英语人>词典>汉英 : 在强制下 的英文翻译,例句
在强制下 的英文翻译、例句


under pressure · in vinculis
更多网络例句与在强制下相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because it designs forced cooling inlet cavity between body bottom oil pan mounting face and air cylinder cooling water jacket, the present invention make connecting passage distance short, and is propitious to chilled water circulate, which has the advantage of compact conformation, good cooling effect, no-vapor loc, and is a new type structural horizontal type single-double cylinders diesel engine cooling inlet cavity.


To compare with the investigating judge system in Germany, there are some problems in the court system in the criminal investigating procedure in Taiwan. For a court to command a coercive means in the criminal investigating procedure, the legal rules in our Criminal Procedure Law are insufficient. Therefore, the jurisdiction of the court and the process in jurisdictional dispute in the criminal investigating procedure are not clear and definite. The organization of the court in the criminal investigating procedure still is an issue. Also, the order of the authority distribution is not formed yet in our criminal investigating procedure. The limits of authority of the court are indefinite. Even on the form of the court's decision and the grievance procedure, there are different opinions in practice and theory.


The law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication has no effect.


Under the Protocol, in the event of public health emergencies such as AIDS, malaria, phthisis and other epidemics, developing and least developed members may invoke patent compulsory license system, allowing making, using, selling or importing patented drugs from other eligible members for the treatment of the above diseases.


Under the double constraints, China's problems become "synchronic".


According to the principle of reparability doctrine, an arbitration clause which forms part of the primary agreement shall in all cases be regarded as constituting an arbitration which is separate from the primary agreement and, accordingly, an arbitration clause shall not be void, violable, unenforceable or otherwise ineffective by reason only that the primary agreement is void, violable, unenforceable or otherwise ineffective.


The boy will take his medicine only by compulsion.


Note 2: At elevated temperatures, device power dissipation must be derated based on package thermal resistance and heatsink values.


In order to control labor effectively, British settlers inclined to adopt the extraeconomic compulsory means as well as economic ones under the influence of the racial labor relation of which boers were fond.


Parallel glide appears to be a consequence of constrained diffusional creep, which involves a diffusive exchange of atoms between the unpassivated film surface and the grain boundaries at high temperatures.

平行滑动看起来是一个强制的diffusional的结果爬去,在高温下与一次在unpassivated 电影表面和粮食边界之间的原子的散播的交换有关。

更多网络解释与在强制下相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


美国答辩"WTO协议并没有强制缔约方实行配额关税化,WTO只是授权(authorize)缔约方可以这样做. 加拿大完全可以采取取消配额又不提高关税的方法避免与NAFTA冲突,同时与WTO保持一致. 进一步的,当NAFTA生效时,加拿大在GATT框架下保留的权利,




此外,统觉的两种基本形式(主动统觉和被动统觉)显然与意动(conative)活动的两种基本形式相一致--也就是被动形式(冲动行为)和主动形式(选择行为). 当我们在外部刺激的强制影响下理解一种印象时,或者在由这些外部刺激直接唤起的观念的强制影响下理解一种印象时,


资料文件 (在预设情况下) 对齐左边界使用单独的一行上的每个栏位和 end - of - 记录码隔开每个资料录卷动合并资料. 在所有版本的 Word, 每笔记录包含由, 分隔符号 (Delimiter) 分隔的栏位并由强制换是分隔每个资料录.


核心提示:隐斜视(heterophoria) 隐斜视是一种潜在性眼位偏斜,但能在融合反射控制下保持双眼单视,以强制两眼球保持在正位而不显出偏斜,一旦大脑融合作用遭到阻断(如一眼被遮盖时)或失去控制(如在过度使用目力或精神疲劳时),


但是,就这个意义而言,一个垄断者(monopolist)还是对你构成了强制,因为除了他之外,你不可能光顾别人. 海耶克自己也指出:如果某个垄断者是沙漠绿洲中一水泉的所有者,那么他就有可能实施真正的强制. (页136,中译167)虽然在这种情况下,


同样,"压迫"(oppression)尽管可能与强制一样,都是自由真正的反面,但是它也只是意指一连串强制行动的持续状况. 3.我们的同胞在一定的条件下会愿意向我们提供具体的服务或便利,但是我们必须谨慎地将强制同这些条件区别开来,


Python没有"被保护"(protected)成员的概念. 在实际使用中,程序员通常在变量名前加上一个下划线作为一种提示. 这只是一种惯例,语言规则本身和编译器并不强制执行. 工厂方法(Factory Method)解决了通过引入一个的Make操作将创建所有产品类型的操作统一化,

The boy will take his medicine only by compulsion:这个男孩只有在强制的情况下才肯吃药

------ I refuse to act under compulsion. 我决不能让别... | ------ The boy will take his medicine only by compulsion. 这个男孩只有在强制的情况下才肯吃药. | 2) [c] urge that one cannot resist 不能克制的...


"志愿者"(Volunteers)是一个没有国界的名称,指的是在不为任何物质报酬的情况下,为改进社会而提供服务、贡献个人的时间及精神的人. 在西方较为普遍的观点是:志愿者是职业之外的"不受私人利益或强制法律驱使的人们的努力",其目的在于改进社会,