英语人>词典>汉英 : 在觅食 的英文翻译,例句
在觅食 的英文翻译、例句


on the feed
更多网络例句与在觅食相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like an anaconda waiting for a rematch.


One day while the parrot searched for food,the vulture attacked her.


When on the prowl the cr ow glides smoothly and rapidly through the air, often changing his direction, no w flying close to the surface, anon mounting high, but oftenest keeping nearly on a level with the tree tops.


This article puts forward algorithm of a kind of improvement man-made shoal of fish, in forage man-made fish lets direct move in behavior relatively actor position, in order to accelerate algorithmic search rate, trends adjusts the eye shot of man-made fish and pace to grow, make its maintain maximum in algorithmic moving initial stage, and gradually by big decrescent.


The activity rhythm of G. monacha was studied at the foraging site by direct observation method in the field. Each activity behavior of G.


Monacha at the foraging site had a certain time budget rhythm in the breeding period. In the prophase of breeding, the male and female moved together at the foraging site in the whole day; the main activities of the male were feeding, guarding, walking around, maintaining and wooing, while those of the female were feeding, guarding, walking round and maintaining. In the anaphase of breeding, there were two stages every day when the male and female did their own activities at the foraging site (4:00~6:00 and 17:00~19:00), neither the male nor female had wooing activity.


Be careful here, there are wolves prowling about in the bush .


When on the prowl the crow glides smoothly and rapidly through the air, often changing his direction, now flying close to the surface, anon mounting high, but oftenest keeping nearly on a level with the tree tops.


The Crab and the FoxA crab, forsaking the seashore, chose a neighboring green meadow as its feeding ground.


Any of six species of New World woodpeckers noted for spending much time on the ground eating ant s.


更多网络解释与在觅食相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


黑腹滨鸟(Black-bellied Plover)为仅次於黑腹滨鹬(Dunlin)的海滨小鸟. 大多滨鸟生活於开阔的地方,退潮时在海滨觅食,涨潮时则飞到田野觅食. 它们觅食的习性为快步前进,一旦看见任何猎物,立即停下啄食,继而再跑步前进.

like an anaconda waiting for a rematch:像一只蜿蜒的大蟒蛇在觅食

hiding in its shell, instead of hanging out...|蜷缩在壳里,而不是现在... | like an anaconda waiting for a rematch.|像一只蜿蜒的大蟒蛇在觅食...... | Rod: Oh, man, you lost to a girl.|罗德: 我日,你输给了个...

Crimson Rosella:深紅玫瑰鸚鵡

偶尔会高达100只;生性活泼并不怕人,大多喜欢在地面觅食;在浓密林间活动的时候则相当难以察觉,因为身体的羽色提供了良好的掩蔽;偶尔会和深红玫瑰鹦鹉(Crimson Rosella)一起群聚活动;在中午炎热的时候大多躲在高大的桉属植物上休息乘凉,

Ithaginis cruentus:血雉

红腹角雉(Tragopan temminckii)和血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)是主要分布在中国的受胁雉类,到目前为止,对这两种雉类的生态学特征的了解并不多. 作者于2006年5-8月,在四川省栗子坪自然保护区公益海,运用样线法和样方取样法对红腹角雉和血雉在繁殖季节的觅食生境选择进行了对比研究.

Parus ater:煤山雀

而在内外层次及树木部位上,卡方值主要来自於茶腹鳾与煤山雀(Parus ater)在觅食频率分布上出现相反的趋势. 茶腹鳾主要集中在内层的主干及分枝上,而煤山雀大多出现在外层针叶上觅食. 此外,


人类早期历史中,游牧觅食(foraging)是一项主要的经济活动. 人类的游牧民族和部落以渔猎或采摘蔬果的方式从周围环境中获得食物. 现代的一些活动逻辑上是类似于游牧觅食的. 例如,沿街叫卖的商贩可以说是在寻觅顾客. 对阿契族的游牧觅食者来说,

The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice:猫在看作为老鼠的地窖周围潜行以觅食

The counter of the sink has many grooves along which th... | The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice. 猫在看作为老鼠的地窖周围潜行以觅食. | We all sympathized with the husband who was berea...

rooting reflex:觅食反射

觅食反射(rooting reflex)是新生儿无条件反射的一种. 当新生儿面颊触到母亲乳房或其他部位时 即可出现寻觅乳头的动作. 用手指抚弄新生儿面颊时 他的头也会转向刺激方向. 该反射约在3~4个月时逐渐消失.

so the six-plumed bird of paradise has no problem finding food:所以六羽天堂鸟要觅食毫无困难

This is a particularly rich forest,|这是格外... | so the six-plumed bird of paradise has no problem finding food.|所以六羽天堂鸟要觅食毫无困难 | He can concentrate on more important tasks,|他能把精力花在...

Arctic fox:北极狐

只能靠冻土带释放在夏天阳光充足时所吸收的太阳热量来避免进一步的降温, 所以这里的冬天异常寒冷.在这样严酷的季节, 我仍然在营地旁看到了一只白色的北极狐(ARCTIC FOX)在四处觅食, 据说它们喜欢在油田附近活动,