英语人>词典>汉英 : 在规定时间后 的英文翻译,例句
在规定时间后 的英文翻译、例句


after hours
更多网络例句与在规定时间后相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Machine brickyard receives this to examine after the report , in supervisory bureau of technology of quality of county of formulary time introversion demur , ask to reinspect .


The flame is applied to the shell, trim, chin strap and face shield for a specified number of seconds, and any resulting fire must self extinguish within a specified time after flame removal.


After my dive I spent the required time in the decompression chamber, and went to bed.


If the bill payable on demand, except as otherwise provided in this Act, for the drawer is responsible must be a vote within a reasonable time after prompt; In order to endorse responsible must be reasonable, after endorsement period of time prompts.


In the document requests clearly, this system's some functions: If the arms locker or the ball medicine-chest are destructed contrary opening, this system auto-alarm; The police overtime will use the gun, the system to send the short note automatically to the police handset on, the reminder will return the gun; If this police returns the guns not on time, then after certain time limit, the information automatic transmission sub-bureau "110" the warning center,"110" will supervise it by the sub-bureau to return the gun as soon as possible; If the sub-bureau "110" has not processed in the scheduled time, the city bureau "110", the city bureau public security branch, the supervisor team will simultaneously receive the alarm message.


If a party fails to satisfy a judgment which the court has granted approval to enforce within the stipulated time, the court will, upon application of the other party, mandatorily enforce the judgment.


Except as otherwise provided in this Law, see the votes for payment of bills in circulation after the transfer, ticket holders must be prompted to accept or within a reasonable time nontransferable.


METHODS Apply the preparation to rabbits'skin in a short time, and study the skin irritation and relevant adverse drug reactional within the fixed time.


During the period, if the overload current occurs again, the time delay will be reduced automatically, if the breaker reclosed after 30s or the intelligent controller turn off its power supply once, the Thermal memory disappear.


B Knig places the composition of the book at a much later date, but still in the pre-exilic period; namely, in the time of King Josiah, or in the period immediately following.


更多网络解释与在规定时间后相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arrival notice:到货通知

进口商接到承运人或其代理人发出的>(Arrival Notice)后,就可以着手安排进口通关手续. 首先进口商应注意进口货物的申报时间和地点,如果进口商没有能够在规定时间内向海关申报货物,海关要对其征收滞报金. 如果货物抵港后三个月内没有申报,


此类疾病大约可分为两种,其症状是在创伤后六个月内发生被认为是属急性(acute)症状,如果症状超过六个月后才发生,则被认为是属延迟(delayed)症状. 美国的心理咨询工作者,至少要获得心理咨询硕士学位,并在相应的专业领域完成规定的实习内容和实习时间.




主要有装运港船上交货价(FOB),亦称离岸价;运费在内价 (C&F) 装运港船边交货价 (FAS) 和运费、保险费在内价(CIF) 等几种价格. 它们的特点主要是:卖方按照约定的时间在装运港交货,只要卖方把合同规定的货物装船后提供货运单据便完成交货任务,

hang up:挂起

寄存器S7的作用有两个,一个是呼叫建立连接的过程中,本地调制解调器拨完号后等待对端调制解调器载波信号的时长,如果在S7规定的时间内,没有收到载波信号则挂起(Hang up);第二个是当"等待拨号音(Wait for Tone)调用进程有效时,


签了协议后,乔.博伊德犹如换了一个人,名字也改成了乔.哈迪(Joe Hardy),为了确保乔不反悔,魔鬼还特地让一个美丽的迷失灵魂"劳拉"(Lola)去引诱他. 乔虽仍然有机会在规定时间之前终止这个协议,但那个规定的期限恰恰在世界棒球大赛期间.

make an appointment:约

在国外看病一般都需要预约(make an appointment). 如果是得了急病,可以直接送诊所或医院. 按规定的时间到了医院,先要挂号. 见到医生后要向医生陈述你的病情,医生会根据你的病情作出诊断开处方(prescription),之后,你就可以拿着处方去配药或买药.

Hot Restrike:热态再启动

4.2.4 热态再启动(Hot Restrike)试验:光源和稳压器於试验电压下一同启动与运作一五分钟后,关断稳压器之电压供应,在该类型所规定的关断时间后重新启动.