英语人>词典>汉英 : 在过渡期间 的英文翻译,例句
在过渡期间 的英文翻译、例句


in the interim
更多网络例句与在过渡期间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the interim, we hope you find the service we provide useful for most purposes.

在过渡期间, Google在线翻译给我们提供了大部分有好处的用途。

This paper mainly discusses the Han Character Internal Codes recognition algorithms in the Multi-lingual Environment, and provides four recognition algorithms, such as Internal Code Bound Recognition Algorithm, Interpunction Recognition Algorithm, Han Character Frequency Recognition Algorithm and Semantic Recognition Algorithm.

在此基础上,本文对不同的识别算法进行分析和评估。在对目标样本的测试中,以上算法的识别率最高可以达到 99 9%以上。1 前言汉字内码向ISO/IEC 1 0 6 46过渡是必然的趋势,但这需要一个较长的过渡期,在这期间计算机内将存在多种标准不一,互不兼容的内码,称之为多文种的环境[1] 。

In fish and amphibia, the transition from maternal gene transcription to zygotic transcription happens during the time of midblastula formation, this stage is named by midblastula transition, at this period, embryo cell cycle composition changes, it is the first time to G1 time appearance, the cell cycle timelimit lengthens and the cell division synchronism loses, the large quantities of zygotic gene transcription starts.

鱼类和两栖类由母型调控向合子型调控过渡发生在中囊胚形成阶段,称为中囊胚过渡(midblastula transition,MBT),胚胎细胞周期时相的组成在此期间发生变化,首次出现G1期,周期时限延长,细胞分裂的同步性丧失,大批合子型基因活化转录也在此时开始。

During the transition period, the purchasers are prohibited from re-electing the board of directors of the listed company upon the suggestion of the controlling shareholders in principle; in case there are sufficient reasons to re-elect the board of directors, the directors from the purchasers shall not exceed one third of the members of the board of directors.


In the interim, Schmidt opted to follow Gray (1862), except that he considered the smooth-fronted caimans "generically-distinct," and for this reason, used Paleosuchus as their generic name.

在过渡期间,施密特选择后续灰色( 1862年),但他认为,顺利额caimans &一般,不同的&,并基于这个原因,使用Paleosuchus作为其通用名称。

The setting is Hollywood during the transition to talkies, with Hagen giving the performance of a lifetime as Kelly's silent screen costar, whose voice could shatter glass.


II. In case the takeover of a listed company is made by agreement, the controlling shareholders and the purchasers shall stipulate clearly in the takeover agreement the rights and duties of the two parties during the transition period after concluding the takeover agreement and before transferring the relevant shares, and shall take effective measures to ensure the sound transition of the management of the listed company during the period of transferring the controlling right.


II. Where the takeover of a listed company is made by agreement, the controlling shareholders and the purchasers shall stipulate clearly in the takeover agreement the rights and duties of the two parties during the transition period after signing the takeover agreement and before transferring the relevant shares, and take effective measures to ensure the sound transition of the management of the listed company during the period of transferring the controlling right.


In the interim, he grabbed this image with a 50mm lens, setting his friends into the grand context of the other-worldly environment.


In the interim, however, the European Cup is beginning to rival the global championships in terms of the outpourings of stamps from participants and non-participants eager soccer stars.


更多网络解释与在过渡期间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fine Arts:艺术学院

在从古典主义到分离派的过渡时期,斯卡帕在威尼斯的艺术学院(Fine Arts)学习. 当时学院的潮流使斯卡帕注意到了霍夫曼和麦金托什,这些人在建筑入门阶段都对肌理、手工艺和材料给予特殊重视. 斯卡帕不只一次地提到熕在艺术学院学习期间比在建筑学院更多地感到一种手工艺的氛围.


2.本公约开始生效之日原是联合国际局(BUREAUX)雇用的职员,在第(一)项所指过渡期间,应视为也是国际局(INTER-NATIONALBUREAU)雇用的职员. 世界知识产权组织(WIPO)成员国:1989年3月8日,有下列123个国家为建立世界知识产权组


udish)和"旧式长礼服"(frock)的组合,暗示古板的英国上流社会,"J."代表新世代的小人物(如 Joe, John, Jack 等),而Alfred这个象征光荣的名字则夹在新时代与旧传统的过渡期间动弹不得──整个名字代表的就是西方文明当前的困境.

in the interim:在此期间, 与此同时

interim a.中间的,临时的,间歇的 n.中间时期,过渡时期,暂定 | in the interim 在此期间, 与此同时 | scholarship n. 奖学金;学问,学识

Transition Metals:过渡金属

简单来说,此反应发生有两个期间,其中也包含了铁原子氧化数的改变,一种简单的氧化数改变形式是过渡金属(transition metals)的主要性质,在实验室中,铁原子通常拥有两种氧化数形式,除了零价的金属原子外还包含了+2价和+3价,价数会十分容易地来回变动.

