英语人>词典>汉英 : 在历史记录中 的英文翻译,例句
在历史记录中 的英文翻译、例句


on record
更多网络例句与在历史记录中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, as the history of the Civil Code of the abstract category of "civil law" and has a history of limitations on the one hand, he wanted to reflect and record the times that the spirit of the times, on the other hand, he also has a history of progressive, he has to carry forward and the achievement of civil law human spirit, which is human understanding of non-first and above everything else, the truth of the relative and absolute in the civil conflicts in the performance of civilization.


When the history is 01 we will use the counter with the binary number 01B in the pattern history table.


This use of the document window allows you to navigate forward and backward in the topic viewing history.


In the "Internet Options" dialog box in the "General" tab under the region click history "Clear History" button.


If just want to clear part of the record, click on the IE toolbar "history" button in the left column address history, find the address or want to clear the next page, click the right mouse button, the shortcut menu from the pop-up select "Delete."


Browser cache does not clear the trouble, the specific methods of operation are as follows: First of all, the menu bar with the mouse click the "Tools" menu item, and from the drop-down menu, select "Internet Options"; then set the box in the Options selection in the "General" tab, and click the tab of the "Delete Files" button to delete your browser temporary folder; and then in the same dialog box, click the "Clear History" button to delete your browser historical records and the contents of the cache.


These films recorded and re produced vividity and accurately th e un-for -getable period,forcefully charged the wars which brought about gre at sufferings and disasters to peopl e,ana-lyzed the roots of wars with profundi ty from cultural and historical pers pectives,and revealed a distinct an tiwar theme,thus leaving a splendid page i n the film h...


As I speak to you today, government censors are working furiously to erase my words from the records of history.


Ure is God's eternal truth, or the historical process which the Bible records and interprets is just the temporal outworking of God's eternal plan, formed before the world was.


The content of Scripture is God's eternal truth, or the historical process which the Bible records and interprets is just the temporal outworking of God's eternal plan, formed before the world was.


更多网络解释与在历史记录中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chris Amon:(亚门)

1969年3月1日,南非的卡亚拉米揭幕战,法拉利车队的亚门(Chris Amon)因为事故退赛. 红魔在那个赛季获得5分排名第8,并且在11站比赛中只有两站获得积分创造了车队历史上单赛季最少站次获得积分的记录. 1978年1月15日,阿根廷的布宜诺宜斯揭幕战,

Black Book:黑皮书

"黑皮书"(Black Book)在影片中指的是那本"记事薄",对于被敌我双方均视若寇敌的瑞秋.斯坦恩来说,只有那本记录了陷害她的人种种罪状的黑皮书才能还她清白,于是在各种诋毁中,瑞秋始终没有放弃对于历史会还自己一个清白的渴求,

Border Collie:边境柯利牧羊犬

在记录中它的历史可以追溯到公元前7000年,古埃及的记录中有它的图画和有关记录,它出色的捕猫技巧以及与人之间的默契关系,是我......边境柯利牧羊犬(Border Collie) 训羊犬确切的起源时间是值得思索的,但是,可以明确的是犬被人们用作放牧之后,

command line:命令行

命令组合 mel的编写和执行 命令行(Command Line) mel编辑器(Script Editor) Mel命令(Command)和标志(Flag) 查看mel的帮助文档 从历史窗中获取你想要的mel代码 在历史窗中显示全部命令(Echo All Commands) 记录命令 实例1:摆放灯光

exclamation mark:惊叹号

为实现这样的目的,您只需在命令后面添加一个sign)与取反字符(这里是 6)放到括号中,不然的话,shell 会将惊叹号(exclamation mark)解释成历史记录替换的开始(the每次当您打开一个控制台(console)或中的'PROMPTING'部分,对这些参数(parameter)有详细说明.


无论是真(true)假(false)之分,还是真实(real)与虚构(imaginary)之间的区分,在汉语思想中都不是一个需要特别关注的问题. 实际上,即使是汉语历史文本,也并没有将记录事件当作首要目的. 传说中的孔子删春秋,司马迁>自比于春秋,


内省机制在存储系统普通的运行过程中增加了"观测"(observation)和"优化"(optimization)两个部分. 观测模块监测并记录系统的运行状况,之后从所有记录的历史数据中提取有用的特征进行分析. 优化模块根据这些分析结果调整系统的运行参数和各种策略的选择以适应环境的变化.

Rosa Parks:罗莎.帕克斯

就像影片中描述的一组场景:当DJ在学校的大礼堂浏览学生相册展示厅时,那里记录了所有兄弟会的历史和信仰,从马丁*路德*金、罗莎*帕克斯(Rosa Parks)到迈克尔*乔丹,从伟大的领导人到当代的宇航员、成功的商人、演员和政客,代表着一种文化的传承.


之所以写这本书,是因为我们认为在一个技术密集的世界中,任何公司想获得长期成功,都必须进行创业投资(venturing). 尽管从总体上看,公司创业投资(corporate venturing)的历史记录并不理想,但我们同时也注意到,


巴勒斯坦凯撒教堂的主教尤西比乌斯(Eusebius),是公认的公元二世纪到三世纪基督教历史上杰出的人物. 在他的<<教会的历史>>(Ecclesiastical History)一书中记录了很多被赋予属灵恩赐的,也包括预言恩赐的教会领袖.