英语人>词典>汉英 : 圈养 的英文翻译,例句
圈养 的英文翻译、例句


rear livestock in pens
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In Experiment III, we analyzed the feed digestibility ration of captive muntjac and compositions of nutrients in captive muntjac rumen and abomasum content which are correlated to muntjac feeding type and living environment.


All animals lived in families kept under ad libitum laboratory conditions in semi-enclosures.


This course examines the basic principles and practices of captive wild animal husbandry and management.


Lisco (Vincula Sanctorum, Berlin, 1900) is the only one nowadays who claims that these letters antedate the great captivity of St. Paul, maintaining that the Apostle must have written them while a prisoner in Ephesus in 57 and prior to those which he sent to the Corinthians and Romans.

利斯科( Vincula Sanctorum ,柏林, 1900 )是唯一一个现在谁声称,这些信件antedate伟大圈养圣保罗,认为使徒必须有书面的囚犯,而他们在以弗所在57之前,他发出的那些在哥林多前书和罗马。

The morphology of ruminal papillae between captive muntjac and wild muntjac showed distinct difference and the length of small intestinal tract tends to be longer than that of the wild.


The aim of this study is to investigate the rumen ecology and feed digestion in Formosan Reeves' muntjac. We also observed the effect of captive environment on animal digestive physiology by comparing the characteristics of gastrointestinal tract and tissue samples of ruminal papillae between captive and wild muntjac.


The CP, NDF, NFE and acid-detergent fiber of rumen content between captive and wild muntjac were similar whereas EE was higher in captive muntjac.


Reintroduction of captive wild animals is affirmed all over the world, especially in western countries.


By the end of 2007, the Research Center has had 128 giant pandas in total, the biggest captive giant panda population in the world, accounting for 60%. In 2003, the Research Center pioneered to start the project of reintroducing the captive giant pandas to the wild, which is an important milestone in the process of giant panda protection.


This prompted plans in 1887 for the construction of the Union Stockyards about two and one half miles north of the Tarrant County Courthouse.


更多网络解释与圈养相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


了解到淮南是豆腐(BEANCURD)的发祥地后,对此十分感兴趣. 同时,对秦岭---淮河一线的经济地理分界线,这一流域气候是否可以大规模圈养奶牛与有关方面进行交流. 4月1--2日,澳大利亚国会议员、澳大利亚皇家赛马协会主席、澳大利亚EVY有限公司董事局主席比尔.


inmate 狱友 | housebreak 圈养 | veterans 退伍军人,老兵

Sam Neill:山姆尼尔

"在此之前,山姆.尼尔(Sam Neill)从没演过吸血鬼,但是他却欣然接受了布洛姆利这个角色,他是一家专门圈养人类以供吸血鬼食用的公司的主席,在利益的熏陶下,已经彻底地堕落了,尼尔说:"我读剧本的时候,被里面的内容逗得不行了,


对於其他的爬虫类而言,单性生殖(parthenogenesis)是可能的事,但是对於属处女的科摩多龙来说,早在去年四月伦敦动物园即已有纪录. 这种将科摩多龙从自然环境捕捉到动物园来的圈养繁殖(captive breeding)有望全球最大的蜥蝪得以生存下来,


急性鼻咽炎(Catarrhal rhinitis),鼻窦炎(sinusitis)以及气管炎(tracheitis)是验尸(autopsy)过程中被发现的最为一致的结果. 圈养的掠食者鸟类和很多水禽类鸟儿的一个潜在问题是一种被称为肿爪(bumblefoot)的病症. 某些高度压力的种类,


housebreak 圈养 | veterans 退伍军人,老兵 | bee-stung lips 厚嘴唇

Macaca cyclopis:台湾猕猴

陈慧娟、陈忆民(1989),圈养台湾猕猴(Macaca cyclopis)之理毛行为初步探讨,动物园学报,1,页147-157. 黄志坚(2003),寿山地区台湾猕猴(Macaca cyclopis)之生殖行为,国立中山大学生物科学系硕士论文.

Ursus thibetanus:黑熊

(1)圈养黑熊 (Ursus thibetanus) 之繁殖生理及其行为(4)圈养黑熊 (Ursus thibetanus) 幼兽野化训练案例研究本网站由亚太粮肥技术中心(FFTC)行政处建置维护

confinement cattle feeding:肉牛密集圈养

cone-type feed reel 定心圆锥式开卷机 | confinement cattle feeding 肉牛密集圈养 | confinement feeding 密集圈养

stock cattle:临时圈养家畜[指屠宰或装运前]

stock bull 种公牛,屠用公牛 | stock cattle 临时圈养家畜[指屠宰或装运前] | stock culture 原种培养