英语人>词典>汉英 : 士的宁 的英文翻译,例句
士的宁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
strychnine  ·  strychnin  ·  strychninum

更多网络例句与士的宁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The anticonvulsive effect of etomidate varies in degree in the four experimental models of convulsion.


Results: The dissolution rate of the brucine and strychnine in micmpowder was significantly improved in contrast to powder.


Methods: The brucine and strychnine in the micropowder and powder of Semen Strychi were determined by HPLC to calculate the cumulative release at different time.


ABSTRACT Objective: The effect of Tongluo drug Semen strychni including its major monomer Brucine、Strchnine on apoptosis and synthesis met...

目的: 探讨通络药马钱子及其主要单体成分马钱子碱、士的宁对骨关节炎中软骨细胞凋亡及其合成代谢功能的影响。

It is concluded that the efferent pulses of the CNS does not affect on DPOAE in silent circumstance.


Prior to her death, she was said to have sent many of her maidservants to act as guinea pigs to test different poisons, including belladonna, henbane, and the strychnine tree's seed.


Objective:A RP-HPLC method in the separation and determination scopolamine and strychnine was developed.


Results:The recoveries for scopolamine and strychnine of the method are 100.5%(RSD 2.3%,n=5)and 97.5%(RSD 2.4%,n=5),respectively.

检测波长226 nm。结果:该方法回收率氢溴酸东莨菪碱为100.5%,RSD=2.3%(n=5);士的宁为97.5%,RSD=2.4%(n=5)。

With Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, and the concentration level of strychnine fell obviously.


I Thio was sensitive to bicuculline, a -aminobutyric acidAreceptor antagonist, but not to strychnine, a glycine receptorantagonist.

I Thio 对γ-氨基丁酸 A 受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱敏感,而对甘氨酸受体拮抗剂士的宁不敏感。

更多网络解释与士的宁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a back number:过期的刊物;过时的人

5A B. S. pill[医] ABS丸, 芦荟素颠茄士的宁丸 | 6a back number过期的刊物, 过时的人 | 7a bad actor坏蛋, 危险分子


海德里希的盖世太保已经搞顶了兴登堡的医生,让那个医生负责在兴登堡的药中添加士的宁(strychnin)以达到最终杀死兴登堡的目的. 并且盖世太保把那个医生的子女和父母都给保护起来. 并许诺事成之后给他一家300万帝国马克,让他一家移民到丹麦.


粗提物中有效成分马钱子碱(brucine)、士的宁(strychnine) 进行了选择性分离. 用丙烯酸为单体,TMPTA为交联剂,合成对马钱子碱有特异选择性的模板聚合物(MIP). 选择性分离出粗提物中的马钱子碱,纯度可达99.7 %,同时得到士的宁为主的生物碱,


二、士的宁类生物碱土的宁(strychnine),又称番木鳖碱,是马钱属中代表性的有毒成分,是复杂结构的吲哚生物碱. 在近200种本属植物分离得到的约230种以上的生物碱中,绝大多数具有与之相似的结构. 土的宁及其类似结构的生物碱是早巳知道的中'枢神经惊厥剂,

strychnine nitrate:硝酸士的宁

strychnine 士的宁 | strychnine nitrate 硝酸士的宁 | stuffing 加脂

strychnine hydrochloride:盐酸士的宁

尼尔雌醇 Nilestriol | 盐酸士的宁 Strychnine Hydrochloride | 羟甲香豆素 Hymecromone

Strychnine HPLC:士的宁

马钱子碱 Brucine HPLC ≥98% | 士的宁 Strychnine HPLC ≥98% | 松萝酸(地衣酸) Usnic acid HPLC ≥98%

strychninic acid:士的宁酸

strychnine 马钱子碱 | strychninic acid 士的宁酸 | stryton 斯特列登耐纶长丝

strychninic acid:士的宁酸[中枢兴奋药]

Strychnine 士的宁[中枢兴奋药] | Strychninic Acid 士的宁酸[中枢兴奋药] | Styramate 司替氨酯[解痉药]


strumitis 甲状腺炎 | strychnism 士的宁中毒 | stump 残肢