英语人>词典>汉英 : 在...冲浪 的英文翻译,例句
在...冲浪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
surf  ·  surfed  ·  surfs

更多网络例句与在...冲浪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not long ago with colleagues to Ilan honeymoon Bay, surfing, in fact, was a Han Yazi asdic colleagues say that water is not deep over the coast to surf safe, so curious asdic Jiugen go there and try surfing, bikinis, sun, sand taste.


At that time, the surfing fancier of world-wide locations carried on to add sailto try on the surf board in succession.In 1967, a kind of surf board for lengthening's hasing up can become dynamic freely to appear in the United States, symbolizing sail knothole first step formation.


The next step is making the photo truly looking lomo and oldish, exactly like you often see in the Surf company's adverts.


Get a feel for paddling around on the surfboard and the balance of it.


By now you have gotten used to paddling around on the board without falling off.


I've been surfing every day.


In China, too, the political atmosphere has gone back and forth from closed to open, and I have been lucky in hitting the troughs.


You can always find surfers out riding the waves.


A longboard is much more stable than any other kind of board and allows beginners to spend more time surfing on it than falling off it.


Would-be surfers can practice at Boogie Bahn, where 50,000 gallons of water per minute form continuous waves.


更多网络解释与在...冲浪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

surf on line:网上冲浪

1) on the line 在打电话 | 2) surf on line 网上冲浪 | 3) line of business 行业

And we could swim and surf, and we'd fish:我们在那里游泳冲浪,还有钓鱼

It's Turtle Beach.|叫海龟滩 | And we could swim and surf, and we'd fish|我们在那里游泳冲浪,还有钓鱼 | and eat these soft-shell crab sandwiches that were soaked in mayo.|吃软壳蟹三明治蘸蛋黄酱


我们常常把在网上的浏览、遨游称为"冲浪"(surf). 在一个"网"上我们恐怕只能像蜘蛛那样慢慢地爬行,如何可能"冲浪"?"网上冲 浪"这一既不合文法也不合情理的说法体现了互联网的技术构成与它给我们的直观感受之间 的矛盾--"网"与"海"的矛盾.


我在职的公司为深圳龙岗一家生产冲浪板(surfboard)的出口型加工贸易工厂, 现在惠州惠阳区新建厂房, 主要业务均在新厂址集中处理. 因业务发展需要现招聘销售助理1-2名, 男女不限:

Authentic looking, Vintage Surfboard:真实的期待,葡萄酒冲浪板

Features: 特点: | Authentic looking, Vintage Surfboard.真实的期待,葡萄酒冲浪板. | High quality and Hand Made in Southern California.高品质和手制在南加州.

net surfing:冲浪

首先,在网络世界(cyber),人们可以通过网上冲浪( net surfing )的方式在因特网寻找需要检索的信息;其次,不受时间、地点、空间、位置(在外可使用无线笔记本或具有上网功能的移动手机终端)、环境等条件的制约,24小时全天候任意时间上网,

and we're here at the surfing capital|of the world, Pen Gu Island:我们现在在国际冲浪中心 潘古岛

This is Sal Masakela...|我是萨... | ...and we're here at the surfing capital|of the world, Pen Gu Island...|我们现在在国际冲浪中心 潘古岛 | ...for a preview of the tenth annual|Big Z Memorial Surf-Off....

Coffee in Paris, surfed the Maldives:在巴黎喝咖啡 在马尔代夫冲浪

[Man Narrating] Let me tell you about my day so far.|秀一下本人的一... | Coffee in Paris, surfed the Maldives...|在巴黎喝咖啡 在马尔代夫冲浪 | took a little nap on Mount kilimanjaro.|在乞力马扎罗山巅打盹...

Surfs Up:冲浪企鹅

曾经出品过<<丛林大反攻>>(Open Season)和<<冲浪企鹅>>(Surfs Up)的SONY公司,计划将在2010年1月15日推出这部<<美食从天而降>>. 公司制片人鲍勃-奥什(Bob Osher)介绍说,一个奇幻的故事中有一个会下肉丸的天气.

I'm just having a little problem with the wind part and the surfing part:我只是在掌握风向和冲浪部分

I wasn't good my first time either, so...|我第一次的... | I'm just having a little problem with the wind part and the surfing part|我只是在掌握风向和冲浪部分 | and the standing-up part.|还有站立部分的时...