英语人>词典>汉英 : 在运行中 的英文翻译,例句
在运行中 的英文翻译、例句


in action
更多网络例句与在运行中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The truck cast steel three big piece type bogie is easy to maintain. But since the grate weight under spring and the large operation strength during running, it is difficult for the bogie to keep the positive position. The critical speed of the snaking motion is low, which is inapplicable for high speed running. The other type of truck bogie is H type integrative truss. Its structure is complicate relatively, which is not easy to manufacture and maintain. But it can keep the positive position of the bogie preferably. And because it is adopted the structure of axle box one series elastic suspend, the weight under spring reduces. Which achieve the effective control to wheel sets and improve the running quality of the bogie distinctly.


Through the more than a half year trial operation and continual betterment, it is proved stable and reliable.


Then with statistical analysis of the range of self-incriminating cases, the results of the first instance, the judicial organization of the first instance, the surrogate and advocacy of the first instance and of the second instance, I found, in practice, the self-incriminating cases have the following characteristics: The range of self-incriminating cases is small which mainly focus on 10 imputations; no public prosecution into private prosecution; the verdicts still lie a very important position, among which are lots of guilty verdicts; intermediation is the main way in ending a case, however, the intermediation system is not normative in practice; the cases of defendants escape is increasing, as a result, the suspension of private prosecution is also increasing; the court more depend on collegial bench, and less summary procedure; the party make less use of the system of surrogate and advocacy; the methods of processing mode are flexible in the second instance, etc.


The use of "Start" menu "Run" to run programs or open documents, in the "running" in the run-off process and open the file path and name will be recorded and entered in the next "run" item, In the drop-down list box is displayed for selection, these records need to be removed.


Can be run at any time adjustment pressure, speed and can also run in the "exigency stop,""suspended" migration.


Low temperature reheater's operational characteristics have been analyzed herein and the causes for problems listed above have also been further understood.


Due to the air losses will strongly influence the function of the air cushion surge chamber, it is absolutely necessary to predict the amount of air losses in the running process of air-cushioned surge chamber in design stage.


Combined with the reclaimed water reuse project of a power plant in Ordos, the commissioning and operation of the upflow BAF were summarized, the conditions of this process reaching its treatment efficiency, and the problems to which attention should be paid in the process operation were put forward.


The early facility for mill dust production mostly was ball mill,then air classification ,that is the ball mill with air classifier.For ball mill,not only the noise is big but also the productivity is low.In this article,the composition,Characteristics and the operational effect of 6R trapezoid mill which was applied by Shandong Chenyang Carbon Stock Co.

针对国内外炭素行业早期磨粉用球磨机及后来又开发的风扫磨,即球磨机加风选系统在运行中存在噪声大,出粉率低,投资大等缺点,山东晨阳碳素股份有限公司经多方考察6R 梯形磨,在炭素生产中采用了梯形磨粉系统。

Through the analysis about the measure data of three-phase, four wires electric meter in the different modes, we can know that whether the electric meter is connected to earth wire or not, the error is different.


更多网络解释与在运行中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



True. Visible Enabled Default Value B:在运行时,若要能调用某命令按钮的Click事件过程,应将该按钮的( )属性设置为

244 在运行时,若要获得文本框中所选的文本... | 245 在运行时,若要能调用某命令按钮的Click事件过程,应将该按钮的( )属性设置为 True. Visible Enabled Default Value B 3 | 246 在运行时,若要使文本框获得输入焦点,...



in accord with:与......一致

in a good/bad light 从好/坏的角度 | in accord with 与......一致 | in action 在活动,在运行中


Memcache::setServerParams - 在运行时点窜办事器的参数 | Memcache::increment - 对保留的某个key中的值举行加法操纵 | Memcache::getServerStatus - 获取运行办事器的参数

on the fly:在运行中

这个伪文件系统让你可以和内核内部数据结构进行交互,获取 有关进程的有用信息,在运行中 (on the fly) 改变设置 (通过改变内核参数). 在/proc 文件系统中,我们可以将对虚拟文件的读写作为与内核中实体进行通信的一种手段,

Replicator Activity:自我复制. 可以在运行中自我复制实例

ConditionedActivityGroup:条件组 | Replicator Activity:自我复制. 可以在运行中自我复制实例. | Delay Activity:延时执行.

tangentially fired boiler:切向燃烧锅炉

切向燃烧锅炉(Tangentially Fired Boiler)运行一年之后,燃烧器的燃料稀释管内发生异常. 此种燃烧器的设计在过去20年之前一直在进行过渡测试,那个时候并不存在这种异常现象. 制造商对此非常震惊. 锅炉在运行中无法进行测试,

Request Time-out:请求超时

在IE(我的IE版本是7.0)中输入192.168.0.1后很长时间没有反映. 根本无法进入路由器设置界面. (我的系统是Windows XP SP3)在运行中输入Ping -t后显示时好时坏,一会正常一会就出现请求超时(Request time out)提示. 谁知道是怎么回事吗?

transits:運行星 在天空中實際運行的星

Taurus 金牛座 | transits 运行星 在天空中实际运行的星 | Trine 三分相 两星或基本点间成一百二十度的角度