英语人>词典>汉英 : 场区内 的英文翻译,例句
场区内 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与场区内相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the condition of anthropogenic heat investigation, the velocity and temperature profiles measured with three-cup anemoscope and hygrothermograph and the surface air temperature profile calculated by CTTC model, the distribution of flow and temperature fields were simulated.


Combustion of pulverized coal is simulated step by step. The simulation result in the blowpipe is used as the input of the raceway calculation. The way of simulations for the blowpipe and raceway is considered more close to practice. By using this model it is possible to improve the simulation accuracy.


Based on the internal and external electrical field integral equation, the inversion equation is derived.


Experimental study includes the law of flow field variation and variation of water surface in affected zone by the single groyne or twin-groyne. Mathematical modeling includes following the trail of water surface in 2-D and 3-D conditions, model developing, verifying and applying ofthe model as well.


Owing to the monotonic mapping of fuzzy structured element established the homeomorphic property between fuzzy number space and the family of standard bounded monotone function, so, we can transform the study of any properties in fuzzy number space to the corresponding one in the family of standard bounded monotone function, e.g.


In this paper,nonsteady interaction between moving body with antenna system and plasma in region of compression is investigated indetail.


The dredged-material in the preelection would make the suspended material concentration in the disposal area over 10mg/L, the concentration of suspeded material have different value in different times and in different Dump Sites.


The numerical simulation of two-phase flow field in the reactor is carried out in this paper. The distribution of shearing strength in the channel is systematically obtained:① The shearrates of wall, vortexcore, vorticity and non-vorticity regions are descending sort.② With Re number increasing, the average of shearing strength becomes linearly increasing tendency in the back step expand channel.


They grow a dozen kinds of vegetables inside their compound in the Sonapi industrial zone near the airport in Port-au-Prince, ranging from Chinese cabbage, spinach and sponge gourd to garlic and radish.


An advanced combined turbulent lubrication model is proposed: low turbulence Reynolds number k-e model is used to describe the flow in the near-wall regions, and algebraic Reynolds stress model is used to describe the flow in the turbulence kernel, with flow continuity kept between the two models and transition criterion set to fit Leutheusser's measurements.


更多网络解释与场区内相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Darius Vassell:前锋 瓦塞尔

只见场上的曼城的队型在接下来的比赛中发生了巨大的变化,除了两个前锋瓦塞尔(Darius Vassell)和福勒外,其他的队员基本上都游戈在自己的半场,和普通的密集防守不同的是,他们并没有全部龟缩在禁区内,所有的球员基本集中在禁区外五到三十米的距离,

field judge:場審

7.场审 (field judge)位在防守的大后方. 必须注意球员的替换、发生在达阵区内的接球动作与球出界的位置、下半场开始前 5分钟负责去通知提醒双方球队、以及弃踢时回攻员的接球. 1.越位 (offside)交锋前双方的球员要各自列队在攻防线两边,

touch judges:巡边员

阵区边场,阵区内出界 touch-in-goal | 巡边员 touch judges | 选拔赛,预赛 trial matches


在发球后至死球(Dead Bird)前的"比赛进行时"中,接发球队员违例,则判发球方得分(Point),发球队员违例便失去发球权. #击出的球落在有效区域以外,没有过网或穿过球网或在网下进入对方场区. #过网击球,不在自己的场区内击球,

Great Smoky Mountains National Park:大烟山国家公园

我从北卡前往维吉尼亚州步道志工团营地报到前,途经位於北卡大烟山国家公园(Great Smoky Mountains National Park)旁的契洛基原住民保留地. 整个区内保留最多原住民历史与文化的,是在离入口不远处的「契洛基博物馆」. 一场突如其来的大雨打断了表演,