英语人>词典>汉英 : 声称的 的英文翻译,例句
声称的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But governments will need to be convinced of the merit of these arguments before mining can begin.


Finally, nor is it true to claim, as some executives complacently do, that audiences have only recently decided they expect more from television.


Food chemists have investigated the grain to see if it really gives the benefits claimed.


Pyongyang keeps trying to launch a satellite which the US and Japan perversely insist is some kind of long-range missile but it has not managed to get one into orbit. It tried in 2006 but, far from reaching Alaska as the Americans claim it can, it disintegrated 35-40 seconds after launch, plopping harmlessly into the sea.


This was a very easy build, and really would not take much more than the 20 minutes that is claimed by HighSpeed PC.


The result may be a net loss, however, so be careful when claiming the loss.


Their avowed purpose and goal was the establishment of a "Novus Ordo Seclorum"- a New World Order, or One World Government.

它们声称的目的是建立一个"Novus Ordo Seclorum"--"新时代秘密组织",或者"一世界政府"。

The solution, Mr Chartres and others contend, is more efficient use of water or, as the sloganeers put it,"more crop per drop". Some 1.2 billion people, about a fifth of the world's population, live in places that are short of water.


The solution, Mr Chartres and others contend, is more efficient use of water o r, as the sloganeers put it,"more crop per drop". Some 1.2 billion people, about a fifth of the world's population, live in places that are short of wat er.


After the deadliest of the assaults, the first one in Kashgar, officials said they believed that the two attackers were linked to a group that the Chinese call the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, or ETIM, which supposedly advocates an independent state in Xinjiang.


更多网络解释与声称的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



alleged:声称的, 所谓的

withdraw 收回 撤消 | alleged 声称的 所谓的 | with time served 减刑

contend vi.1:争夺,竞争 2.搏斗,斗争 vt.声称,主张

attentive a.1.注意的, 专心的, 留意的 2.关心的,体贴的 3.殷勤的 | contend vi.1.争夺,竞争 2.搏斗,斗争 vt.声称,主张 | contention n.1.论点 2.争论,争辩

despite objections:声称

The teacher praised Tom for his homework. 教员表扬汤姆的家庭作... | vt. state as a fact, despite objections; assert; maintain 声称 | He claims to have written the article in two days. 他声称只用两天就把...

musing:沉思(的), 冥想(的)

alleged 声称的, 有嫌疑的 | musing 沉思(的), 冥想(的) | delude 欺骗, 哄骗, 愚弄


一个教授(professor)总被期待声称(profess)某种东西,那某种东西是就他对此所知而言的不动感情地确肯的真理--沃格林是这么想的,也一直这么说. 这是马克斯.韦伯意义上的"心智健全",即科学的客观性的核心之所在. 在路易斯安那大学较早的一代学生中,


launch the campaign 发起运动 | purported 被声称的 | luxury 豪华的

The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible:被警方声称证据是 不可接受的

contend v.斗争,竞争,主张; 辩论;声称 | The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible. ;被警方声称证据是 不可接受的. | discrepancy n.差异,不一致; 矛盾,偏差,误差

Nutrient content claims for fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol content of foods:食品脂肪、脂肪酸和胆固醇的营养含量声称

§ 101.61 食品钠的营养含量声称 Nu... | § 101.62 食品脂肪、脂肪酸和胆固醇的营养含量声称 Nutrient content claims for fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol content of foods. | § 101.65 隐含营养含量声称及相关标示...

Do you believe the charlatans' claim that the panaceas they sell can cure all diseases:那些江湖郎中声称他们卖的万灵药能治百病,你相信他们吗

claim vt.要求;声称,主张;索... | Do you believe the charlatans' claim that the panaceas they sell can cure all diseases? ;那些江湖郎中声称他们卖的万灵药能治百病,你相信他们吗? | demand n.要求;需求,需要(量...