英语人>词典>汉英 : 圣经学者 的英文翻译,例句
圣经学者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Biblist  ·  Biblicist

更多网络例句与圣经学者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of the nuttiness-es of modern biblical work is that they tell us - they tell us ad nauseam – that it matters a great deal.


One would have to conclude that he was a Biblical Scholar, a Semitic Etymologist with prowess in Hebrew, Syriac and Greek on a scholarly level, an OB-Gyn, a Chemist, a Meterologist, a Geologist, a Zoologist, a Chemist, etc, etc, and now an Entomologist!


Donald Guthrie states that nothing less than the character of God is at stake in this passage.


But even understood in this way, the intimation given by the title is disputed by biblical scholars.


These young Pentecostal scholars showed that Luke is not only a historian but also a theologian.


As Alfred Edersheim, the Jewish scholar, writes,"There was no sign of haste, but all was orderly, leaving the impression of One Who had leisurely divested Himself of what no longer befitted Him."


The duplication of so many wordings, particularly in Genesis, has had the attention of Biblical scholars for a long time, and the JEDP reasoning has been around for a long time.


The book has been interpreted in a variety of ways by theologians and biblical scholars.


The book has been interpreted in a variety of ways by theologians and biblical scholars.


The prophecy of Ezekiel did not indicate that Gog and Magog will actually invade Isreal quite contrary to what most bible scholars teach.


更多网络解释与圣经学者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bible /圣经/经典/有权威的书籍/ | biblical /圣经上的/ | biblicist /圣经学者/圣经通/

Biblical Criticism:圣经批判学

圣经批判学(Biblical Criticism)是近代的圣经解释方法(Methods of Interpretation). 它们所关注的是方法,脱离了传统释经学(Bible Interpretation)所注重的原则(principles). 今天,圣经学者对这些批判学有许多异议,这是因为它们皆是以"历史"(或时间)来作基础.


Biblical | 圣经的 | Biblicism | 圣经学 | Biblicist | 圣经学者, 圣经通


Biblical 圣经的 | Biblicist 圣经学者 | biblio- 表示"书


biblical 圣经上的 | biblicist 圣经通 | biblicist 圣经学者

Biblicist:圣经学者, 圣经通

biblical /圣经上的/ | biblicist /圣经学者/圣经通/ | biblio /书志目录/

Biblist:圣经信仰者, 圣经学者

bibliotics | 笔迹鉴定学, 文件真伪鉴定学 | Biblist | 圣经信仰者, 圣经学者 | biborate | 酸式硼酸盐 重硼酸盐


9.罗马天主教学者Jerome(耶柔米)将希伯来文及希腊文圣经翻为拉丁文圣经(Vulgate)时,并未将旁经列入正典圣经内. 可见当时的天主教会领袖都不将旁经当作正典. 有关水礼的意义,不独天主教与基督教有着不同的解释与实施,

canonistic:宗教法学者的, 精通圣经的

canonist | 圣典学者, 宗规专家 | canonistic | 宗教法学者的, 精通圣经的 | canonization | 追封为圣者, 承认为圣典

Biblist:圣经信仰者, 圣经学者

bibliotics || 笔迹鉴定学, 文件真伪鉴定学 | Biblist || 圣经信仰者, 圣经学者 | biborate || 酸式硼酸盐 重硼酸盐