英语人>词典>汉英 : 增根 的英文翻译,例句
增根 的英文翻译、例句


extraneous root
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Dixon method was adopted to construct a 22×22 Dixon matrix and then the greatest common divisor of two columns was extracted.

结合矢量法和复数法建立了4个几何约束方程式,使用Dixon结式构造22 22的Dixon矩阵,对两列提取公因式后展开矩阵的行列式得到一元64次多项式方程,回代过程中去掉6组增根后得到58组解。

The problem can be favorably solved, because some specific equations are discovered. Next, by using vector eliminant method which is found in the paper, the forward displacement analysis of 5-5b general platform parallel mechanism is studied.


Aiming at the problem of the odd point in the calculation of rotors torsional vibration characteristics by using the improved Riccati method, this paper presents a new viewpoint about how to confirm and remove the lost root and the added root of equation.


Extraneous roots are found during the process to obtain the other 3 variables by using Euclidean algorithm.


Dixon method was adopted to construct a 22×22 Dixon matrix and then the greatest common divisor of two columns was extracted. After expanding the determinant of the matrix, a 64 degree univariate polynomial equation was obtained and 6 extraneous roots were canceled in the process of solving the other 3 variables.


Results 86 cases were of pilomatrixoma (71.1%),11 cases of trichoepithelioma (9.1%),1 case was of desmoplastic trichoepithelioma,2 cases of trichoblastoma,5 cases of dilaled pore and pilar sheath acanthoma、1 case was of follicular toumor,3 cases of trichofolliculoma,3 cases of proliferating folliculas cyst and proliferating tricholemmoma,6 cases of tricholemmoma of pilar sheath adrentitial.

结果 毛母质瘤86例(71.1%)、毛发上皮瘤11例(9.1%)、促结缔组织增生性毛发上皮瘤1例、毛母细胞瘤2例、圆锥漏斗状棘皮瘤与毛鞘棘皮瘤5例、毛囊漏斗肿瘤1例、毛发滤泡瘤与毛发滤泡癌3例、增生性毛囊囊肿与增生性外毛根鞘瘤3例、毛鞘瘤与毛鞘癌6例。

The result showed that the volume, dry weight and total sugar content of root gradually reduced with the harvest frequency, but the reductive sugar content in root increased. While the harvesting frequency was two times per year, the volume and dry weight of alfalfa root showed an decreasing at beginning and then increasing when the first harvesting was at different growth stages and the lowest values were at flowering period however, it was not significant for brome.


gap by law easy to use, easy to grasp, apply to the relatively high crown boneless resistance, resistance to a small adjacent teeth, the roots for the integration of the root or the root bifurcation cases, such as low lower the removal of impacted wisdom teeth; split crown law Requirements, flexibility in operation, more suitable for medium and low impacted significantly ditch and development, the root fork or a higher resistance to a larger adjacent teeth, and other cases, the lower-third-molar extraction.


A broad expanse of the river was turned to blood; in the middle distance the red hue brightened into gold;,through which a solitary log came floating ,black and conspicuous; in one place ,a long slanting mark lay sparkling upon the water; in another the surface was broken by boiling ,tumbling rings, that were as many-tinted as an opal; where the ruddy flush was faintest ,was a smooth spot that was covered with graceful circles and radiating lines, ever so delicatedly traced; the shore on our left was densely wooded ,and the somber shadow that fell from this forest was broken in one place by a long, ruffled trail that shone like silver; and high above the forest wall a clean-stemmed dead tree waved a single leafy bough that glowed like a flame in the unobstructed splendor that was flowing from the sun. there were graceful curves ,reflected images ,woody heights ,soft distances ; and over the whole scene ,far and near ,the dissolving lights drifted steadily ,enriching it every passing moment with new marvels of coloring.


Results In healthy subjects, L2-L5 nerves were displayed clearly by MRN, with a round or ellipse ganglion of 3-6 mm in diameter, and smooth stick-like nerve root and trunk, 2-5 mm in diameter. The signal intensity was higher in ganglion than nerve root or trunk. 40% of nerve root sheath was surrounded by small amount of cerebrospinal fluid, Femoral nerve was displayed in all subjects, while only 83.3% of obturator nerve and 43.3% of lumbosacral trunk were manifested. Lamellar blurred hyper-signal intensity was seen around 80.9% of lumbar plexus in GBS, but none in CIDP.

结果 正常组MRN可清晰显示腰2~5神经的走行,神经节呈圆或椭圆形膨大,大小约为3~6mm,神经根及干呈条状、边缘光滑,大小约为2~5mm、神经节信号高于神经根和干,40%的神经根鞘有少量脑脊液,股神经、闭孔神经、腰骶干的显示率分别为100%、83.3%、43.3%。80.9%的GBS腰丛神经周围有片状模糊高信号,神经根和节大小和信号无明显改变,25%神经干增粗,50%的神经干信号增高,边缘模糊。

更多网络解释与增根相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




它包括形成层(cambium)和木栓形成层(cork cambium或phellogen). 形成层的活动能使根和茎不断增粗,以适应植物营养面积的扩大. 木栓形成层的活动是使长粗的根、茎表面或受伤的器官表面形成新的保护组织.

Carat Weight:克拉重量

洗护决定 克拉重量(CARAT WEIGHT)--精油浸发为秀发增重 哪些精油会让你的头发变得浓密柔亮? 迷迭香能调节皮脂分泌,促进毛发生长;天竺葵能平衡头皮酸碱度,给头发生息一个沃土;松树能增密毛发;鼠尾草有助更新头发,强健发根;依兰则能增亮发色.

citronella grass:香茅

人们长期以来利用香茅(Citronella grass)油作为一种昆虫驱避剂涂在皮肤上. 植物生长调节剂(PGRs)的实例如下. 植物生长激素(auxins)化合物,可导致枝条细胞伸长. 1934年发现植物生长激素增进插条发根. 进一步用于疏果与增花.

Nicolaus Copernicus:尼古拉斯.哥白尼 波兰天文学家

Alhazen 阿尔哈增 阿拉伯数学家、物理学家 | Nicolaus Copernicus 尼古拉斯.哥白尼 波兰天文学家 | Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯.培根 英国哲学家

extraneous root:增根

extraction of square root 开平方 | extraneous root 增根 | extrapolation method 外插法

gingerbread nut:姜汁饼干

ginger-race 姜根 | gingerbread nut 姜汁饼干 | gingergrass oil 姜草油(增香剂)

heuristic algorithm:算法

否则为非连通图( discon-nected graph);非连通图中的每个连通子图称为成分 (component)树图:倒置的树,根(root)在上,树叶(leaf)在下基本算法:找一条从 s 到 t 点的增广链(augmenting path)TSP 的启发式算法(Heuristic algorithm)三个问题的解都可以


在豆科植物(legume)上,菌根的移入土壤提高了固氮率,其效果要超过单靠增施磷酸化肥所能取得的固氮水准. 某些共生联系还能增强寄生植物对有害的根部真菌的抵抗力. 这种抵抗力是否源自通过场所竞争对有害真菌的驱逐,

woody plant:木本植物

木本植物(woody plant)指根和茎因增粗生长形成大量的木质部,而细胞壁也多数木质化的坚固的植物. 是草本植物的对应词. 地上部分为多年生,分乔木和灌木.