英语人>词典>汉英 : 在飞行中 的英文翻译,例句
在飞行中 的英文翻译、例句


on the fly · on the wing
更多网络例句与在飞行中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the helicopters half-practicality simulation laboratory, load simulator is an important equipment to simulate the aerodynamic load acting on the airscrew while flying.


Almost 45 years after the E-2A entered service, the latest evolution of the Hawkeye line is today in flight testing ahead of its scheduled 2011 initial operating capability.

差不多45年,在E-2A进入了服务之后, Hawkeye线的最新的演变在它的预定的2011最初的操作能力之前在飞行中今天测试。

Article 9During flights, the crew members shall follow the instructions, strictly observe the discipline and operating procedures and correctly handle aerial situations.

第九条 飞行人员在飞行中,必须服从指挥,严格遵守纪律和操作规程,正确处置空中情况。

Within the limits of products' utilization continuity demand in the condition of unimproving original parts manufacturing precision and unchanged original assembly method, a standard test system is designed, which established by the principle of the simulation quantity transferability. The system can be used in assembling and checkout. The system is put into effect in the production to meet the requirements of parts' interchangeability.


This add-on includes more than 200 in-flight sounds to immerse you in the ambiance of flight.


This flight was, as were many others, tape-recorded in order to record comments and to determine the exact timing of various events during the flight cam-corders were not readily available in this era!


Demurrers to claims for injury or damage that occurs after the termination of the effective term of the insurance or guarantee.


A photographer has taken a picture of a greylag goose performing an extraordinary contortion as it battled strong winds, UK media reported Wednesday. With its neck twisted, it ended up flying with its head upright and the rest of its body upside down.


When he heard the singing of some distant robins in flight, he knew it was his time to fly.


Bird strike represents one of the serious flight accidents. It is paroxysmal and universal, usually resulting in a huge economic and life lost.


更多网络解释与在飞行中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Flight:在飞行中的

in-depth 彻底的 | in-flight 在飞行中的 | in-grade 本薪以外的

jet lag:飞行时差反应

这就是人会出现飞行时差反应(jet lag)的原因. 当你快速穿越几个时区后,你的身体可能处于不同的时区了,但你的体温节律却没有变. 褪黑素(Melatonin)是一种激素. 这种激素大部分由松果腺分泌,而少部分则在视网膜中产生. 褪黑素负责让你入睡,

on the fly:在飞行中

on the fence 抱观望态度 | on the fly 在飞行中 | on the gad 闲荡

On The Wing:在飞行中

on the windy side of 势力不及 | on the wing 在飞行中 | on the wings of the wind 飞快地

towards an embodied otherness in flight:往一个被实现的另一,在飞行中

理想的欲望综合 ideal desire synthesis. | 谈判行动的工具 tool for negotiating actions | 往一个被实现的另一,在飞行中. towards an embodied otherness in flight.

smooth flight:平稳飞行

这一营销方式被沿用到名为"平稳飞行"(Smooth Flight)的酒吧促销活动中,在活动中,"飞行服务员"会让酒吧中喝其他品牌啤酒的顾客们免费喝一瓶Premium Light,从而得以"享受头等舱服务".


双翅目(Diptera)食虫虻科(Asilidae)食肉昆虫的统称,约6,750种,分布全球. 长度不等,大者几乎有8公分(3吋),是所有的蝇中最大的. 体多褐色而粗壮,通常多毛,形似大黄蜂. 眼面大,两眼之间有一刚毛. 足长,能在飞行中捕食,在进食时用足握住食物.


各翅均有一翅痣(pterostigma). 尾须小,只一节. 白天活动,飞行敏捷而有力,可持续飞行颇长时间,并能在飞行中捕捉其他昆虫为食. 若虫水生,其下唇特化成一捕食器官,称为面罩(mask),用来捕食小型甲壳动物和其他昆虫. 不完全变态.

machine shop:车间

特伦斯族的建筑物是建造产生的 其特性是总部和各种生产性的建筑都可以飞行到新的地方再着陆 但在飞行中无法使用建筑的任何功能 不少建筑物可在其旁边建造附加建筑. 像工厂(Factory)要在旁边建造机械车间(Machine Shop) 才能生产围攻坦克(Siege Tank). 作为<<星际争霸>>的前作 <<魔兽争霸II>>采用的

machine shop:机械车间

特伦斯族的建筑物是建造产生的 其特性是总部和各种生产性的建筑都可以飞行到新的地方再着陆 但在飞行中无法使用建筑的任何功能 不少建筑物可在其旁边建造附加建筑. 像工厂(Factory)要在旁边建造机械车间(Machine Shop) 才能生产围攻坦克(Siege Tank). 作为<<星际争霸>>的前作 <<魔兽争霸II>>采用的