英语人>词典>汉英 : 在市场上买卖 的英文翻译,例句
在市场上买卖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
market  ·  marketed  ·  markets

更多网络例句与在市场上买卖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is noticed that Chinese Central Bank has attached more importance to the function of open market operation in adjusting interest rate. The central bank, which buys and sells securities in capital market and signals the trend of interest ...


It also determines what was the shill sets we needed, the very simply good, what it did is it brought together machines and people in factories and changed forever our life.


Research the trends of the currency and find out, which ones are the best profit makers when trading on the foreign exchange market.


You want something out of the poor devil, so you put a garland around his neck. That is not respect, it is merely the coin with which you buy and sell in the market.


Article 22 shall be changed into Article 23, of which item (1) of paragraph 1 shall be modified as "demanding that the banking institutions deposit the reserve fund at a required ratio"; and item (3) thereof shall be modified as "handling rediscounting for the banking institutions, which have opened accounts in the PBC"; and item (5) thereof shall be modified as "dealing in treasury bonds, other government bonds, financial bonds and foreign exchange on the open market".


IX. Article 22 shall be changed into Article 23, of which item (1) of paragraph 1 shall be modified as "demanding that the banking institutions deposit the reserve fund at a required ratio"; and item (3) thereof shall be modified as "handling rediscounting for the banking institutions, which have opened accounts in the PBC"; and item (5) thereof shall be modified as "dealing in treasury bonds, other government bonds, financial bonds and foreign exchange on the open market".


A foreign company can trade on the New York stock exchange (1)by placing some of its shares in the bank. An American depositary receipt is given in place of the stock, and can be traded on their exchange.


Haitong Securities in addition to the lifting of the ban have made many overseas stock trading, Yan Liuzhou Holdings to build the controlling shareholder of Hainan Huake Industry and Trade Company in November 10 the day of the lifting of the ban through the bulk of transactions and the secondary market for the transfer of shares a total of 1651.83 million shares sold; ST Songliao Second Run shareholders November 14 industrial stocks lifted the number of 2242.56 million shares traded in bulk on the 20th record shows that this part of the shares of all transactions in the bulk market has been transferred.


The process of buying and selling water rights or water entitlements in a water market.

水交易 在水市场上买卖水权或者授权水量的过程。

But he marketed his work shrewdly, selling the oils at high prices—never less than 250 guineas ($40,000 in today's money)—and popularised it by selling engravings.


更多网络解释与在市场上买卖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gold bullion:金条

在黄金现货市场上,实物黄金的主要形式是金块和金条 (gold bullion) 等,也有金币、金质奖章和饰金. 金条有低纯度的砂金和高纯度的条金,条金一般重400盎司. 市场参与者主要有黄金生产商、中央银行,投资者和其它人士,其中黄金交易商在市场上买卖,

clearing house:清算所

(三)清算所 期货交易中的清算所(Clearing House)是专门负责期货合约的结算、保证金的收取、主持实物交割等工作,以保证期货交易顺利进行的机构. 套期保值者(Hedger)一般为实际商品的经营者、加工者和生产者. 他们的主要目的是在现货市场上进行实际货物的买卖,


在我国,有20余种外币可以在外汇市场上挂牌买卖,它们是:美元(USD)、 德国 马克(DEM)、欧元(EUR)、日元(JPY)、英镑(GBP)、瑞士法郎(CHF)、法国 法郎(FRF)、 意大利 里拉(ITL)、荷兰盾(NLG)、比利时法郎(BEC)、丹麦克郎(DKK)、瑞典克郎

forward exchange market:外汇期货市场

外汇期货市场(Forward Exchange Market)是指按一定的规章制度买卖期货合同的有组织的市场. 期货交易就是在期货市场上进行的交易行为. 外汇期货市场是由期货交易所、场内经纪人、期货佣金商及清算所构成. 现将各个组成部分的含义及主要特征分述如下:1、期货交易所.


中国资金治理网 蒋玲 套期保值(Hedge)是指把期货市场当作转移价格风险的场所,利用期货合约作为将来在现货市场上买卖商品的临时替代物,对其现在买进预备以后售出商品或对将来需要买进商品的价格进行保险的交易活动.





open market operation:公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券)

contract紧缩boom膨胀(两者反义) | open market operation公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券) | hyper inflation恶性通胀

open market operations:公开市场业务

公开市场业务(Open Market Operations) 公开市场业务是货币政策工具之一,指的是 中央银行在金融市场上买卖政府债券来控制货币供给和利率的政策行为,是目前多数发达 ...路透华盛顿2月17日电---国际货币基金组织(IMF)周三宣布,将开始根据去年宣布的一项计划 ,

open market operation:公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券)

contract紧缩<->boom膨胀(两者反义) | open market operation公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券) | hyper inflation恶性通胀