英语人>词典>汉英 : 基本定义域 的英文翻译,例句
基本定义域 的英文翻译、例句


fundamental domain
更多网络例句与基本定义域相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper provides a method of variable integrity testing to detect the faults of software By checking the definition domain of the variable itself and the restriction condition of consistency between variables, we only need to determine the bound of each output data, rather than the exact value Although the output of testing case cannot be easily caught, this method can improve the efficiency of detecting faults Furthermore, the checking point is not limited to the final output place, but spreads over the reference places in the program code to key variables just like those at the checkpoints under debugging As a consequence, the testing becomes more precise

由于软件测试用例的输出部分很难确定,而通过测试变量自身的定义域和变量间的一致性约束关系,只需要确定输出值的范围而不用知道其确切的值,就可以提高了错误检测的效率同时,检测的范围不局限于程序最后的输出结果,而是散布在程序中的各个有意义的变量,正如调试过程中设置断点观察的那些变量,使得检测错误更加精准1 引言软件测试的本质在于针对要测试的内容确定一组测试用例[1] 测试用例分为输入和输出两部分功能测试和结构测试等基本的软件测试方法,都比较关心测试用例的输入部分定义域的确定,而对测试用例的输出部分考虑得较少例如,边界测试和等价类测试[2 ] 只考虑测试用

The main work and innovation1 In general , a image compression method has different effect to different image . Some are fit for image which has much high frequency . Some are fit for image which has much low frequency .This paper analysis the applicability of fractal algorithm . In this dissertation , an improved algorithum is given . The basic algorithum without eight change and the joint use of quantitative coding , The compression ratio and PSNR can be adjusted , and it can get more quickly speed of coding .2 To a group of exact fractal code , the decoding image can be any resolution .With this characteristic ,choose the proper domain block and range block,this paper get an algorithum which can get higher decoding PSNR and speed than the basic fractal algorithum.3 Give a new method to calculate the scale factor . The calculation of basic algorithum is complex and enormous . The factor of scale is an important variable of the basic algorithm. Now there are two methods to calculate the factor of scale .A new method was given to calculate the factor of scale. The calculation load and complexity are reduced by the new method. Compared with the basic algorithm , the method can reduce coding time.4 The basic fractal algorithum is based on the Collage theorem and contraction mapping theorem . A mathematic model based on basic fractal algorithum is given .
