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地产银行 的英文翻译、例句


land bank
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The high quality managerial talent, the extreme responsible enterprise staffs and the excellent poster paper product printing processing craft enable this company always to have the good enterprise credit and the profession prestige, guarantees the quality,the service customer is our objective, is driving force which the enterprise survival and depends on develops This company has the adva-nced paper printing processing mechanical device, depends on the Shenzhen paper product printing industry home leading sup-eriority,this company customer spreads the home, far fords the ocean other shore We are engaged in the poster paper product manufacture,directly roduct examination discipline, had guaranteed our overwhelming majority customer stabilizes and turning head rate This company has the multiwraps to use the South Korean part paper cup to take shape the production line The mon-thly output 10 million poster paper cups,5,000 papers cups are especially few subscribe the custom make, is quickest in five days to deliver The complete paper cup product selects the high quality A level reed paper manufacture (completely primary thick liquid, does not contain recycling paper pulp is the A level), the albedo Degree of hardness ultra is good Guaranteed by the reli-able stable quality that, good postsale follows up to ser-ve becomes China to move, the Chinese telecommunicati-on, China Uni-com, the communications bank, the construction bank, the agricultural bank, the brilliant bank, china merchants bank, ten thousand branches real estates,China is the technology, the Shenzhen aviation, China is safe and so on the wellkno-wn big enterprise's long-term stable partner.


The high quality managerial talent, the extreme responsible enterprise staffs and the excellent poster paper product printing processing craft enable this company always to have the good enterprise credit and the profession prestige, guarantees the quality,the service customer is our objective, is driving force which the enterprise survival and depends on develops This company has the adva-nced paper printing processing mechanical device, depends on the Shenzhen paper product printing industry home leading sup-eriority,this company customer spreads the home, far fords the ocean other shore We are engaged in the poster paper product manufacture,directly roduct examination discipline, had guaranteed our overwhelming majority customer stabilizes and turning head rate This company has the multiwraps to use the South Korean part paper cup to take shape the production line The mon-thly output 10 million poster paper cups,5,000 papers cups are especially few subscribe the custom make, is quickest in five days to deliver The complete paper cup product selects the high quality A level reed paper manufacture (completely primary thick liquid, does not contain recycling paper pulp is the A level), the albedo Degree of hardness ultra is good Guaranteed by the reli-able stable quality that, good postsale follows up to serve becomes China to move, the Chinese telecommunicati-on, China Uni-com, the communications bank, the construction bank, the agricultural bank, the brilliant bank, china merchants bank, ten thousand branches real estates,China is the technology, the Shenzhen aviation, China is safe and so on the wellkno-wn big enterprise's long-term stable partner.


Bill Maxted, whose unit at De Montfort University in Leicester produces a half-yearly survey of property lending, says that a large number of banks are holding property debt which is simply not refinanceable:"Sooner or later something has to give."


"The real estate sector and the relationship with the financial sector in the early 1990s, different. In the early 1990s, is the developers constantly Norte money from the bank; Now, the initiative is in the real estate sector."


Which are used as an important basis of investment decision and risk controlling and management in later phases. But former studies made by many research institutions mainly focused on investment estimates of industrial projects and cost controlling of individual projects. It is looked as a weak aspect for the whole real estate industry that the accuracy of project investment estimates is too lower to meet the permissible error regulated by the government in feasibility research phrase. Overestimate is a very common phenomenon, which will undoubtedly be a barrier for smoothly increasing of real estate industry.


To date, the Group has successfully become the Wal-Mart, Budweiser, Tsingtao Brewery, China Resources Blue Sword, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, unified enterprise, Ting Hsin Group, Wahaha Group, Pacific Insurance, China Merchants Bank, Construction Bank of China, Haier Group, Changhong Group, Jialing Group, Zongshen Group, Hongta Group, Stentor Group, New Hope Group, Youngor Group, Taiji Group, Sunshine 100 Real Estate Group and many other well-known enterprises, umbrella-type suppliers.


