英语人>词典>汉英 : 基金 的英文翻译,例句
基金 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For fund companies and their employees in investment funds, Fund for the Department of the SFC in June last year issued a "Circular on fund investment in securities investment funds of employees of matters relating to notice", which provides that "the fund management companies should be in the fund contract commencement notice traded funds notice book and related semi-annual report and annual report disclosure of fund employees of the Company held by the Fund's total share and accounted for the only the proportion of the overall share of the Fund."


The main reason why American mutual fund is so advanced is that there is the concerted mechanism environment for mutual fund, such as the mature financial market, sufficient investment capital supply, well-developed system of laws and so on. Adopting the specific exponents of Shanghai and Shenzhen Security Market, fund exponent yields, all weekly yields of mutual fund in specific periods, etc., the positive analysis of the coordination of Chinese mutual fund and Security Market demonstrates that this coordination is not ideal generally. On condition that the market characteristic of mutual fund is made clear, mutual fund can develop conceitedly and healthily by developing security market, increasing market efficiency, providing more fund, improving fund management, standardizing relative system of privately offered funds and so on, and optimizing the market environment to develop mutual fund.


After discoursing on it and introducing the position of the China privately fund and the position of international privately fund, I will discuss the significance of the development of China privately fund. Then I will discuss the operation and the controlment of risk of the privately fund, finally I will introduce the international supervisement of the privately fund and discuss the supervisement of the China privately fund.


Since the first open-end fund issue, there are 5th redemption, which also reveals more profound form of market phenomena causing open-end fund liquidity risk. In 2002, the open-end fund market was just established, in order to expand the size, many funds only attract institutional investors, and do not distinguish between investor by their liquidity preference. Under such single structure, institutional investors large size redemption will cause fund scale reduced significantly, which suffered huge losses. In 2003, as the Funds growth, more and more retail investors join in fund market and occupy a dominant position. Due to the lack of awareness of the fund market, they all use the concept of stock investment.


This paper analyses the homogenous tendency of open-end fund at first,pointing out that unperfect development of market and investors' immature investment opinions is the origin of such phenomena. Secondly,having compared the fund sizes and purchase fee rates of 25 open-end funds in China,conclude that there are problems of diseconomy of scale and indistinctive relativity between fees and achievement in Chinese open-end funds. Then this paper introduces benefit and cost function to analyze the problem of lack of motivation and constrain mechanism towards fund managers because of unreasonable fees in China. Thirdly,this paper analyze funds managers' normal hazards by static game model,and then points out fund managers have serious tunneling behaviors in Chinese open-end fund industry. In the end,this paper analyzes the causes of liquidity risk of open-end fun and the particularity of liquidity risk of open-end fund in China,and concludes that liquidity risk in Chinese open-end fund industry is higher through calculating the rates of share change and comparing the portfolio selections of top 20 open-end funds in China.


Reporters, according to preliminary statistics, is being issued in the new fund has 11, including the stock-Days Hong Yong set the value of growth funds, fund Xiang Yi Fang Dakota; configuration, including Golden Eagle-dividend value of the fund in the sea Blue-chip flexible allocation of funds, fund selection strategy Fu; bond type, including 10,000 in Paris Tim Shen Po-yi bonds A + B, Yinhua Fund to enhance revenue bonds, bond fund returns Oriental sound, stable and increased profits by HSBC Jin Xin Bond Fund, the Bank of farmers Agricole, and always will benefit by bond funds, the silver-AXA to optimize revenue bond funds.


This year, September 8, the SFC发审委review China Merchants Securities application, due to the existence of transfinite博时基金equity holders of the problem, the industry's attention.


Prior to that, because of transfinite博时基金equity holders of the issue, together with the first half of this year the company had a net profit year-on-year decline in nearly 50 percent, China Merchants Securities IPO process had been "questioned."


This week, researchers from the pure Pew C haritible T rusts 皮尤慈善信托基金 predited that 3% of all hom e o w ners were be in for closh foreclosure in the next few years.


"Over the past year, the China Merchants Securities博时基金the amount of equity investment is the largest domestic broker an equity investment."


更多网络解释与基金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amortization fund:折旧基金;折旧基金;偿债基金

alumni fund 校友基金会 | amortization fund |折旧基金;折旧基金;偿债基金 | appropriation fund 拔款基金;拔款预算基金;支出预算基金

Contingency fund:应急基金

FORTS的担保基金体系包括应急基金(Contingency Fund)、后备基金(Reserve Fund)与强制评估基金(Compulsory Assessments). 根据FORTS交易所网站公布的数据,截至2009年7月,应急基金为11亿卢布,后备基金为0.76亿卢布,强制评估基金为73.4万卢布,

offshore fund:离岸基金

==== 离岸基金(offshore fund)也称海外基金,是指基金资本来源于国外,并投资于国外证券市场的投资基金. 它的主要作...)离岸基金(offshore fund)也称海外基金,是指基金资本来源于国外,并投资于国外证券市场的投资基金.

Reserve fund:后备基金

FORTS的担保基金体系包括应急基金(Contingency Fund)、后备基金(Reserve Fund)与强制评估基金(Compulsory Assessments). 根据FORTS交易所网站公布的数据,截至2009年7月,应急基金为11亿卢布,后备基金为0.76亿卢布,强制评估基金为73.4万卢布,

bond sinking fund:公司偿债基金;公司债偿债基金;债券偿债基金

bond retirement fund |减债基金;债券偿还基金;债券购销基金 | bond sinking fund 公司偿债基金;公司债偿债基金;债券偿债基金 | bond sinking fund |偿债基金;债券偿债基金

bond sinking fund:偿债基金;债券偿债基金

bond sinking fund 公司偿债基金;公司债偿债基金;债券偿债基金 | bond sinking fund |偿债基金;债券偿债基金 | bonded fund 债券基金;公债基金

target date fund:目标日期基金

其实,有关退休概念的基金,广义而言称为人生周 期基金 (LIFE CYCLE FUND),再细分为:目标风险基金 (TARGET RISK FUND)及目标日期基金(TARGET DATE FUND) ;其中目标风险基金就是投资人熟悉的「传统平 衡型基金」,也就是在基金成立时,

umbrella fund:雨伞基金

雨伞基金(umbrella fund)通常在一个母基金之下再设立若干个基金,基金的各个子基金独立进行投资决策,最大的特点是在基金内部可以为投资者提供多种投资选择,方便投资者转换基金以吸引投资者.

umbrella fund:伞型基金

所为伞型基金(Umbrella Fund),实际上就是开放式基金的一种组织结构;在这一组织结构下,基金发起人根据一份总的基金招募书发起设立多只相互之间可以根据规定的程序进行转换的基金,这些基金称为子基金或成分基金(Sub-funds).

mutual funds:共同基金

"共同基金"(Mutual Funds)在中国一般被翻译为"投资基金""证券投资基金"或干脆简称为"基金". 但是,这种翻译严重混淆了共同基金和对冲基金、私人股权基金、风险投资基金等另类投资基金的界限. 在中国国内,目前还没有合法的对冲基金,