英语人>词典>汉英 : 在银幕上 的英文翻译,例句
在银幕上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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While Xie artistically creates a feminist point of view on the screen with his cinematography to reinforce the feminist strength of his film, it is, however, unintentionally weakened in his attempt to allegorize his tale.


And Newell makes the drabness of '50s Liverpool before the Beatles erupted on the scene a forceful presence in An Awfully Big Adventure.


Tion Medon, having a more involved on-screen presence, was created as a prosthetic makeup effect worn by actor Bruce Spence.


At 39, Joe wanted a home and family and had hoped that the 27-year-old blonde star, voted by Photoplay magazine as Most Popular Actress in 1953, would quit her career to be a housewife.


This uncredited bit part is believed to have been only the second film appearance by Nakadai, who would quickly become one of Japan's most accomplished actors, and who had a long working relationship with Akira Kurosawa. His active career continues more than 50 years after this film was released.


In his famous films,"Paris, Texas","American friends,""Wings of Desire,""until the end of the world"...... in with the alienation, a perpetual wandering protagonist through Wenders also by these two elements in on the screen to create a month full of poetry and the empty feeling in the world, won the critics and audience favorite, and has repeatedly won the Cannes, Berlin, Venice and other international film festival awards in the international community has a pivotal position on the film.


Water curtain film is through high-pressure pumps and specially designed water curtain generator, the water from top to bottom, high-speed spray, fog formed after the fan-shaped screen, by the dedicated video projector will be a special projection of the screen on the formation of water curtain movie.


Thank God they have at least the movies, where they can see birds singing on the screen, trees growing and swaying, Turkey, Egypt, the Himalayas, the Andes, storms, shipwrecks, coronation ceremonies, ants, caterpillars, muskrats, a fight between lizards and scorpions, hills, waves, sands, clouds, and even a moon all on the screen!


I may not be a great actress but I've become the greatest at screen orgasms.


On the screen, a shadow flickered—a shadow with feet like boxcars and a smile like the last soliloquy of Hamlet.


更多网络解释与在银幕上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


--"卡通"(Cartoon)的原有的意义包括一切单幅讽刺漫画,时事漫画,人生漫画,连续漫画等,可是我在这里要谈的卡通是专指映在银幕上的那种活动映画. 卡通画的事业现在可以算很光明灿烂了山东艺术学校. 画片除了配音之外,又加上了绚烂的色彩;


影片中三位日本京都(Kyoto)艺伎(geisha)小百合(Sayur)、豆叶(Mameha)和初桃(Hatsumomo)将日本独特的传统文化淋漓尽致地在银幕上再现出来. 在影片中,她们身着和服(kinomo)和木屐(geta),挽着高高的发髻(shimada).


梅尔费勒在50年代演出了很多经典电影,如>(Lili)、>(War and Peace)及>(The Sun Also Rises)等等,合出100多部影视作品,他亦执导了9部电影、以及监制了10多部电影,他在银幕上塑造过许多令人难忘的形象.


现代人丧失了这种能力,但动画填补了这项空白,他可以通过动画的手段在银幕上赋予物体生命,以此表现人与物之间的交流,因此他把动画称为"魔术"(magic). 例如在短片>(Meat Love)中,两块即将被放进煎锅中的肉排贴在一起随着音乐跳着交谊舞,

Aston Martin:阿斯顿 马丁

世界上配置最高、跑得最快的跑车之一汽车"阿斯顿-马丁"(Aston Martin)与诺基亚合作推出的诺基亚8800 Aston Martin特别版. 这家汽车厂商诞生90年以来一直以生产豪华跑车而著名,007曾经驾驶着Aston MartinBD6跑车在银幕上叱咤风云.


juggle 耍弄 | onscreen 在银幕上的 | reincarnation 重生

parallel projection:平行投影

太阳光线可以看成平行光线,像这样的光线所形成的投影称为平行投影(parallel projection)皮影手影在灯光的照射下,做不同的手势可以形成各种各样的手影.上面皮影和手影都是在灯光照射下形成的影子.皮影是用兽皮或纸板做成的人物剪影来表演故事的戏曲.用灯光照射在银幕上,

Sienna Miller:希恩娜.米勒

而希恩娜米勒(Sienna Miller)和瑞秋尼克尔斯(Rachel Nichols)两位80后性感花瓶的出现,无疑为影片在火爆刺激的阳刚主线之外,增添了别样的景致,尽管她们在银幕上所扮演的角色也在性感冶艳中显现出一种强悍的杀伤力,但毕竟不同于纯男风的刚劲,

The Wild One:飞车党

他在>(Eight Iron Men)、>(The Big Heat)和 >(The Wild One)中的表现均给人留下了难忘记忆. 在银幕上树立起根植人心的反面角色印象后,马文凭借在>(M Squad)中侦探一角的成功演出完成了角色的变换.

Vantage Point:刺杀据点

无论是题材还是阵容,>(Vantage Point)都很有卖点. 先不说时髦的"反恐"话题,单单"劫持美国总统"这一桥段,上一次在银幕上出现还是11年前的>,美国观众也比较期待人家"动一动"他们的总统了. 演员阵容方面,