英语人>词典>汉英 : 均等机会 的英文翻译,例句
均等机会 的英文翻译、例句


equal opportunity · fair shake · equal time · equal chance
更多网络例句与均等机会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the "government procurement agreement," the principles of international competitive bidding for the tender to provide equal opportunity to all potential for the elimination of discrimination and barriers to maximize competition mechanism.


I don' t beieve the capable is equal ,but I am sure that opportunity is equal.


I don't believe in equality of capacity; but I do believe in equality of opportunity.


They also discuss something that's equally emotional and far more complex: the principle of meritocracy.


This paper deals with, firstly, the concept of equality of educational opportunity and related notion of education equity and discusses the method of measuring it, which forms the basis of empirical analysis.


The goal driving such arguments is not to achieve equal opportunity for every individual but rather to impose a periodic tax on wealth that remains within a family group.


I don't believe in equality of capacity;but Ido believe in equality of opportunity.


Another result of the study is that the total rate of entering a higher school is 74 percent, 69 percent, and 86 percent. For educational opportunities, the second group is most unequal when the rate of entering a higher school increases up by 50 percent. Through the analysis of logical regression beta b, the change in the inequality of opportunities of years of education in Taiwan is mainly influenced by various sharp structures of a total rate of entering a higher school, and not by the inequality of educational resources. When the rate of entering higher school is nearly 50 percent, the opportunity of years of education is most inequal.

本研究进一步分析各年代的整体国中后升学机率,分别为74%,69%,86%,以第二组年代的升学机率最接近50%,教育机会也最不均等;而根据逻辑回归系数 b 值的分析结果,发现台湾地区民众教育资源分配之不平等性并没有明显一致的变化趋势,前述受教育年数的机会不平等性之变迁,并非受教育资源分配不平等性的影响,而主要受到整体升学率不同的钜视结构影响,在升学率最接近50%时,受教育年数的教育机会最不均等。

Cooper, a retired minister who wanted to help lumberjacks suffering from blisters and infections caused by their shoddy wool socks.


All they wanted was a fair crack of the whip, but their employers would not even hear their suggestions.


更多网络解释与均等机会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

equal authenticity:具有同等效力,具有同等效力

equal arm bridge 等臂电桥 | equal authenticity 具有同等效力,具有同等效力 | equal chance 均等机会,均等机会,同等机会

Equal Opportunity:機會均等

Conwell 对于当时的大学课程,只传授给富有或是享有特权的上等社会份子感到相当不平,因此有成立一所 " 机会均等 "(Equal Opportunity) 大学的构思. 目的无非是想提供年轻学子均等受教育的机会,以鼓励年轻朋友努力追求真理,进而踏实地去实践个人的梦想.

Equal Opportunity:均等机会

equal mark 等号 | equal opportunity 均等机会 | equal sign 等号

EVEN MONEY:同额赌注,(打赌)输赢机会相等,成败机会均等

同胞兄弟/whole brother | 同额赌注,(打赌)输赢机会相等,成败机会均等/even money | 同额赌注/even money

sporting chance;even money:均等的机会

军中杂务/fatigue duty | 均等的机会/sporting chance;even money | 郡立学校/provided school

And nature provides some ingenious ways to even the odds:自然提供一些很独道的方式使的机会均等

...the prey needs a fair chance at survival too.|被捕食者也需要一个公平的... | And nature provides some ingenious ways to even the odds.|自然提供一些很独道的方式使的机会均等 | Take the frogfish. 例如 蛙...

fair shake:公平待遇,均等机会

12. give the devil his due 实事求是的看待问题,承认别人的优点 | 13. fair shake 公平待遇,均等机会 | 14. fair to middling 中等水平的

fifty-fifty ball:双方机会均等的球

对方铲球时仍控制住球ride a tackle | 双方机会均等的球fifty-fifty ball | 混战scramble;melee;skirmish

long odds:极不均等的赌注

极便宜的/dirt cheap | 极不均等的赌注/long odds | 极不相等的机会,极小的可能性/long odds

sporting chance:[口]胜负均等的机会, 公平的机会

run the chance of being ... 有...的可能 | sporting chance [口]胜负均等的机会, 公平的机会 | stand a chance of 有...的希望