英语人>词典>汉英 : 圣彼得堡 的英文翻译,例句
圣彼得堡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

St Petersburg
更多网络例句与圣彼得堡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vorontsov, who had a long face and wore the insignia and gold cords of an aide-de-camp, was partnered by a shaggy young man of gloomy appearance, a graduate of Petersburg University whom Princess Vorontsov had lately had sent to the Caucasus to be tutor to her little son.


The race starts on 4 October in Alicante, Spain, and ends in late June next year in St Petersburg, Russia.


For the past 2 Thursdays, Anil and I have exchanged imaginary posts about St.


I have no ambition to lose my life on the post-road between St. Petersburgh and Archangel.


I spent 2 days in St. Petersburg and unfortunately the weather was not at its best.


Petersburg has some of the most awe-inspiring architecture in the world.


What tall treats 4 worlds to send Cumberland duke is trichromatic bastinado of 18K gold king, appraisal is between 50.000-100.000 euro.


UNStudios design has won a competition to build a 21,000 square meter dance theatre in the historic centre of St. Petersburg, Russia.


We took the overnight train to the St.Petersgurg and arrive in the morning. St.Petersgurg, was the old capitol during the Kazon period, have many art and history treasure inside the city.


Former capital of Russia, with its canals earning it the description 'Venice of the North', St Petersburg was also home to the composers Borodin, Glinka, Mussorgsky, and the naval officer turned musical painter of the Arabian Nights, Rimsky-Korsakov.


更多网络解释与圣彼得堡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

winding up in the grotty outskirts of St. Petersburg:在圣彼得堡的荒郊野外结束了流浪生活

You two kicked around until your early ... | winding up in the grotty outskirts of St. Petersburg,|在圣彼得堡的荒郊野外结束了流浪生活 | where you learned the big con from an old-school grifter named th...

Leningrad:圣彼得堡 俄罗斯 欧洲

291 Le havre 勒哈弗尔 法国 | 293 Leningrad 圣彼得堡 俄罗斯 欧洲 | 294 Lianyungang 连云港 中国 亚洲

Leningrad Philharmonic:列宁格勒(圣彼得堡?)爱乐乐团

15 Russian National Orchestra 俄罗斯国家管弦乐团 | 16 Leningrad Philharmonic 列宁格勒(圣彼得堡?)爱乐乐团 | 17 Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra 莱比锡格万特豪斯(也译布店大厦)管弦乐团

LENINGRAD Leningrad:圣彼得堡 俄罗斯 欧洲

LE HAVRE Le havre 勒哈弗尔 法国 欧洲 | LENINGRAD Leningrad 圣彼得堡 俄罗斯 欧洲 | LIANYUNGANG Lianyungang 连云港 中国 亚洲

Saint Petersburg:圣彼得堡

圣彼得堡(Saint Petersburg)的街头音乐人. 在彼得堡的第二天下午我在市中心的个条小运河间到处乱逛的时候看到他,他正在一条小桥上忘情地演奏着. 我在他的面前站着听了很久,听他弹完几首曲子后我终于拿出相机,然后用询问的眼神看着他.

Saint Petersburg:圣彼得堡市

布雷斯特市Brest | 俄罗斯Russian | 圣彼得堡市Saint Petersburg

Russia-St Petersburg:俄罗斯 - 圣彼得堡

Russia-Moscow 俄罗斯 - 莫斯科 0.017 | Russia-St Petersburg 俄罗斯 - 圣彼得堡 0.017 | Rwanda 卢旺达 0.156

Konstantin Zyryanov:基里亚诺夫 圣彼得堡泽尼特

Vladimir Bystrov 比斯特罗夫 莫斯科斯巴达克 | Konstantin Zyryanov 基里亚诺夫 圣彼得堡泽尼特 | Roman Shirokov 西罗科夫 圣彼得堡泽尼特

Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles:关于在战争中放弃使用某些爆炸性弹丸的宣言 (圣彼得堡宣言),,圣彼得堡宣言

Declaration Recognizing the Right to a... | Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles;关于在战争中放弃使用某些爆炸性弹丸的宣言 (圣彼得堡宣言);;圣彼得堡宣言 | declaratory ...

St. Peterburg:圣彼得堡

我们原来乘坐的船将继续前往圣彼得堡( St Peterburg ),然后到赫尔辛基. 由于到圣彼得堡需要办理到俄国的签证,而我们没有足够的时间办理签证,于是放弃了前往圣彼得堡的打算. 人口520万,在历史上曾受瑞典统治达6个世纪之久,也曾是沙皇俄国的大公国.