all this kind of stuff that messes with your eyes.


Our tellers are all kinds of people, stars,directors,architects,policemen,even drivers and so on.


"Rebit does some pretty complicated things to make sure it always has the most up to date copy of any given file on your computer, and it does it all with you barely even knowing it's there."

&Rebit 做了一些相当复杂的事,确保了它总是能拥有电脑里面最近期的资料备份。使用上,它做了很多事,但却让人不觉得它的存在&

更多网络解释与复杂的事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

net earning:净收益

得益于iPod销售的火爆,该季苹果电脑的销售额达36.8亿美元,净收益(net earning)为4.3亿美元,而上年同期分别为23.5亿美元和1.06亿美元. 由于圣诞销售旺季的来临,苹果电脑预计下一季度的销售额增长达47亿美元!事情变得复杂起来,

the ins and outs of:复杂详情

the days are numbered 指日可待 | the ins and outs of 复杂详情 | be the last thing that sb. like to do 某人最不愿做的事

involvement in:介入,参与

involvement n.卷入,牵连;牵连到的事,复杂情况 1- 22 | involvement in 介入,参与 1- 22 | Iowa 衣阿华(或译爱俄华)(美国州名) 1- 17

Ridley Scott:烈尼.史葛

影片的故 事结构并不复杂,但在导演烈尼.史葛(Ridley Scott)大量使用褐色滤色镜之下,呈 现出一种迷人的浪漫风格,并将一群阳刚味十足的飞行员在训练期间「亦敌亦友」的 争斗呈现得韵味十足.

Save Me From Myself:谨以此歌献给黎楚宁

save me from myself 谨以此歌献给黎楚宁! | It's not so easy loving me 爱并不是什么简单事 | It gets so complicated 它变的如此的复杂


通过对AECT1963和1970年的定义分析,我们可以看出,二者之间微妙的单很重要的差别就是从"系统"(systems)向"系统化"(systematic)的转变. "系统"的概念复杂,使用"系统化"术语的目的或许是事如实教学技术的过程更简化、更清晰.


通过对AECT1963和1970年的定义分析,我们可以看出,二者之间微妙的单很重要的差别就是从"系统"(systems)向"系统化"(systematic)的转变. "系统"的概念复杂,使用"系统化"术语的目的或许是事如实教学技术的过程更简化、更清晰.

web site:网站

英国司法系统表示,日前表示他不太懂"网站"(Web site)一词的法官,其实完全具备操作计算机的知识与能力,那么问只是为了把复杂的事证作个厘清、以利法庭审理案件罢了.

could do the most complicated things:却能够做复杂的事

that this guy who couldn't even follow the plot of Green Acres anymore...|这个连... | could do the most complicated things...|却能够做复杂的事 | as long as he learned them before the accident...|只要意...

wind chill:风冷

但是到了20世纪中后期,在美国和加拿大等国,一些人试图对寒冷做出更科学、精确的描述,引入了"风冷"(Wind Chill)这个因素. 这个概念的提出使事情变得复杂起来. 随着人类进入21世纪,有越来越多的研究机构、政府机构以及私人公司试图用更复杂的方式准确描述究竟多热或多冷.