Those attending the event were the leadership of National Development and Reform Commission, People's Bank of China Deputy Governor Su Ning, the leadership of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the leadership of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Shanghai municipal government leaders, Khalid Malik - the United Nations system, the chief representative in China, Juan Carlos Capunay - APEC2008 Director, John Swinney - Minister of Finance Scotland, Make Wu Ran - New Bretton Woods Committee chief executive, David Rhodes - Boston, a global consulting firm, senior partner and Managing Director, Li - UBS Group Chairman and Chief Executive of China, Qiu Zhizhong - ABN AMRO Asia, China, Vice Chairman and President, Hu Yang - International investment experts, Yan Yan - SAIF fund the senior partner, Zhang Jun - general manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Song Liping - General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Liang Yan - Star River, vice president of real estate, Xu Xiaonian - well-known economist and professor at Central College of Commerce and Industry, and so on.

出席的嘉宾有国家发改委领导,中国人民银行副行长苏宁,中国证监会领导,中国银监会领导,上海市政府领导,马和励——联合国系统驻华总代表,Juan Carlos Capunay——APEC2008理事长,John Swinney——苏格兰财政部长,马克·乌然——新布雷顿森林委员会执行长,大卫·罗兹——波士顿咨询公司全球资深合伙人兼董事总经理,李一——瑞银集团中国区主席兼总裁,邱致中——荷兰银行亚洲区副主席兼中国区主席,胡立阳——国际投资专家,阎焱——软银赛富基金首席合伙人,张育军——上海证券交易所总经理,宋丽萍——深圳证券交易所总经理,梁上燕——星河湾地产副总裁,许小年——著名经济学家,中欧工商学院教授等。

Whenever you land on an unowned property you may buy that property from the Bank at its printed price.


The government put up $1 billion to create a "bad bank" that took on First City's bad energy and commercial real estate portfolios; it was able to liquidate those assets over the next 15 years, recouping much of the money it had invested in the bailout.


Unnervingly for other banks, many of which carry their commercial-property loans at close to par value, Goldman marks its portfolio at a mere half that.


更多网络解释与地产银行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

compass plane:凹刨, 刳刨, 曲面刨

vallation 壁垒, 筑城术 | compass plane 凹刨, 刳刨, 曲面刨 | land bank 地产银行,不动产银行

City Developments:城市发展银行 新加坡 金融、地产

31 Singapore Technologies 新科集团 新加坡 航天国防 1435 | 32 City Developments 城市发展银行 新加坡 金融、地产 1457 | 33 Petronas Gas 马来西亚国家油气 马来西亚 炼油 1467

Trust . Bank . Foreign Fund, All-directional View of Feal Estate Sector:信托.银行.外资,地产金融面面观

须警惕金融全球化风险 Keep an Eye on Risks... | 信托.银行.外资,地产金融面面观 Trust . Bank . Foreign Fund, All-directional View of Feal Estate Sector | 房地产宏观调控不会"软着陆" The Macro Management of...

land bank:地产银行

游客至此如欲兑换菲币,可至位於National High Way上的地产银行(LAND BANK)兑换,该银行上班时间为星期一至五,9:00am~15:00pm. 凯央根湖(Cayangan Lake)座落於科隆岛(Coron Island)西北侧海拔高约43公尺的山腰,该湖曾经发现长约1.5公尺的梭鱼,

land bank:地产银行,<英>不动产银行

compass plane 凹刨, 刳刨, 曲面刨 | land bank 地产银行,不动产银行 | picramide 苦酰胺, 苦基胺

Land Bank of Taiwan:(台湾土地银行)

据台湾>周五援引未具名消息人士的话报导,由于担心出现资产泡沫,台湾土地银行(Land Bank of Taiwan)及合作金库商业银行股份有限公司(Taiwan Cooperative Bank, 5854.TW, 简称:合作金库银行)均已收紧对地产开发商的信贷投放.

land breeze:陆地风

land bank 地产银行 | land breeze 陆地风 | land forces 陆军

SOHO China:中国

北京商业地产开发商 SOHO 中国(Soho China)上周也在香港上市,筹集资金 17 亿美元. 地产开发商们渴望利用股市获取资金,因为他们正面临着日益提高的地价和越来越多的银行融资限制. 一些开发商还预计,该行业将会出现整合,


西德意志银行 WestLB AG | 澳洲地产集团 Westfield | 联合包裹服务 UPS

land bank:地产银行,<英>不动产银行

compass plane 凹刨, 刳刨, 曲面刨 | land bank 地产银行,<英>不动产银行 | picramide 苦酰胺, 苦基胺