英语人>词典>汉英 : 声名显赫 的英文翻译,例句
声名显赫 的英文翻译、例句


on top of the world
更多网络例句与声名显赫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Highly acclaimed directors and producers are a dime a dozen in this town.


K. Langer was sole female famous aesthetician in western aesthetics history as yet.


Susanne.K.Langer was sole female famous aesthetician in western aesthetics history asyet.


Fault having no way to forgive to such an extent even cause has committed descendants in old age , his music to Strauss clan.In 1901, Edward · Strauss leads a regiment to visit US after performing coming-back , a band is dissolved abruptly because of being at outs with band,the instrument exists with possessions to have entered a pawnshop, feasible John · Strauss father and son gets through hardship building-up's , the eminent Strauss philharmonic orchestra is lost in a cloud at this point in that time entire Europe reputation. Edward and one kiln boss have signed a agreement in 1907,with husband or lover's 2 grams of price per kilogram, need to sell a batch of "wastepaper" doing fuel for kiln. On October 22, a truck has moved this batch of "wastepapers" almost all kinds of kilogram to a kiln , go ahead has filled in a furnace chamber.


If it was, in fact, led by myopic bungler s, what about the captains of other, less celebrated industries?


But for the New york city colleage, a public colleage, compared with others, it does not have a splendour athlete team, does not have an eclogue campus, does not Raucous parties, and even not have a dormitory, and even worse is that it does not have any academic cridiblity untill recent, but the office of this colleage is fully filled with apply letters from students, which is unbelievable.


He is a statesman of great eminence.


No one loves his country for its size or eminence,but because it is his own.


The highest rank of the commander, including the famous Field Marshal of the Chancellor. Foster.


This aroused the jealousy of his much younger second wife, Florence, an acolyte who, unlike Emma, fell in love with a rich and famous grand old man of letters, rather than an ardently striving newcomer.


更多网络解释与声名显赫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:肌萎缩性侧索硬化症

阿康艾克斯大奖有一位声名显赫的支持者--著名理论物理学家霍金,他正在遭受肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)的折磨. 虽然笔记本电脑、手机以及其他便携设备给了我们极大的行动自由,但也只有在这些设备的电池电量还撑得下去的时候,

Burt:堡垒 男性 古英语

Burr年轻男性瑞典 | Burt堡垒男性古英语 | Burton声名显赫男性英语


亚历山大当年挥师北非打败了声名显赫的埃及,但他却没能成功进入埃塞俄比亚,据说这与埃塞俄比亚一位名叫坎迪斯(Candace)的黑人女王有关. 黑人女王的英勇与智慧总是联系在一起. 今天位于沙特阿拉伯的圣城"麦加"历史传说中是亚伯拉罕为夏甲母子建立.

Elbert:高贵声名显赫 男性 条顿

Eknath 诗人,圣人 男性 印度 | Elbert 高贵声名显赫 男性 条顿 | Elden 年纪大一点 男性 古英语

Elbert:埃尔伯特 高贵声名显赫 男性 条顿

Eknath 诗人,圣人 男性 印度? | Elbert 埃尔伯特 高贵声名显赫 男性 条顿? | Elden 埃尔登 年纪大一点 男性 古英语?


Eknath 诗人,圣人 男生 印度 | Elbert 高贵声名显赫 男生 条顿 | Elden 年纪大一点 男生 古英语


原名:Resident Evil导演:保罗.安德森(Paul Anderson)汉克(hunk)在洛克福特岛的训练所中开始接受军事训练;声名显赫的亚西福特家族(ashford)第六代继承人爱德华.亚西福特(edward ashford)和年轻贵族奥斯威尔.e.斯宾塞(oswell spenser)发现始祖病毒,

The Ivy League:常青藤联盟

作为美国大学的领头羊,闻名遐迩的常青藤联盟(The Ivy League)的教育资源和学术声望更是举世闻名,不仅在美国国内声名显赫,而且也是全世界莘莘学子的求学天堂.

Loris Azzaro:阿莎露

在香水领域里,AZZARO是香水店和百货公司里一个声名显赫的品牌,在世界上的150个国家里有20000个销售点,法国和美国是其主要市场. 在法国时装界,卢瑞 阿莎露(Loris Azzaro)估计是无人不知无人不晓,他的香水是欧洲排名前五名的香水,在中国市场更是声名鹊起

critical opalescence:临界乳光

类似的,1912年他因其对临界乳光(Critical Opalescence)的详细论述而得到了位于哈勒姆的荷兰科学学会的嘉奖,而当时该学会的评审团成员中包括当时声名显赫的洛仑兹(Lorentz),瓦尔斯(Von Der Waals),以及Haga.