英语人>词典>汉英 : 场内经纪人 的英文翻译,例句
场内经纪人 的英文翻译、例句


floor broker · floor trader
更多网络例句与场内经纪人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A note on an order telling the floor broker to use his or her own good judgment in filling the order.


My friend Tony the floor broker and I had been drifting along in his sloop for the past hour, waiting for the two o'clock southerly to come in and send us scurrying over to the North Shore of Long Island Sound for some of City Island's specialty-fresh clams and mussels.


"With credit frozen and the commercial paper market poised on the brink of collapse, this is the most promising development I've seen on Wall Street in months," said floor trader Tim Formato, one of hundreds who gathered around the $1 bill and excitedly called their clients to inform them that they were looking at actual U.S.

" 在这信贷冻结外加商业票据市场濒于崩溃的边缘的时候,看到这个消息是几个月来我在华尔街遇到的最富希望的事件了,"场内经纪人提姆。佛马托说道。他是在场的数百名幸福者中的一员,这些经纪人聚集在这张1美元纸币周围,兴奋地打电话给他们的客户,告诉客户他们场内经纪人都正在凝视着真正的美国货币。

更多网络解释与场内经纪人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Floor broker:场内经纪人

其诈欺伎俩如下:场内经纪人(Floor Broker)接到客户买进一口三月瑞士法郎价位6900的单子,结果误卖一口三月瑞士法郎价位在6900,还好他马上发现错误,但现在三月瑞士法郎价位已涨到6901.

Floor trader:場內交易員

那些讨价还价的人通常称为场内交易员(Floor Trader). 场内交易员是以自营方式在交易所内通过交易赚取买卖差价的NYSE成员,这些交易员既可以为自己进行交易也可以充当经纪人代客户交易. 近年来,公开叫价的交易方式正日渐被电脑系统撮合的交易方式取代.

independent floor trader:独立场内交易商

独立查账员 independent auditor | 独立场内交易商 independent floor trader | 独立经纪人 independent broker

forward exchange market:外汇期货市场

外汇期货市场(Forward Exchange Market)是指按一定的规章制度买卖期货合同的有组织的市场. 期货交易就是在期货市场上进行的交易行为. 外汇期货市场是由期货交易所、场内经纪人、期货佣金商及清算所构成. 现将各个组成部分的含义及主要特征分述如下:1、期货交易所.

Open outcry:公开喊价,公开叫价

60.Trading pit 交易场 | 61.Open outcry 公开喊价,公开叫价 | 62.Floor broker 场内经纪人

gilt-edge securities:金边证券

floor broker场内经纪人 | gilt-edge securities金边证券 | give-up佣金让予