英语人>词典>汉英 : 圣衣 的英文翻译,例句
圣衣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
stole  ·  vestments

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Do you often burn the candle at both ends, night and day What for

为亚 和他儿子们所预备的圣衣其目的是麼?

The sacred vestments of gold, of violet, and of crimson, wrought with embroidery; The breastpiece for decision, the ephod and cincture


A room in or attached to a church where the clergy put on their vestments and where these robes and other sacred objects are stored;a sacristy.


A room in or attached to a church where the clergy put on their vestment s and where these robes and other sacred objects are stored;a sacristy.


The only requirement is that the Green Scapular be blessed by a priest and worn or carried by the person wishing to benefit by it.


Though Therese was not like her foundress, St. Teresa of Jesus, has left no explicit treatise on prayer, Camelite writer think that : Prayer is the main element of Therese's spirituality, her "Little Way" is a path leading to God, which can be united with God.


Therefore we can say the life of Carmelite, the tradition of spirituality, have nourished Therese's spiritual experience, she inherited the spirit of her foundress St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, to love God intensely and progressively, that is the reason Therese fulfilled her spirituality and just like her foundress that having a sense of belonging to the church and apostolic spirit, enabling her fulfilled with the flame of saving souls, to become a patroness of the mission.


The Jewish religion, with its magnificent temple, its sacred altars, its mitered priests and impressive ceremonies, was indeed fair in outward appearance, but humility, love, and benevolence were lacking.{DA 582.4


Clothe Aaron with the sacred vestments and anoint him, thus consecrating him as my priest.


Ten years after the manifestation of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Laboure, the Blessed Virgin Mary, on September 8, 1840, the Feast of her Nativity, entrusted the Green Scapular of her Immaculate Heart to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu, a religious of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.


更多网络解释与圣衣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cloth Box:圣衣箱

而用来收纳的圣衣箱 (Cloth Box) 则类似于圣衣的生命维持装置,针对每件圣衣所制作的专用箱子似乎能给圣衣促进自我修复机能的力量. 和巨人族之战前后,被视为圣衣产地的穆大陆沉没于太平洋底,许多制作中的圣衣及炼金术士也随之灭顶.



Carlyle, Thomas:(喀莱尔

Carey, William (克里维廉(1761-1834)) | Carlyle, Thomas (喀莱尔(1795-1881)) | Carmelites (圣衣会)


double daisy:双雏菊、两生花 | eyebright:小米草、亮眼睛. | ragged robin:破衣知更鸟、知更草、仙翁花. 严守戒律的苦行僧,圣菲利之花

Another Holy War:又一场圣战

2. Mermaid's Calling 美人鱼的呼唤 (珊瑚赞美诗) | 3. Another Holy War 又一场圣战 | 4. Shining! Bronze Cloth 闪亮!青铜圣衣

appear in public:他会在一个万众瞩目的情况下出现

我知道有一天 l know he'll come back one day | 他会在一个万众瞩目的情况下出现 appear in public | 身披金甲圣衣 wearing golden armour

Cosmic Marionette:宇宙傀儡线

Cosmo 小宇宙 | Cosmic Marionette 宇宙傀儡线 | Cloth 圣衣

ragged robin:破衣知更鸟、知更草、仙翁花. 严守戒律的苦行僧,圣菲利之花

double daisy:双雏菊、两生花 | eyebright:小米草、亮眼睛. | ragged robin:破衣知更鸟、知更草、仙翁花. 严守戒律的苦行僧,圣菲利之花

Ornamented Plate Regalia:精饰板甲圣服 裝飾鎧甲戰衣

37394 沼泽行者腰带 沼行者護腰 Marshwalker Waistguard | 37395 精饰板甲圣服 裝飾鎧甲戰衣 Ornamented Plate Regalia | 37396 捕鲸者手套 獵鯨者手套 Whalehunter Gloves

Magic Wands:魔杖

Magic Wands 魔杖 | Elder Wand 老魔杖(长老魔杖)(死亡圣器之一) | Cloak of Invisibility 隐形衣(死亡圣器之一)