英语人>词典>汉英 : 在脚底 的英文翻译,例句
在脚底 的英文翻译、例句


under foot
更多网络例句与在脚底相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Certainly metal on the bottom of the feet can heat up and cause secondary burns, but it is unlikely to "draw" lightning to the person.


We don't need telling how good it is to see the downtrodden catering trades standing up for themselves.


In such case, all hullabaloo will be under feet.


Because many people prone to hyperextension lean too heavily on the heel, this is a good correction; remember that a goal in standing poses is to have your weight evenly balanced on the four corners of each foot (the inner and outer edges of the heel, and the inner and outer edges of the ball of the foot).


Bathed in the wind, bathed in the rain, soaked in the dew, soked in the thunder,i walked hard,sometimes crooning sometimes howling , all the jounce had become into callus under my feet,all the clouds had pooled in my chest, all the sweaters had crinkled through my skin, all these,for me to know what is it that on the other side of the mountain?


See of quick throw a shuttlecock toward Wang2 Yu4, kick on the Wang2 Yu4 Yi, the shuttlecock fly Gao, it be upward quick to trample a his hand, turned over a fall, in the sky come 1 turn to kick, then person lightly fall in, flank of Wang2 Yu4 toe point ground, rob in out of the sky of shuttlecock, comply with the surrounding on picking one Ke, end the shuttlecock fall of quick feet up, she made a Dan Feng, the shuttlecock be very steady even fall in the feet bottom.


He was very gay, but one felt the force of government in him; there was dictation in his joviality; his principal ornament was a pair of trousers of elephant-leg pattern of nankeen, with straps of braided copper wire; he carried a stout rattan worth two hundred francs in his hand, and, as he treated himself to everything, a strange thing called a cigar in his mouth.


Purpose: The aim of this study is to present a novel technique in which uniform dose to the whole body as well as the soles and vertex of scalp can be achieved in one electron beam treatment fraction. An experiment was undertaken with a home-made aswirl board that enables the patient to lie in supine or prone position for treatment.


After Xia of Zai Mei second Dao, by the Hou when De of bottom of Jiao of Ren Cai Zai, metropolis Xiang if he lays Jiang of Ju of Yi of He Zai Xia, below Jiao of Zai of Jiang his Cai even Hui flogs his De Shi, by Ren Cai it is Di first-order Duan, and it is Yi Duan period of quite long De.


Aye, it is ye! Thy thunderous hooves, oh thou war steeds of the Khan, thy thunderous hooves come as if the whip of God, and thrashes the elfin delight of those foregone days!


更多网络解释与在脚底相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这强健而稳固 筋膜组织,后方附著在跟骨 (calcaneum) 内侧,前方附著在五个跖骨头 (phalanges) 上. 作用是拉紧跟骨及足部,使脚底成一弓形,走路时,因承受体重而使这片筋膜拉力增加进而传导至令足弓上升 (windlass mechanism) .

crus cerebri:大脑脚底

导水管周围灰质的前外侧部分称为大脑脚,大脑脚又以黑质为界分为被盖(tecmentum)、黑质和大脑脚底(crus cerebri)三部分. 黑质延伸于中脑全长,因其多数细胞含黑色素而在新鲜标本呈黑色. 黑质主要由多巴胺能神经元(dopaminergic neuron)组成.

in the back of elephants' feet:在大象的脚底

69 100 pounds of grass 100磅草 | 70 in the back of elephants' feet 在大象的脚底 | 71 walk in the mud easily 轻易的在泥地行走


至于私底下的称呼则从"日本鬼子"(Jap)、"中国猪"(Chink)到"婊子"都有b. 这里举个媒体对我们"开开玩笑"的例子:一本畅销杂志登了一大篇文章,用整页的版面刊登一幅丑化我的漫画,约翰成了一只被拴在脚底下的小甲虫,

Lost in a dream of obviousness:迷失在遗忘的梦中

Sinking below you and me 沉落我们脚底 | Lost in a dream of obviousness 迷失在遗忘的梦中 | Lost in a shimmering sea 迷失在微光的海里

Which looks o'er sea-born Salamis:萨拉米海岛延绵在他脚底

有一位国王高座在山顶君临,A king sate on the rocky brow | 萨拉米海岛延绵在他脚底,Which looks o'er sea -born Salamis; | 成千的战舰,万国的征丁. And ships, by thousands, lay below,

under foot:在脚底

under flying seal 启封 | under foot 在脚底 | under heaven 究竟

under heaven:究竟

under foot 在脚底 | under heaven 究竟 | under lock and key 妥善锁藏着


在baby的身上开始出现4个小芽(buds)他们将来就将发育成手臂以及腿. 因为在怀孕期间baby身子(躯干torso)以至于只能弯曲着他的双腿,所以要测一个全身的长短是很困难的,baby一般是测量从头顶到臀部(from crown to rump)而不是从头顶到脚底,

passers by step on it to tear:路人毫不留情把它踩在脚底

From the window, I see my fortune, 从车窗里我望见了自己的命运, | passers by step on it to tear/ 路人毫不留情把它踩在脚底/ | From the ground, I see the dead smile, 地狱里死亡对我招手,