英语人>词典>汉英 : 塞满了的 的英文翻译,例句
塞满了的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
spaceless  ·  stuffed

chock-full · chuck-full
更多网络例句与塞满了的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is also a risk to fill up the addressee's mailbox.


They shook hands in the choky little trailer office in front of a table littered with scribbled papers, a Bakelite ashtray brimming with stubs.


M0 B*|' m' O They shook hands in the choky little trailer office in front of a table littered with scribbled papers, a Bakelite ashtray brimming with stubs.

Q 在一个小得令人窒息的活动拖车办公室里,他们站在一张铺满草稿纸的桌子前握了握手,桌上还搁着一只塞满烟头的树胶烟灰缸。

The response was so enormous that not only the hotel lobby, but the disused Gare d'Orsay nearby, were filled to the roof with donations.

他的呼吁得到了广泛的响应,不仅酒店的大堂,连附近废弃的奥塞火车站(Gare d'Orsay)都被捐赠的物品塞满了屋顶。

It was lined with hardtack; the mattress was stuffed with hardtack; every nook and cranny was filled with hardtack.


We are told that, during the start of term feast in GF, Ron accidentally sprays Harry with bits of Yorkshire Pudding, replying to what Hermione says with his mouth full; Hermione, also in GF, is referred to as "ladling beef casserole into her plate" and speaking with "her mouth bulging with sprouts", during her hasty lunches before hurrying to the library to do research on House-Elves.


Their kitchen cabs are crowded with items that just go to waste.


His suitcase is crammed with all kinds of books.


Members of this skinny species can grow to three feet in height and tip over when overfilled with rainwater and the husks of prey.


Mila was horrified to discover this in most hotels throughout Montana and Wyoming had large chandeliers constructed from 100's of antlers along with stuffed heads of buffalo, sheep, mountain goats and deer hung upon the wall.

Mila 很震惊,她在遍及蒙大纳和怀俄明州的绝大多数旅馆内发现都有着由100对鹿角制成的大吊灯和被塞满了的斑马头、绵羊头、山羊头和鹿头悬挂在墙上。

更多网络解释与塞满了的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I bought sugar,tea,eggs and what not:我买了食糖、茶叶、鸡蛋之类的东西

-Well, what of it? 那又怎么样? | I bought sugar,tea,eggs,and what not. 我买了食糖、茶叶、鸡蛋之类的东西. | The shelves were crammed with books, documents, and what have you. 书架上塞满了书、文件之类的...


chock 楔 | chock-full 塞满了的 | chockablock 塞满


chock-full 塞满了的 | chockablock 塞满 | chockstone 裂缝中岩石

chockablock:摆满, 塞满

chock-full /塞满了的/ | chockablock /摆满/塞满/ | chocker /挂木索/


chock-fullspaceless 塞满了的 | chockablock 摆满 | chockablockcramming 塞满


siltitesiltstone 粉砂岩 | silttil 粉砂冰碛 | silty 塞满了淤泥的


silttil /粉砂冰碛/ | silty /淤泥的/塞满了淤泥的/ | silurian /希留利亚人的/


silty /淤泥的/塞满了淤泥的/ | silurian /希留利亚人的/ | silurus /六须鲇属/


spaceflight /宇宙飞行/空间飞行/ | spaceless /没有余地的/塞满了的/无限的/ | spacelike /类空/

spaceflight:宇宙飞行 空间飞行

spacecraft /太空船/ | spaceflight /宇宙飞行/空间飞行/ | spaceless /没有余地的/塞满了的/无限的/