英语人>词典>汉英 : 复数角 的英文翻译,例句
复数角 的英文翻译、例句


amplitude of a complex number
更多网络例句与复数角相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The amplitude of a complex number.


is applied to construct the three-dimension model for finite element analysis. Short circuit and open circuit of the field winding and the teeth and slots structure of the rotor are discussed. An appropriate three-dimensional mesh is made. The corner point problem of conductor is eliminated. Furthermore, a new memory structure for sparse complex matrix and a PCCG method based on it are introduced to save memory and computation time.


Then the MUSIC-like algorithm based on the hypercomplex eigenvalue decomposition is used to estimate the direction of arrival of signals.


Received the asphalt mixture mechanics performance index with frequency through FSCH test, it point out that the complex shearing modulus: G*, G*/sind can appraise the high-temperature performance of different asphalt mixture well. But phase angle: d can't relatively produce quality of high-temperature performance of every asphalt mixture obviously.


Received the asphalt mixture mechanics performance index with frequency through FSCH test, it point out that the complex shearing modulus: G*, G*/sind can appraise the high-temperature performance of different asphalt mixture well. But phase angle: d cant relatively produce quality of high-temperature performance of every asphalt mixture obviously.


The angle made with the positive horizontal axis by the vector representation of a complex number.


Based on the estimation of the directions of arrival and the Doppler frequencies of the sources, a quaternion model was proposed, which made the estimation of the DOA and the Doppler frequencies similar to that of one-dimensional azimuths so as to avoid direct and indirect pairing with the complex model.


更多网络解释与复数角相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amplitude of a complex number:复数角

amplitude 振幅;角 | amplitude of a complex number 复数角 | analog computer 模拟计算机

argand plane:复数平面

面积速度 areal velocity | 复数平面 argand plane | 自变数;辐角 argument

Argand-Diagramm argand plane; argand diagram:复数平面

Areatangens (hyperbolicus) inverse hyperbolic tangent 反双曲正切 | Argand-Diagramm argand plane; argand diagram 复数平面 | Argument argument 自变量;辐角

argument function:幅角函数

argument expression | 主目式 | argument function | 幅角函数 | argument of a complex number | 复数的辐角

motional impedance:动生阻抗 从加载阻抗中减去受挡阻抗的复数差

mechanical stiffness 力劲 容性力抗乘以角频率 | motional impedance 动生阻抗 从加载阻抗中减去受挡阻抗的复数差 | Natural frequency 固有频率 系统自由振动时的频率,在多自由度系统中,固有频率是简正振动的频...

polar form, complex number:复数极形

按角分布 polar distribution | 复数极形 polar form, complex number | 极分子 polar molecule

septa septum:的复数

Sept. 九月 | septa septum的复数 | septangle 七角形

septaria septarium:的复数

septangle 七角形 | septaria septarium的复数 | septarian boulder 龟背石

complex conjugates:复数共轭

angle and magnitude criteria 相角与幅值准则 | complex conjugates 复数共轭 | origin n. 原点


polyhead [噬菌体]聚合头部 | polyhedra (复数)多角体 | polyhedrin 多角体蛋白