英语人>词典>汉英 : 声部 的英文翻译,例句
声部 的英文翻译、例句


voice part
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First of all, in the band should have a sound mixer system, in accordance with the string parts - Chinese Plucked String voice - the voice blowpipe order orderly school sound, each voice must be specifically responsible for a variety of musical instruments where the voice School of Music.


Italian secular music of this time ( what little surviving liturgical music there is, is similar to the French except for somewhat different notation) feature what was has been called the cantilena style, with a florid top voice supported by two (or even one; a fair amount of Italian Trecento music is for only two voices) that are more regular and slower moving.


The motet, one of the most important musical form of the high Middle Ages and Renaissance, developed initially during the Notre Dame period out of the clausula , especially the forms: clausulae, which were melismatic sections of organa extracted and fitted with new words and further musical elaboration; conductus , which was a song for one or more voices to be sung rhythmically, most likely in a procession of some sort; and tropes, which were rearrangements of older chants with new words and sometimes new music. All of these genres save one were based upon chant; that is, one of the voies,(usually three, though sometimes four) nearly always the lowest sung a chant melody, though with freely composed note-lengths, over which the other voices sang organum.


Is the texture of the work monophonic, homophonic, or polyphonic?


The Portuguese origin is recorded in the 1577 treatise De musica libri septem by Francisco de Salinas .


Go to a show for a smaller professional group, quartet or quintet maybe, and listen to each part.


Often one or more voices is divided into two, e.g., SSAATTBB, where each voice is divided into two parts, and SATBSATB, where the choir is divided into two semi-independent four-part choirs.

但是经常将里面的一种或几种声部一分为二,即SSAATTBB或SATBSATB ,于是一个唱诗班便分为了两个彼此独立的四声部的微型唱诗班。

The voice part of percussion in computer music is a very important rhythm part.


I was always the third voice, singing the lowest part in the choir.


Clan:Several department rounds sing, the soft-voiced department keeps on a long sound to accompany to call, there is fixed rhythm melody, with loudly department formation contrast Strong clan:Soft-voiced department the freedom mimicry loudness department melody formation double voice the 迭 place 彝 Clan:Most the 著 is four greatest 腔s, the space grow up,the structure is careful,the contents is abundant,the melody is leisurely long to sink,sing on stage technique deeply higher.


更多网络解释与声部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这在之前受那个过程就如同,广告透过符号召唤(hailing)了阅听人的意识(或者引用马克思影部(VIDEO) 声部(AUDIO)影部(VIDEO) 声部(AUDIO)影部(VIDEO) 声部(AUDIO)影部(VIDEO) 声部(AUDIO)影部(VIDEO) 声部(AUDIO)影部(VIDEO)

a cinque:[意]五声部的;五重奏(唱)的

achtstimmig[德]八声部的,八重音(唱)的. | a cinque[意]五声部的;五重奏(唱)的. | act[英]幕,剧中之一幕.

close harmony:密集和声、和弦上方三声部采取密集形式与低声部有较大间隔

75. close 结束句、终止 | 76. close harmony 密集和声、和弦上方三声部采取密集形式与低声部有较大间隔 | 77. coda 结尾乐段

obbligato:[意] 助奏,必备声部

1ibretto 脚本,台本 | obbligato [意] 助奏,必备声部 | treble 最高音声部

alto primo:(意)第一女低音声部

altisonante(意)大声作响的. | alto primo(意)第一女低音声部. | alto secondo(意)第二女低音声部.

alto primo:第一女低音声部

Alto 女低音/中音部/中世纪中音部假声男高音/童声 | Alto primo 第一女低音声部 | Alto secondo 第二女低音声部

Part Voice:声部

10 声部(part voice)是指重唱、合唱、重奏、合奏乐曲中同时进行的各旋律线. 如:弦乐四重奏中有第一小提琴、第二小提琴、中提琴、大提琴四各声部;混声合唱有女高音、女低音、男高音、男低音四各声部.


在overture 中之所以能够实现一轨多音色,是因为overture 有"声部(Voice)"的概念,就是说,同一个音轨(chn)最多可以有8个声部,也就是说,一行乐谱可以有8种乐器(音色).


treble 最高音声部 | meane,mene 中间声部,第二声部 | unpubd 未出版

alto secondo:(意)第二女低音声部

alto primo(意)第一女低音声部. | alto secondo(意)第二女低音声部. | alt'ottave(意)比记谱高八度的音.