英语人>词典>汉英 : 在大白天 的英文翻译,例句
在大白天 的英文翻译、例句


in broad daylight · in broad day
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At midday, My soul wants only to go The black road which is the white road.


If you work out in the morning, your brain gets that sleep signal at midday and throws off your rhythm .


This longing is for the one who is felt in the dar, but not seenin the day.


Daytimes we paddled all over the island in the canoe, It was mighty cool and shady in the deep woods, even if the sun was blazing outside.


This longing is for the one who is felt in the dark, but not seen 社区门户V4vBr Gd


Bells rang, the wheel began to churn, and Banneker, falling asleep in his berth 睡床 with a vivifying breeze blowing across him, awoke in broad daylight to a view of sparkling 闪烁的 little waves which danced across his vision to smack 拍打 impudently 无礼 the flanks 侧面/腹 of the speeding craft.


This longing is for the one who is felt in the dark, but not seen ^l$nS


Just weeks ago he bequeaths the unpopular Iraq war to President-elect Barack Obama, Bush sought to underline improved security by earthing in daylight and venturing out beyond the city's heavily fortified international Green Zone.


I could tell that Stevie liked my dancing as I was in so many scenes, as the main girl Concept raps to.


Only in the tent at night, then in the full daylight with the hot sunstriking down, and at evening in the fire glow, quick, rough, laughing


更多网络解释与在大白天相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

by daylight:在大白天

1112by day在白天 | 1113by daylight在大白天 | 1114by design有意地

by design:有意地

1113by daylight在大白天 | 1114by design有意地 | 1115by dint of通过(下功夫等)

evening dress:晚装

尤其让我佩服的是她把晚装(evening dress)当成公务服(business dress)穿出来了. 那是上身一件精致的丝绸短唐装配下身的一袭飘逸的白纱(几乎)拖地长裙. 因為美国人很少在大白天穿晚礼服,所以她的衣服很醒目. 我不得不承认那是一套很漂亮的衣服.

They robbed him in broad daylight:他们在光天化日之下抢劫了他

5. in broad daylight: in the full light of day 大白天... | They robbed him in broad daylight. 他们在光天化日之下抢劫了他. | We expect to see bats in the evening, not in broad daylight. 我们想着会在晚上...

9.Shame,shame,sleeping in the daytime:9.真丢脸,大白天睡觉

[09:35.18]8.Are you staying in bed all day? ;8.你今天不打算... | [09:37.52]9.Shame,shame,sleeping in the daytime. ;9.真丢脸,大白天睡觉. | [09:40.81]10.You're wasting your life away. ;10.你在浪费你 宝贵...


Abed in daylight,what luxury.|大白天的能在床上躺着,多奢侈啊 | Wickedness.|不道德吗? | Father!That dwarf is asking for you.|父亲,那个侏儒来找你

She veered off a straight, dry road in broad daylight:她突然驶离了直线 在大白天干燥的宽马路上

The kid wasn't even in the car.|那孩子根本就不在车上 | She veered off a straight, dry road in broad daylight.|她突然驶离了直线 在大白天干燥的宽马路上 | That doesn't seem odd to you?|你对这点不奇怪吗...

in all one's born days:一生, 生平

if she's a day (年岁等)肯定, 至少 | in all one's born days 一生, 生平 | in broad day 光天化日之下, 在大白天

In cahoots:勾结的

In broad daylight 在大白天, 公开地 | *In cahoots 勾结的 | In cold blood 残忍地

In applepie order:整整齐齐

In another's shoes 处于别人的地位 | *In applepie order 整整齐齐 | In broad daylight 在大白天, 公开地