英语人>词典>汉英 : 在底下的 的英文翻译,例句
在底下的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与在底下的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Okay, there's the cutting board, a knife's in the drawer right below it.

好吧。 切菜板在那儿,就在底下的抽屉里有一把刀。

Patterns in Nature: Butterflies The pipevine swallowtail butterfly has white-and-orange dots on the underside of its hind wing.


The one who lay on the earth was Montparnasse; the one who was on top was the old man.


And what's that last one on the bottom?


Cause: one of the polychromatic overprint, understratum ink is not completely dry is covered by surface ink; Secondly, because the ink layer too thick, resulting in an exposure to the outside of the same color ink has been completely dry, and pressure envirogluvtm in xiaohai, still not getting dry; Thirdly, the monochrome set of UV-curing capabilities


New York is an amazing city; the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight; the awesome complexity of the universe; this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath- Melville; Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent.


She had pleaded with a doctor not to cut it off, but there had been no choice: It had turned gangrenous after being trapped beneath Mr.


They creep along the seabed, their whiskery vibrissae probing the surface to feel for the tubes of buried mollusks.


After the rest of the components are built up layer by layer, the mesh is excavated from the strata, and once it is exposed, a gas plasma etches the silicon substrate under it, creating a cavity that allows the now released structure to vibrate freely.


It was really summer, but the rain had fallen all day and was falling, the weather can best be described by saying it was the kind reserved for church fetes. The green leaves were being beaten off the trees by the steady down pour and were drifting about the puddles.


更多网络解释与在底下的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

James Robson:詹姆斯.罗宾森(纳粹头子底下的一把手,反正就是经常跟在他身边做坏事的那只)

Vern Shillinger 维恩.谢林格 | James Robson 詹姆斯.罗宾森(纳粹头子底下的一把手,反正就是经常跟在他身边做坏事的那只) | Simon Adebisi 西蒙.阿德比西


subindex 分指数 | subjacent 在底下的 | subject catalog 学科书目录

I'm under a bridge in a rip tide:(我在那桥底下的激潮)

I'm across the road from hope (我在那希望的道路) | I'm under a bridge in a rip tide (我在那桥底下的激潮) | That's taken everything I call my own (它带走了我所有的全部)

Reds under the bed:原意是躲在床底下的共军,指共产主义者无处不在,引起敌方的恐慌,后来引申为草木皆兵

duopoly 双头垄断市场 | reds under the bed 原意是躲在床底下的共军,指共产主义者无处不在,引起敌方的恐慌,后来引申为草木皆兵. | grievance n. 委屈,冤情,苦况


undermine 暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;侵蚀..的基础 | underneath 在...下面,在下面,在底下 | understanding 理解,理解力;通情达理的

And underneath her wimple:在她的頭巾底下

还在楼梯间吹口哨 And whistles on the stair. | 在她的头巾底下 And underneath her wimple | 她偷偷藏着发卷 She has curlers in her hair-


bogus | 假的, 伪造的 | bogwood | 埋设在地底下的木材 | bogy | 妖怪, 可怕的人(物)

Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree:在板栗树的树荫底下

22 Where is Thumbkin 指甲套哪去啦? | 23 Whose Puppy is This 这是谁的小狗? | 24 Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree 在板栗树的树荫底下

Fancy sitting in the sun all day:想一想整天坐在太阳底下的滋味吧

i haven't finished reading the book yet.我还没读完这本书. | fancy sitting in the sun all day!想一想整天坐在太阳底下的滋味吧! | we were lucky to escape being punished.我们很幸运,没有受罚.

Fancy sitting in the sun all day:想像整天坐在太阳底下的滋味! 典型例句:祈使句=将来时

⑿Of course I can't prevent your going.当然,我不能阻止你... | ⒀Fancy sitting in the sun all day!想像整天坐在太阳底下的滋味! 典型例句:祈使句=将来时 | ⒁I haven'e finished reading the book yet.我还没有读完这...