英语人>词典>汉英 : 垂直滚动条 的英文翻译,例句
垂直滚动条 的英文翻译、例句


vertical scroll bar
更多网络例句与垂直滚动条相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is easy to include a horizontal or vertical scroll bar in your application window.


Although the vertical scroll bar is acceptable, but the horizontal scroll bar is very different.


Use to add a horizontal or vertical scroll bar with adjustable scroll button to an interface.


Big bitmaps will confine to the entire area of this control with a vertical scroll bar on Right side ( the scroll bar will be displayed if the height of the image is greater than the height of this control) and a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of this control (the scrollbar will be displayed if the width of the image is greater than the width of this control).


The code uses the SendMessage API function to add a horizontal scroll bar dynamically to a list box using the LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message; it also takes into account the width of the vertical scroll bar that can be present in the list box.

这个代码使用了LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT消息,调用SendMessage API函数在列表框增加一个动态的水平滚动条;它也考虑到了能在列表框中显示的垂直滚动条的宽度。

This example deals with a vertical scroll bar, but a horizontal scrollbar is very similar.


Thus, the program scrolls its contents vertically in direct response to the user dragging the thumb on the vertical scroll bar.


Specifies the vertical scrolling increment for a form's vertical scroll bar.


To split a window, either drag the split box located above the vertical scroll bar or drag the split box to the right of the horizontal scroll bar.


The source code implements ListCtrl redraw under the WinCE, including the head, the horizontal scroll bar and vertical scroll bar to redraw.


更多网络解释与垂直滚动条相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

View Horizontal Scroll Bar:决定该画布是否显示一水平滚动条

Display Y Position 定义堆栈画布视图的Y坐标 | View Horizontal Scroll Bar 决定该画布是否显示一水平滚动条 | View Veritcal Scroll Bar 决定该画布是否颢示一垂直动滚动条


件 4.19 椭圆(Oval)控件 4.20 矩形(Rectangle)控件 4.21 圆角矩形(RoundRectangle)控件 4.22 组框(GroupBox)控件 4.23 命令按钮(CommandButton) 4.24 图片按钮(PictureButton) 4.25 水平滚动条(HScrollBar)控件 4.26 垂直滚动条(VScrollBar)控件 4.27 水平进度条(HProgressBar)控件 4.28 垂直进度条(VProgressBar)控件 4.29

up scroll arrow:向上滚动箭头

Vertical scroll bar垂直滚动条 | Up scroll arrow向上滚动箭头 | Context-sensitive help具体内容相关的帮助

vertical scroll bar:垂直滚动条

垂直滚动条 vertical scrollbar | 垂直滚动条 vertical scroll bar | 垂直解像度、垂直清晰度、垂直分辨率 Vertical Resolution

vertical scroll bar:定义是否显示垂直滚动条

Horizontal Scroll Bar 定义是否显示水平滚动条 | Vertical Scroll Bar 定义是否显示垂直滚动条 | 六、创建Canvas:

Vertical Scroll Box:垂直滚动栏

352 垂直方向滚动栏 Vertical Scroll Bar | 353 垂直滚动栏 Vertical Scroll Box | 354 垂直滚动条 Vertical Scroll Bar

vertical scan frequency:垂直扫描频率

2213vertical justification垂直顶满 | 2214vertical scan frequency垂直扫描频率 | 2215vertical scroll bar垂直滚动条

vertical scrolling:垂直滚动

2215vertical scroll bar垂直滚动条 | 2216vertical scrolling垂直滚动 | 2217vertical sync signal垂直同步信号

Scrolled Event:单击或拖动水平或垂直滚动条时,发生此事件

ScrollBars 指定控件所具有的滚动条类型. | Scrolled Event 单击或拖动水平或垂直滚动条时,发生此事件. | SetAll 对容器对象中的全部或某一类控件设置属性.