英语人>词典>汉英 : 在后台 的英文翻译,例句
在后台 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与在后台相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Backgrounder is an attempt to fix this. Backgrounder allows you to select an app that you want to allow to run in the background. Then when you press home, that app will keep running. Perfect for an IRC app or such that you do not want to get disconnected everytime you tap the home key. This adds critical functionality that you cannot get unless you jailbreak!


Such, fall victim user is in when opening afore-mentioned problems to search a result, meeting backstage opens its browser user of a fall victim cannot be checked those who become aware inside set framework window, will visit method directional to a baleful website, installation can go up in victim computer when visitting website of this ill will a few false counterespionage software or Zlob trojan software.


Such, fall victim user is in open afore-mentioned " problem " when searching a result, meeting backstage opens its browser user of a fall victim cannot be checked those who become aware inside set framework window, will visit method directional to a baleful website, installation can go up in victim computer when visitting website of this ill will a few false counterespionage software or Zlob trojan software.


Be in be affected the game of tiring-room purloin network of all of computer science department " challenge Online "," yellow Yi Qunxia passes Online "," adventurous island Online "," devildom Online "," Online of hot-blooded all corners of the country "," 3 國 group flower 傳 Online ",, and on the long-range server that backstage sends player message be astonished guest to appoint, goods of the game account of the player that causes above network game, equipment, money missing, bring the loss of different level to game player.


As you might expect, any discussion of the user interface of daemonic applications is necessarily short.


What's new about VOE is that : If you post a new topic and select the "add to my Blog" option on left control pannel the new thread will be added to your own Blog , and all left for you to do is rearrange your articles into related columns

如果你在论坛发表新帖子并且在左侧选择'Add to my blog'这个选项后,你发表的新论坛帖子将被添加在你的博客上,剩下的就是有时间自己登陆博客在后台把博文安排在相应的栏目内(博客的栏目在博客的管理后台自己进行添加和编辑

Non Blocking way, in which component returns control back to the caller and places a mail file in Spool folder, AdvSMTP service running at backend is then responsible to send all spooled mail messages.

非封锁的方式,在其中的组成部分的回报控制回来电和地方的邮件文件在后台打印文件夹, advsmtp服务运行在后端是当时负责将所有spooled邮件。

News issuance system is exploited in the way of transfering information. It issues all the news on the net, and the consumers can look over and discuss the news by looking through the netpage. This system uses Dreamweaver MX 2004 and ASP as the exploitive tool. Backstage database is Microsoft SQL 2000, and script language is javascript and VBScript. This system includes consumer management, affiche management, informational management and good-fellowship connection management.

本系统就是以ASP为开发平台,以Dreamweaver MX 2004为开发工具,Microsoft SQL Server为后台数据库的新闻发布系统,该系统充分解决了系统交互性问题(用户可以对所浏览的新闻进行评论,评论的内容会放入数据库中,管理员在后台查看评论并给出回复。

Daemons are processes that run in the background and run various Linux services.

Internet中用于邮件收发的后台程序是在后台作业运行,而且提供各种不同的 Linux 服务的程序。

Backstage of the Golden Bell Awards, suddenly appeared a gold-haired foreigner. Everyone couldn't help but give a second look. Until he, accompanied by Chen Qiaoen's assistant, was wondering around the entrance to the backstage. Then everybody realized that he is Chen Qiaoen's foreigner boyfriend Michael.

金钟奖后台突然多了一个金发洋人,所有人都不自觉多看两眼,直到他在陈乔恩的助理陪同下,徘徊在后台入口处,大家才发现他就是陈乔恩的外国男友 Michael。

更多网络解释与在后台相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


由于安全等原因,网站中总会有一些目录或文件不需要被索引,在本网站中后台管理目录(admin)下的所有文件都不能够被索引,以免泄漏重要信息. 添加或者排除索引目录的方式为:

asterisk ?vvvc:启动asterisk并尽量多的在控制台显示调试信息

./asterisk & 在后台启动asterisk | ./asterisk ?vvvc 启动asterisk并尽量多的在控制台显示调试信息 | ./asterisk ?r 连接asterisk控制台


网路商店 (Internet store) 是一种电子商务 (E-Commerce) 的应用,它在网际网路上,等同於街道上的商店一般上前台 (store front) 让顾客浏览产品或服务项目型录网页,及供顾客在线上直接订购 (购物车程式),后台 (back end) 包括但不限於产品或服务项目型录网页的制作,

background printing:后台打印

如果呈浅灰色,选择后台打印(background printing)复选框. 当您在介质类型(media type)选择普通纸(plain paper)时,才可执行这项操作. 如果呈浅灰色,选择后台打印(background printing)复选框. 您亦可选择装订位置.


虽然,她如今的风致已不如当年,成了两个孩子的母亲(和那个又矮又丑的老头子罗曼.波兰斯基),但在>(Backstage)中依旧表现出色. 可以说我是她的"粉丝". 而>也恰恰是这样的一个故事--


根据戈夫曼的"拟剧论",任何个人的行为可以分为两类:"后台"(Backstage)行为和"前台"(Frontstage)行为. 在前台,表演者是观众面前的一个特定的角色,他们要扮演的是具有一定程度的理想概念的社会角色. 后台是不让观众看到的、限制观众和局外人进入的舞台部分,

Backstage:在后台, 向后台

window curtain 窗帘 | backstage 在后台, 向后台 | counting room 帐房, 会计室


TACACS+后台程序(daemon)通过维护一个数据库来提供该项服务,该后台程序通常运行在UNIX或NT工作站中. 该程序用于独立和模块化的AAA设施中. 标记(tag) 标识信息,包含一个数字和其它信息.

WP Grins:使后台和评论可以轻松添加表情

WordTube - 直接在日志中添加视频. | WP Grins - 使后台和评论可以轻松添加表情. | WPAds -在博客的任意位置展示横幅或文字广告.

or we are at the back stage door of a duran duran concert:或许 我们是在杜兰音乐会后台出口

He'd be brimming with white blood cells.|那样的话 白... | or we are at the back stage door of a duran duran concert.|或许 我们是在杜兰音乐会后台出口 | Hundreds of screaming girls clustered around.|周围有...