英语人>词典>汉英 : 坚如磐石的 的英文翻译,例句
坚如磐石的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与坚如磐石的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such was the panic that the government was forced to backstop supposedly rock-solid money-market funds.


For example, is the your true employee that permits you embraced is there rock-firm " bawdy mode "?


Among the devices used by the Yuuzhan Vong are amphistaffs, serpentine whips which can harden into rock-hard staves, or flatten to razor-sharp edges.


This 3-in-1 snow parka is rock-solid, no-nonsense, and ready to rip into a weekend's worth of fresh powder.


I think in the future with Petr and JT, the opponents have to forget what we havebeen doing in the last two months because at this moment, we are back to our defensive security.


What turns a stone-hard woman like yourself...into the blubering mess I see


For example, is the your true employee that permits you embraced is there rock-firm " bawdy mode "?


It is disturbing that you have not got the rock-firm fame of loyalty before 35 and you will not be popular among the people around your career.


Mac OS X is a rock-solid system that's beautifully designed. I much prefer it to Linux.


One is the icy rock-solid freak,and one is solicitous,hot werewolf.


更多网络解释与坚如磐石的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Bombshell:不合时宜的--一般指那啥的时候搞出来的

The Ranger 就是象华硕电脑一样"坚如磐石"的便便,需要借助外力才能顺利排出体外... | The Bombshell 不合时宜的--一般指那啥的时候搞出来的... | The Snake Charmer 盘成蛇型的...

European Economic Community:欧洲经济共同体

那时,柏林墙(Berlin Wall)还没有倒下,苏联看起来仍坚如磐石,欧洲经济共同体(European Economic Community)也仍然还是政治宣言而非经济现实. 那时,哪怕是一个疯子也不会预言说墨西哥将抛弃他们坚持了150年的孤立主义,决定融入北边愤怒而又担心的"美国佬"的经济中.

rock climbing:爬岩术

rock-bound 多岩的 | rock-climbing 爬岩术 | rock-firm 坚如磐石的

Old friendships can still be rekindled:老友的情谊坚如磐石

I'm thankful that no matter how dark things might get,|我感恩无论糟糕的事情如何变... | Old friendships can still be rekindled...|老友的情谊坚如磐石... | I'm thankful for new relationships|我感恩新的恋情

And killing my Annabel Lee:我的安娜贝尔.李

云端里一阵寒风起,卷走了 That the wind came out of the cloud,chilling | 我的安娜贝尔.李. And killing my Annabel Lee. | 但我们的爱坚如磐石,无人能比 But our love it was stronger by far than the love


rock-firm 坚如磐石的 | rock-ribbed 顽固的 | rockabilly 乡村摇滚乐


rock-climbing 爬岩术 | rock-firm 坚如磐石的 | rock-ribbed 顽固的

Rock-Solid Construction:坚如磐石的建设

Standard Features:标准特点: | Rock-Solid Construction坚如磐石的建设 | - Outside is constructed of 16-gauge steel. -以外的是兴建1 6钢结构.

as gentle as a lamb:性情温顺的

as firm as rock 坚如磐石 | as gentle as a lamb 性情温顺的 | as good as a play 非常有趣