英语人>词典>汉英 : 在背肩上的 的英文翻译,例句
在背肩上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
piggyback  ·  piggybacked  ·  piggybacks

更多网络例句与在背肩上的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mine I had snatched from my knees and held over my head, by a sort of instinct. As for the captain, he had carried his over his shoulder by a bandoleer, and, like a wise man, lock uppermost.


A broad cartridge belt worn over the shoulder by soldiers.


7 Surely, I should wear it on my shoulder or put it on me like a diadem


Then, with Morgenes' assistance, he somehow hoisted Josua up like a pickaback child.


As soon as I saw them shipp'd, and gone, I took two Guns upon my Shoulders, and two Pistols at my Girdle, and my great Sword by my Side, without a Scabbard, and with all the Speed I was able to make, I went away to the Hill, where I had discover'd the first Appearance of all; and as soon as I gat thither, which was not less than two Hours (for I could not go apace, being so loaden with Arms as I was) I perceiv'd there had been three Canoes more of Savages on that Place; and looking out farther, I saw they were all at Sea together, making over for the Main.


If your baby started to spit, do not eat, and we should stop feeding the baby hold up, let your baby lie on your shoulders to the beat baby back, shoot from the waist up, it is necessary to shoot in one direction, Can not shoot back and forth, until the baby to fight until a few belch!


As the two of them tumbled in together to the bottom of the trench , the offficer cheeked the wounded soldier , then looked kindly at his friend.


Morgenes scurried past as Simon leaned against a bale to rest, the prince still clinging to his back.


On his back and shoulders, he had dozens of sores.


In our big cities there is crime, drugs, gang violence; and thousands who are homeless, their few belongings in prams or grocery carts or on their backs, living, sleeping, and dying in doorways, on gratings.


更多网络解释与在背肩上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


pick-up 搭便车 | pickaback 骑在背上肩上 | pickaback 载在推车上的


pickaback 骑在背上肩上 | pickaback 载在推车上的 | pickabackpiggyback 肩扛


pickaback /骑在背上肩上/扛书/肩扛/载在推车上的/ | pickaninny /黑人的小孩/小孩子/ | pickax /鹤嘴锄/

Short roping:一种保护技术. 保护者为缩短下坠的距离而

Short roping:短绳技术. 两个攀登者用中、短长度的绳子连在一起. 剩下的绳子卷起背在肩上. | Short roping:一种保护技术. 保护者为缩短下坠的距离而 | Sit start:在抱石攀登中以坐姿起步.

Short roping:短绳技术. 两个攀登者用中、短长度的绳子连在一起. 剩下的绳子卷起背在肩上

Sharp end:在先锋攀登者那端的绳子. | Short roping:短绳技术. 两个攀登者用中、短长度的绳子连在一起. 剩下的绳子卷起背在肩上. | Short roping:一种保护技术. 保护者为缩短下坠的距离而

Short roping:壹種保護技術. 保護者為縮短下墜的距離而

Short roping :短繩技術. 兩個攀登者用中、短長度的繩子連在壹起. 剩下的繩子卷起背在肩上. | Short roping :壹種保護技術. 保護者為縮短下墜的距離而 | Sit start :在抱石攀登中以坐姿起步.

Short roping:短繩技術. 兩個攀登者用中、短長度的繩子連在壹起. 剩下的繩子卷起背在肩上

Sharp end :在先鋒攀登者那端的繩子. | Short roping :短繩技術. 兩個攀登者用中、短長度的繩子連在壹起. 剩下的繩子卷起背在肩上. | Short roping :壹種保護技術. 保護者為縮短下墜的距離而

When you saw only one set of footprints:只看到一雙的腳印

你在考驗與磨練時 Never, ever, during your trials and testings. | 只看到一雙的腳印 When you saw only one set of footprints | 因為那時我肩上背著你] it was that Icarried you."