英语人>词典>汉英 : 在合理范围内 的英文翻译,例句
在合理范围内 的英文翻译、例句


within reason
更多网络例句与在合理范围内相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Design as a simple side of the building type, to make the structure of the total area protected in the context of a reasonable minimum, thereby reducing the energy operator.


Then we obtained the data of the lower limb motion of the volunteer in gait by motion capture system. Analyzing the results, we found that the relative positions of the landmarks which were used to construct JCS did not change much during the movement. That means the method on definitions of JCS in this article was reasonable at a certain range.


For the purpose of performing official duties, to use a published work by state authorities within a reasonable limits


As a function of all of that, it's possible to compute a profitable range of delay and then to compute an optimal point within the range.


The electronic currency produces with thedevelopment the influence which produces to the Central Bank, needsthe Central Bank to adopt has a series of pointed measures,establishes set of effective supervising and managing systems and thecareful supervising and managing mechanism, guarantees both canencourage the electronic currency the development and the innovation,and can the possible risk control in the reasonable scope, anddevelopment and the consummation electron currency time monetarypolicy movement mechanism.


Not only does square shape probe measure the smaller microarea than four probe in a line ,but also it is more veracity than the latter and it is substantiated by trail .


You want to be able to customize your storefront to your specifications, at least within reason, and certainly you want it to appear professional and well put together.


He'll do anything within reason but he won't break the law.


Some views think MBO have cheating operation that lead to the state assets losses; I think MBO , as a kind of comparatively ripe system , its must not cause the loss of state assets , the objective factor influenced state assets price is much, higher or lower than net assets price may not reasonable , may not unreasonable either, the cause leading the loss of state asset is unsufficiency condition and not canonical means. We should consider interior employee especially outstanding the historical contribution factors of administrators.


Although the accuracy in meterological forecast of tropical cyclones has been distinctly improved, it is still a difficult problem confronting masters and anti-typhoon team leaders of the companies how to steer clear of typhoon reasonably and safely in case that the actual resistance to typhoon is strong enough, the sea area wide enough, and the time permitting ; to avoid unreasonable deviation,anchoring for shelter, blindly rushing onto her path,being involved in storm area,even into the the center of typhoon; under the limitation of the condition of the sea area and time.how to take correct meassures to escape , such as navigating with wind or windward in bias angle, slowing down, anchoring, berthing alongside the warf, mooring to buoy,etc.


更多网络解释与在合理范围内相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fair charge:合理冲撞

抢截球是指运动员使用身体的合理部位夺取对手的控球权,它分为正面抢截(block tackle)、阻挡(body check)和合理冲撞(fair charge). 比赛时若球出界,应由出界前最后触球队员的对方队员在球出界处,即边线(touchlinesideline)外一米范围内,

fair charge:合法冲撞

合法冲撞(fair charge) 在足球比赛中允许队员有合理冲撞. 合理冲撞是指球在双方控制范围内和在机会均等的情况下,用肩部做力量适当的和不带危险性的冲撞动作.


如果在合理的交通(commute)范围和上班时间内的被裁人员,都应该通知考虑到. 如果一个职位是全国到处跑的,没有固定的工作场所,如巡回业务代表,那么,所有之前全国范围内被裁的人都应该被通知到. 因此, 如果微软的温哥华总部五个月前裁了一个美国程序员,


配送 定义 配送(Distribution)是在经济合理区域范围内,根据用户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动. 流通加工 流通加工(Distribution processing)是物品在从生

harp seal:格陵兰海豹

詹金斯(Phil Jenkins)日前否认了有关格陵兰海豹(harp seal)种群数量有所减少的说法,他说:"目前格陵兰海豹健康状况良好,数量充足,大概有550万头左右,我们希望看到这些动物能够继续健康地成长,所以多年以来我们一直将捕杀海豹的数量定在合理的范围内.

in line for:有获得...的希望

within limits 适度地,在合理的范围内 | in line for 有获得......的希望 | in line with 与......一致


在有限的资源范围内逐渐实现这些权利. "合理性"要求政府可以采取广泛的手段履行义务. 法院并不关注是否更好的措施被采用或公共钱财如何被花费,而是措施实际上是合理还是不合理的. 法院陈述了如下关于"合理性"(reasonableness)的评价:


(4)公平贸易总理事(Director General of Fair Trading)有权在开始就组织反竞争行为;(5)调查人(investigators)能够启动"dawn raids"并可以在合理范围内提出前提条件;该法主要由公平贸易总理事(Director General of Fair Trading)负责监督实施.